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Effect of three honeycomb interplant distances on yield and it components of two cultivars of bean
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A factorial experiment (2× 3) in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was conducted to examine the effect of honeycomb selection method using three interplant distances on yield and its components of two cultivars of bean, Bronco and Strike. Interplant distances used were 75× 65 cm, 90× 78 cm, and 105× 91 cm (row× plant) represent short (high plant density), intermediate (intermediate plant density), and wide (low plant density) distance, respectively. Parameters used for selection were number of days from planting to the initiation of first flower, number of nodes formed prior to first flower, and number of main branches. Results showed significant superiority of the Bronco cultivar represented in the number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and the total length of pods which were 23.1 pods/plant, 5.71 seeds/pod, and 13.09 cm, respectively. Moreover, total carbohydrates%, fibers%, and total soluble solids% were significantly higher in the pods of Bronco cultivar compared to Strike. Low and intermediate plant density gave the highest yield per plant. However, the high plant density gave the highest early and total yields which were 0.517 and 1.719 ton/ha, respectively.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 47 (1)‏
Effect of irrigation intervals and foliar of salicylic acid on growth and yield of Potato
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 4
Effect of adding Biohealth, zeolite and mineral fertilizer on some measurements of potato yield
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To know the effect of bio-enhancer (zeolite), biohealth, mineral fertilizers and their interactions, the possibility of replacing mineral fertilizers with bio-enhancers and bio-enhancers, and their effect on some potato yield measurements. A field experiment was conducted at one of the field stations of the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, near the electronic calculator center, research station (F) in Al-Jadriya region in the loam mixture soil during autumn season 2021-2022 AD, It was designed using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The factors of the study experiment included three levels of zeolite (0, 6 tons ha-1, and 12 tons ha-1), which were symbolized by (Z0)

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
Isesco Journal Of Science And Technology
Effect of Solvents on the Dipole Moments and Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Rhodamine Dyes
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effects of solvents of various polarities on the electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra of RhB and Rh6G. The singlet‐state excited dipole moments (me) and ground state dipole moments (mg) were estimated from the equations of Bakshiev -Kawski and Chamma‐ Viallet using the variation of Stokes shift along with the solvent’s dielectric constant (e) and refractive indexes (n). The observed singlet‐state excited dipole moments were found to be larger than the ground‐state ones. Moreover, the obtained fluorescence quantum yield values were influenced by the environment of the fluorescing molecule. Consequently, the concentration of the dye solution, excited singlet state absorption and

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 13 2014
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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To investigate the effect of spraying some plant extraction and anti-oxidants on growth and yield of two cultivars of sunflower, a field experiment was conducted during fall season of 2009 and spring season of 2010 at the Experimental Farm, Department of Field Crop Science, College of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad. RCBD with three replications as factorial at two factors was used. First factor was cultivars Akmar and Shmoss, second was spraying with extraction of karkade at 25%, liquorices at 50%, vitamin C at concentration 1.5 mg.l-1 and nutrient which content 15 elements at concentration 15 % in addition to control treatment which sprayed with distilled water only. The result showed no significant differences between the two cultivar

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 11 2024
Journal Name
J. Agric. And Veterinary Sci
Effect of adding humic acid and phosphate fertilizer levels on growth and yield of lettuce
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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
Effect of citric and glutamic acids on physiological characteristics and yield of Vicia faba L.
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The field experiment was conducted in garden of Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn- Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad during the season of growth (2014-2015). The experiment aimed to study the effect of citric acid with two concentration 10, 20 mg. L-1 and glutamic acid with two concentration 50, 100 mg. L-1 on growth and yield of broad bean (Vicia faba). The results were showed an increased in plant height, leaves number. Plant dry weight, chlorophyll content flowers number, absolute growth rate, crop growth rate, legume length and dry weight, legumes number, seed dry weight compared with control plants.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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A particular solution of the two and three dimensional unsteady state thermal or mass diffusion equation is obtained by introducing a combination of variables of the form,
η = (x+y) / √ct , and η = (x+y+z) / √ct, for two and three dimensional equations
respectively. And the corresponding solutions are,
θ (t,x,y) = θ0 erfc (x+y)/√8ct and θ( t,x,y,z) =θ0 erfc (x+y+z/√12ct)

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Karbala University The 2nd Scientific Conference
Effect of budding autumn date, rootstock and cultivars on budtake and some growth characteristics of japanese plum prunus salicina
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus and study the inhibition effect of squeezed grape waste extract on it.: Isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus and study the inhibition effect of squeezed grape waste extract on it.
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The aim of this study was to know the inhibition activity of squeezed grape waste extract on Bacillus stearpthermophilus by using three different tempretures degree 40, 60 and 80c, in order to reduce the time exposure of food for preservation. This study include two branchs: First: isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus from soil, 5 sample were collected from the soil of the college agriculture/Baghdad university. Samples were cultured on nutrient agar, microscopic and culturing tests were conducted and many biochemical tests were done. The isolates were cultivated at 55 c and 65 c for differentiate it from Bacillus coagulans which is can't grow at 65 co. The c

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of Mycorrhiza, Cytokinin and Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Chamomile Plant L)
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The experiment was carried out in College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad during November 1, 2019 to June 1, 2020. The experiment was designed according to a randomized complete block design. Each block contained 18 experimental units that included the three study factors. The first factor interaction between two inoculum densities and application methods, three levels control, treatment of seeds inoculation with 5g plant and treatment of seedlings inoculation whith 30g plant . The second factor was three -1 -1concentrations of spraying of kinetin 0, 75 and 150 mg L , and third factor include two levels of organic manure) and addition of fertilizer 2% of -1 the weight of the soil (O2). The results showed a signif

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