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The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led - in one of its aspect - until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation - which is involved in counterterrorism - should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conflict on the whole community ,its values and its attitudes, which is mainly related to the method in which the military and security organizations deal with the community in the context of armed conflict. So the women's participation has a very positive impact on peace building in conflict and post-one , specifically the women's involvement in the military and security operations against terrorist operations, thirdly, A military Foundation is considered one of the most important official establishments that reflect the identity of the community, which requires that all community sectors must be broadly represented which is reflecting positively on the success of the democratic transition process in any country . The matter which has been largely neglected , till now , in the Iraqi experience that is the participation of women in the military and security roles especially in combat roles, which requires great efforts for the purpose of achieving the sound establishments of civil-military relations from the perspective of gender in Iraq, so as to advance the process of democratic transformation relying on the security and political stability through the great participation for all community ' segments .

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Sound Assimilation in English and Arabic: a Contrastive Study
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      This piece of research deals with assimilation as one of the phonological processes in the language. It is a trial to give more attention to this important process in English language with deep explanation to its counterpart in Arabic. in addition, this study sheds light on the points of similarities and differences concerning this process in the two languages. Assimilation in English means two sounds are involved, and one becomes more like the other.

     The assimilating phoneme picks up one or more of the features of another nearby phoneme. The English phoneme /n/ has t

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parenthetical Constructions in English and Arabic: A Contrastive Study
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The present study attempts to give a detailed discussion and analysis of parenthetical constructions in English and Arabic, the aim being to pinpoint the points of similarity and difference between the two languages in this particular linguistic area.The study claims that various types of constructions in English and Arabic could be considered parenthetical; these include non-restrictive relative clauses, non-restrictive appositives, comment clauses, vocatives, interjections, among others. These are going to be identified, classified, and analyzed according to the Quirk grammar - the approach to grammatical description pioneered by Randolph Quirk and his associates, and published in a series of reference grammars during the 1970

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Female education in Iraq 1921-1958 - A historical Study-
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In spite of the foundation of Iraqi state in 1921 and the formation of the new features of
the modern state, however, the inherited costumes and traditions sustained in the conservative
society. But due to the development that inflicted to the Iraqi society and the development of
the staff in all fields and requirement conducting to female learning. After WW II and the
1950s, women get out of their houses to seek learning by approaching the doors.
What is positive about that phase was the formation of the College of Queen A'liya
which is regarded as a positive indicator. In any case the Iraqi family encouraged women to
be indulged in higher education. Calling the college Queen A'liya

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 06 2022
Journal Name
Ijci. International Journal Of Computers And Information
Techniques for DDoS Attack in SDN: A Comparative Study
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Abstract Software-Defined Networking (commonly referred to as SDN) is a newer paradigm that develops the concept of a software-driven network by separating data and control planes. It can handle the traditional network problems. However, this excellent architecture is subjected to various security threats. One of these issues is the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which is difficult to contain in this kind of software-based network. Several security solutions have been proposed recently to secure SDN against DDoS attacks. This paper aims to analyze and discuss machine learning-based systems for SDN security networks from DDoS attack. The results have indicated that the algorithms for machine learning can be used to detect DDoS

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Scoping Study on Lightweight Cryptography Reviews in IoT
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The efforts in designing and developing lightweight cryptography (LWC) started a decade ago. Many scholarly studies in literature report the enhancement of conventional cryptographic algorithms and the development of new algorithms. This significant number of studies resulted in the rise of many review studies on LWC in IoT. Due to the vast number of review studies on LWC in IoT, it is not known what the studies cover and how extensive the review studies are. Therefore, this article aimed to bridge the gap in the review studies by conducting a systematic scoping study. It analyzed the existing review articles on LWC in IoT to discover the extensiveness of the reviews and the topics covered. The results of the study suggested that many re

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Nutritional Status among a Group of Preschool Children in Relation to Concentration of Selected Elements in Saliva and Caries Severity (A Comparative Study)
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Background: Nutritional status during childhood is very important for individual development and growth. Nutrition has local and systemic effect on the oral health by affecting dental health and salivary composition. This study was aimed to determine effect of iron, sodium and potassium ions in saliva on the nutritional status and to determine the effect of nutritional status on caries severity among preschool children. Material and Methods: The sample consists of 90 children aged 4 and 5 years of both genders, selected from 6 kindergartens in Al-Resafa aspect of Baghdad province. Children classified according to their nutritional status into three groups (normalweight, underweight and overweight). Nutritional status was determined by usi

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Representations of women in the subject of freedom: سهاد حسن مانع
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Artist kicks off in his production through creative artistic assimilation to the production of concepts and experiences, which can decode the artist blades through the re-built and converted to the subject of my mind according to the processes of analysis and synthesis. Artist need the expertise and experience to complete the technical work, and to develop taste aesthetic, and achieve certain goals belonging to Resume artist, diversity of artistic experiences between mechanism represents a female form and expression of contents and visions that carry letters of freedom in accordance with the creative visual surfaces embody the image of women, the main speeches adopted by propositions technical artists, and artists who relied female form

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Standards Evaluate The Performance of Emergency Departments In Iraqi Hospitals / Case Study
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     This study aims to evaluate the performance of emergency departments according to international standards through studying the performance in some of Iraqi public hospitals, where the evaluation performance is considered one of the important topics that take a great deal of officials' attention, especially decision makers in health organizations.

      The researcher has derived the research idea from the importance of work in emergency department in hospitals and to what it provides of medical services and quick and immediate nursing care that help in patients' lifesaving, and it is the mirror that reflects the real image for the hospital

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi satellite channel marketing the Iraqi national identity during the protests: Research extracted from a doctoral thesis
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The escalating development of technology is one of the distinctive features of the communication environment in the field of sending and receiving satellite broadcasts of television channels in general and Iraqi satellite channels in particular, which contributed to the wide and rapid spread and reaching outside the drawn boundaries and bypassing even natural obstacles, and what is important in this is the communication content that these broadcasts Channels and its impact on the recipient due to the media, cultural, educational and entertainment content it provides, and in our research we will analyze the communication content of the Iraqi satellite channel by choosing one of its dialogue programs that coincided with the events of the l

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of financial derivatives on the risk of foreign currency exchange volatility in enhancing the quality of profits - a method that is prescribed in the Iraqi environment
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The objective of this research is to develop a method for applying financial derivatives in the local environment to reduce the risk of foreign exchange rate fluctuations to enhance quality of accounting profits through Financial reporting to local units In accordance with international financial reporting standards, To accomplish this objective was selected a sample of Iraqi units exposed to the risk of fluctuations in foreign currency rates, As the research found:

  • many companies and banks in the local environment a lot of losses due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.
  • that financial derivatives in the Iraqi environment represent

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