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The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led - in one of its aspect - until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation - which is involved in counterterrorism - should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conflict on the whole community ,its values and its attitudes, which is mainly related to the method in which the military and security organizations deal with the community in the context of armed conflict. So the women's participation has a very positive impact on peace building in conflict and post-one , specifically the women's involvement in the military and security operations against terrorist operations, thirdly, A military Foundation is considered one of the most important official establishments that reflect the identity of the community, which requires that all community sectors must be broadly represented which is reflecting positively on the success of the democratic transition process in any country . The matter which has been largely neglected , till now , in the Iraqi experience that is the participation of women in the military and security roles especially in combat roles, which requires great efforts for the purpose of achieving the sound establishments of civil-military relations from the perspective of gender in Iraq, so as to advance the process of democratic transformation relying on the security and political stability through the great participation for all community ' segments .

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
The Role of Chemistry of the Oil-Field Water in the Distribution of Reservoir Pressures: A Case Study of Mishrif Reservoir in the Southern Oil-Fields, Iraq
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Mishrif Formation is the main reservoir in oil-fields (North Rumaila, South Rumaila, Majnoon, Zubair and West Qurna) which located at Basrah southern Iraq. The Inductively coupled plasma-Mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used for the water chemistry analysis and Scanning Electron Microprobe (SEM) for the purpose of mineralogy diagnosis. A weak acidic water of salinity six-time greater than seawater plays a role in generating the formation pressure and controlling the fluid flow. The potentiometric subsurface maps were modeled and the direction of super-pressure sites that are of a great importance in the oil exploration were marked to pay attention during future drilling.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Qualification Of Human Resources To Apply Electronic Management A case study In The Ministry Of Science And Technology
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     This research aims to shed light on the reality of the process of rehabilitation of human resources for the implementation of electronic management practice in the ministry, and availability requirements of the application of electronic management and diagnosis of the most important stages and steps that can be followed in the process of transition towards electronic management to keep abreast of developments in the field of information technology, has been the application of this research in the Ministry of science and technology on a group of heads of departments and directors of the people in the departments of the Ministry through the use of case study method, which includes cohabitation field intervi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Surrealism is a twentieth-century literary and artistic movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind. Surrealism is a reaction to the philosophy of rationalism which was believed to be the cause of the disaster of World War I. It emphasizes the expression of the imagination as revealed in dreams and presented without conscious control, the unexpected juxtapositions of objects, the withdrawal of the self, and the exploitation of chance effects.
Surrealism began in Paris in the early 1920s, as Europe emerged from the devastation of World War I. A group of writers, artists, and filmmakers, led by the poet André Breton, adopted the word surréaliste (meaning, roughly, "super-real") as a label for their artistic activities. Influen

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Risk Premium, Interest Rate, Inflation and FDI in the Time of Coronavirus: a Case Study of Mena Countries
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Purpose:  the purpose of study is estimate the Risk premium, Interest rate, Inflation and FDI in the through of Coronavirus in the MENA countries.   Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework included the study of the main variables, which are risk premium, interest rate, inflation, and foreign direct investment during the Corona virus pandemic.   Design/methodology/approach:  Concentrating on “COVID-19”, as an effective factor on the Foreign direct investment (FDI), I employ data of “MENA (Middle East and Northern Africa)” countries from 2000 to 2021 to investigate the impact of COVID-19, financial and macroeconomic indicators on FDI relying on the analytic research approach of Static panel data regression, includ

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Aug 31 2020
Journal Name
Bmc Oral Health
The success of using 2% lidocaine in pain removal during extraction of mandibular premolars: a prospective clinical study
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anesthetic effectiveness of a buccal infiltration technique combined with local massage (using 2% lidocaine) in the extraction of mandibular premolars to be utilized as an alternative to the conventional inferior alveolar nerve block.


Patients eligible included any subject with a clinical indication for tooth extraction of the mandibular 1st or 2nd premolars. All patients were anesthetized buccally by local infiltration technique followed by an external pressure applied for 1 min directly over the injection area. In each case, another local

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Comparative Study in the (myth of Pygmalion) between Bernard Shaw and Sadik Hidayat: University of Ferdowsi - Iran
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  In our time, not too long ago, the universities of the world have been fast to take care of the study of an innovative type of technical and human studies, called the science of "comparative literature". Comparative research studies have grown and flourished rapidly in response to the demands of both mental and artistic life. This shows the increasing awareness at both the modern national and the international levels in order to develop through connecting with the international intellectual, nental and artistic currents to nurture ethics and originality. Comparative studies show that the beginning of the comparative literature goes back to the time when the Latin literature was connected to the Greek literature and th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Mustansiria Dental Journal
A comparative Study in the Antibacterial effect of Eugenol as Hand Wash Material with two Types of Soap
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Hands have consistently been an important vehicle in the transmission of disease (1). Thus, thorough hand-washing remains the single most important factor in preventing infection specially in hospitals and labs.Twenty-nine non-clinical volunteers (do not work or come in contact with a clinical or hospital setting) that lacked visible skin injuries, eczema or apparent skin disease were used, those subjects were all tested by a material of each of the three used in the study weekly and laboratory tests were done pre- and post washing.All three material were effective , Eugenol extract as effective as the bar and lotion soap. And this was confirmed statistically.Eugenol has a great antibacterial action even in small concentration and t

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 10 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies
The Functions of Onomatopoeia in Modern English and Arabic Poetry: A Study in Selected Poems by Lawrence and al-Sayyab
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Onomatopoeia has always been a functional poetic device which enjoys a high sound significance in the poetry of many languages. In modern English and Arabic poetry alike, it proves to be vital and useful at different levels: musical, thematic and at the level of meaning. Still, the cultural difference looms large over the ways it is employed by the poets of each. The present paper investigates the employment of onomatopoeia in the poetry of D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab (1926-1964) who are chosen due to the importance they enjoy in modern English and Arabic poetry and the richness of their poems in onomatopoeias. The conclusions reached at are in a sense related to cultural differences which govern the use of onomato

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the Planning and Management of Services in Rural Areas, AL-Gharraf sub-district in Dhi Qar Governorate, a case study.
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         Bringing about urban, economic, and social changes in rural areas similar to those occurring in urban areas aims to reduce urban-rural disparities by providing services in those areas, decentralizing the management of these services, expanding citizen participation in local governance (decentralized administration), and achieving comprehensive development, developing and empowering localities, and keeping pace with new transformations and their impacts on the functions of the center and localities. In fact, the lack of clarity of the role of local government in planning and managing services has hindered development plans, and declined the level of services in rural areas, and has negative

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