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تحليل واقع السياسات التعليمة العربية المتبعة في التعليم العالي وامكانيات تطويرها والنهوض بها
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هذه الورقة البحثية تهدف الى مناقشة سبل تطوير التعليم العالي في العالم العربي والارتقاء به لخلق راسمال بشري وثقافي قادر على مواجهة تحديات العصر، فالتنمية الاقتصادية في العصر الحالي ما عادت تعتمد على المواد الاولية بل على القيمة الابداعية للانسان التي اصبحت اساسية في المنافسة الحالية بين الشعوب الانسانية و اصبح الفكر المبدع هو المنافس الحقيقي المهم حيث تصنع احدث الاجهزة الحديثة باحجام صغيرة ومواد اولية اقل من السابق بكثير. تساهم الجامعات باهم ابعاد التنمية كونها المسؤولة عن اعداد الكوادر البشرية اعدادا علميا ومساهم في تقليص الفجوة بين شرائح المجتمع من خلال خلق تغير ثقافي وتطويرا للقيم والمفاهيم والاتجاهات لدى طلبتها لينشروها في مختلف الشرائح الاجتماعية. فالتعليم العالي ليس مجرد نقل للمعرفة بل هو المساعدة على إنتاجها من خلال البحث لتكوين رأسمال بشري وثقافي قادر على مواجهة تحديات العصر والعولمة. ان افتقاد الطالب لروح البحث والتقصي والافراط في التعليم اضافة الى العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية و التكنلوجية في الدول العربية يعتبر تحديات للجامعات العربية

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Using the Nudge Theory in Improving Security Policies and Crime Prevention: Integrative Review
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The "Nudge" Theory is considered one of the most recent theories, which is clear in the economic, health, and educational sectors, due to the intensity of studies on it and its applications, but it has not yet been included in crime prevention studies. The use of  Nudge theory appears to enrich the theory in the field of crime prevention, and to provide modern, effective, and implementable mechanisms.

The study deals with the "integrative review" approach, which is a distinctive form of research that generates new knowledge on a topic through reviewing, criticizing, and synthesizing representative literature on the topic in an integrated manner so that new frameworks and perspectives are created around it.

The study is bas

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of credit policies in agricultural development: The activity of co-operative agricultural bank as a case study
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The objective of this study is to explain the role of credit policies in agricultural development of Iraq during the period 1979-1989 which were represented by the policy of co-operative agricultural bank the organization that responsible to finance agricultural sector for various reasons. It has been shown that there was no clear credit policy existed during the period concerned due to the differences between loans from year. The loan growth rate was low in general comparing with objectives of the agricultural development plans, a low production rates comparing with loans paid, the growth rate of average number of trees in each donum and the growth rate of livestock number was also low.In conclusion there should be a clear plan for cred

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effective administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies: Analytical look at the Baghdad Provincial Council
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      The current research aims to find out the role of administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies and their effectiveness and their ability to do so, As well as analysis and testing of influence and correlations between research variables, The researcher has the descriptive and analytical approach, And several tools used to gather information consisted of personal interviews and field visits, While distributed questionnaire tool that consists of (35) items on a sample consisting of (147) individuals formed of staff of the Baghdad Provincial Council.

The research was based on a set of assum

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The (D.N.A) As an Evidence in Proving Criminals Materials
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This study focuses on  in the (D.N.A) as an evidence In proving criminals materials, it has shown the biological sign effect and its role in proving the criminal materials, and then its role to create the judge believes therefore ; this study has been made in tow chapters,intermediate chapter: the type of biological signs and its relation with proving evidences, in the first chapter the biological sign has been limited through its meaning that could reach by using the exact meaning of the sign and biology, accordingly it has been defined as ( a mark that can be sensed and examined where the main source is the human body, and related to one of the human biology actions starting from its anatomy, physiology, or it can be resulted fro

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2022
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
تقويم الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب للصف الخامس الإعدادي وفق التفكير الإبداعي ومقترحات تطويرها
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يهدف هذا البحث الى تقويم الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب للصف الخامس الإعدادي وفق التفكير الإبداعي ومقترحات تطويرها، وذلك بالإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر مهارات التفكير الإبداعي في الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب المقرر لطلبة الصف الخامس الإعدادي (الاحيائي والتطبيقي، والادبي) من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي (2

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluation of Activities and Evaluation Questions Implied in the Content of the Computer Textbook for the Fifth Preparatory Grade According to Creative Thinking and Developing Suggestions
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The current research aims to evaluate the activities and evaluation questions implied in the content of the computer textbook for the fifth preparatory grade according to the creative thinking and developing suggestions through answering the following question: what is the percentage of creative thinking skills in the content of the computer textbook for the fifth Preparatory grade students issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Education/ Directorate General of the curriculum in the academic year (2019-2020)? The researchers followed the descriptive-analytical approach.  The research community was determined by the content of the computer textbook for the fifth preparatory grade. As for the research sample, it was limited to all activitie

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Use of Off-label and Unlicensed Drugs for Neonates: A Report from a Teaching Hospital in Baghdad
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Background: Neonates who are admitted to hospitals will need various drugs. The use of unlicensed or off-label drugs without scientific evidence makes this exposure unsafe.

Aim of study: We aimed to assess the use of drugs for neonates based on the British National Formulary for Children and IBM Micromedex Neofax.

Patients and methods: This is a descriptive study which reviewed the clinical files of enrolled neonates who have stayed in the hospital for more than 24 hours and received at least one drug. It was conducted in the neonatal care unit of the Children Welfare Teaching Hospital/ Medical City Complex in Baghdad during the period from 1st of January to 30th of June/20

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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2024
Journal Name
المؤتمر الثالث للعلوم الانسانية
هدف التنمية المستدامة في تحسين جودة التعليم (العراق كحالة دراسية في مجال التعليم الالكتروني)
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لدى التنمية المستدامة العديد من الأهداف، ويبرز تحسين جودة التعليم من هذه الأهداف إذ تسعى جميع دول العالم لتطبيقه، ونشاهد دولة العراق التي تعاني من تراجع في مستوى التعليم بشكل غير اعتيادي وارتفاع عدد الامية والهروب من المدارس وعدم وجود أبنية دراسية جديدة للطلاب. وفي الوقت نفسه نشاهد الحكومة العراقية الحالية تبذل جهدها من أجل تحسين جودة التعليم وأنها توفر الوظائف للمتفوقين والكفوءات والمجتهدين، وإنها توفر ك

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of The Organizational Agility On High Performance ( Applied Search )
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The current research aims to know  the  reality of the  research's coefficients, to know  correlation and effectiveness  between  the  organizational  Agility  and high performance . The current research  has been applied on  the official banks , including  a sample of  senior administration  members  (120) ; besides , the research has used questionnaire  that being considered as the main tool for gathering  information  and data . It includes  59 questions  in addition to  the personal interviews  program  as to support  the questionnaire and to fulfill a great deal of reality. It has been anal

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Obstacles to development in the field of education
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Education is the most powerful and important weapon in fighting poverty and unemployment because it provides students with new skills that appropriate the new market requirements and fair distribution of natural resources. It also transfers knowledge, skills, and ethics over generations. Education aims to create effective leaders who go under training and rehabilitation process, create a new human and instill faith, generate the creativity and innovation, and keep abreast with scientific process, updating curriculum, and finally, applying the technical education

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