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صيغ الافعال في النصوص المسماريةالمنشورة وغير المنشورةمن مدينة سبار(2004-1595ق.م) دراسة مقارنة مع اللغة العربية
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The study of cuneiform texts is very important for finding out the ancient history of Iraq and its civilization, as well as the close relation among languages, especially Semitic, the mother language to which both Akkadian and Arabic belong, the matter that clarifies the linkage among them. The Akkadian language is among these Jazri (a Semitic branch) languages, besides Arabic. It is the most ancient one. It consisted of a lot of genuine linguistic rules derived from the mother Jazri language. Contrastive Akkadian studies approved these linguistic rules. Due to the close linkage that relates Akkadian language to its sister Arabic , as they both relate to the same family, the researcher an verbs and compared them with studied aspects and moods of Akkadiis one of the most prominent cities )Tell Abu HabbahArabic . As Sippar (of ancient Mesopotamia as one of the five early Sumerian cities before the Genesis Flood, which excavations uncovered the richness of terial culture, including clay tablets, the researcher archaeological machose the study of verb aspects found in cuneiform texts and compared them with Arabic. The study depended on many published and unpublished cuneiform texts he first Babylonian dynasty, from the city of Sippar during the era of twhich are studied in this dissertation, besides the published texts from -this site studied within eight theses in the Department of ArchaeologyUniversity of Baghdad, as well as one thesis in the -College of ArtsHeidelberg and some studies published in some journals and university ofarchives The study, also, depended on some linguistic sources specialized in Akkadian language, such as (GAG, GAKK, Akkadian Language Grammar), and the Akkadian Dictionaries (AHW, CDA, CAD, and Arabic Dictionary) as well as sources and resources in Arabic. -kkadianA The dissertation is divided into four chapters and tables. The study implemented a table of all texts from Sippar which were studied in the University of Baghdad , -College of Arts -Department of Archaeologypublished and unpublished which are studied in the present study with their museum numbers and contents, like studies adopted by (Erle Walker) in the eighth part of (Babylonian Tablets -Finkelestein -Leichtyin the British Museum). Chapter one included two sections. Section one is a historical summary about the city of Sippar, its site, name and the history of excavations. Section two dealt with the most prominent kings who ruled the city of to the foreign occupation of Sippar, since the transfer of the kingdom Mesopotamia. Chapter two included three sections; section one studied the moods of Akkadian verbs and a comparison with similar Arabic verbs. Section two verbs and a comparison studied main and secondary aspects of Akkadianh the metrics of Arabic verbs. And section three dealt with samples of witverbs mentioned in published and unpublished texts from Sippar. Chapter three included reading unpublished cuneiform texts, their translations and an analysis of their lexical items. apter four studied the names of gods mentioned in published and Chunpublished texts from Sippar which were studied in this dissertation. Tables, on the other hand, included a table of cuneiform texts studied in ights and areas.this dissertation and a table of standards , we Then, come indexes which included the names of persons, crafts and historical aspects mentioned in the texts of the dissertation. Finally, the dissertation included copies of the texts and pictures and the Arabic and foreign resources.

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
التطور الدلالي لمعاني الكلمات في اللغة العبرية
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التطور الدلالي لمعاني الكلمات في اللغة العبرية

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
دراسة تحليلية مقارنة، لبعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية، في أداء مهارة(Nick shot) الأمامية العكسية، بين لاعبي المنتخب العراقي والمصري، للشباب في الإسكواش
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على مستوى استخدام إدارة المعرفة و تكنولوجيا المعلومات لدى القيادات الإدارية تُعدّ لعبة الإسكواش من الألعاب الفردية، وواحدة من ألعاب المضرب، والتي تمتاز بالسرعة والحركة الدائمة في داخل القاعة، ولعل أهم ما يميز هذه اللعبة المتعة التي يشعر بها اللاعبون الممارسون لها، لأنها تجبر ممارسيها على الحركة المستمرة عن طريق تبادل لعب الكرة، وتتميز بالتحدي المباشر، وتتطلب اليقظة والحرص وال

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 10 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Arts, Literature, Humanities And Social Sciences
Análisis de los textos deportivos españoles y su traducción al تحليل النصوص الرياضية الاسبانية و ترجمتها الى العربية
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
أثر تعلم اللغة باستخدام الحاسوب في اتجاھات الطالبات نحو الأستیعاب: أثر تعلم اللغة باستخدام الحاسوب في اتجاھات الطالبات نحو الأستیعاب
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The study is the product of an on-line session with Oregon University. It aims
at developing the students’ attitudes toward using computers in learning to get the
advantages of CALL and autonomous learning. The researcher has depended on a
one-group design of a pre-scale and post-scale to measure the effect due to exposure
to computer using.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بعض معايير تحديد الرتبة لانموذج الانحدار الذاتي (الطبيعي وغير الطبيعي) من الرتبة الاولـى بأستخدام المحاكـاة
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The search is contain compared among some order selection criteria  (FPE,AIC,SBC,H-Q) for the Model first order  Autoregressive when the White Noise is follow Normal distribution and some of non Gaussian distributions (Log normal, Exponential and Poisson distribution ) by using Simulation  


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
حوليات أداب عين شمس
تعليم المبني للمجهول في اللغة الاسبانية لطلبة العراق ""
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
تمثّلات حضور الآخر في القصة العربية الحديثة
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The presence of the other representations in the story of modern Arabic
The other who seek to discuss his presence is the other west, and is nothing new to bring the other whatever, especially the Western literature, especially after the opening of the East West and the occurrence of encounters many Whatever the reasons for them or their causes, and the prevalence of the phenomenon influenced by this Western, and therefore his presence in this literature of any had sex. And certainly our presence (we) also in the literature of the other, and this is very natural, created by the convergence of intellectual, cultural and human, which led to the emergence of the cultural theme of conflict between East and West, and these conflicts take d

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Procedimientos de traducción de los de textos periodísticos del español al اساليب ترجمة النصوص الصحفية من الاسبانية الى العربية
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Los textos periodísticos tienen sus rasgos textuales específicos, por lo tanto el traductor o el intérprete como usuario de este tipo de textos debe tener en cuenta estos rasgos textuales y tener las competencias textuales necesarias para que estos textos adapten a un nuevo contexto lingüístico y cultural. En ocasiones el traductor de estos textos periodísticos debe desempañar la tarea del periodista, los textos periodísticos presentan algunas dificultades al traducirlos porque abarcan elementos paralingüísticos, además de ser textos de marcos históricos, sociales, culturales, deportivas, etc. .El objetivo del presente trabajo es aclarar la traducción en el ámbito periodístico además de mostrar los principales problema

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
المشكالت الصحية المرافقة لالستخدام الخاطئ للحاسوب في مدينة بغداد
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The Research aimed for identification the significant of health problems that occurrences through
misused of computer for those whom attaches with more than two hours daily and to identification the
nature of demographical characteristics variables and that related variables with using computer. Also to
know the level of user’s knowledge for some attaché’s equipment's and finally creating a new suggested
measurement scale for studying health problems that were occurred through misused of computer.
Creating questionnaire includes several domains (Social problems – family environment, Social problems –
external environment, some health problems attaches with related equipment's, psychological problems,
and hea

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Humanitarian And Natural Sciences Journal
الجوانب السياسية، والاجتماعية، والاقتصادية في مدينة طخارستان حتى نهايةا
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