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صيغ الافعال في النصوص المسماريةالمنشورة وغير المنشورةمن مدينة سبار(2004-1595ق.م) دراسة مقارنة مع اللغة العربية
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The study of cuneiform texts is very important for finding out the ancient history of Iraq and its civilization, as well as the close relation among languages, especially Semitic, the mother language to which both Akkadian and Arabic belong, the matter that clarifies the linkage among them. The Akkadian language is among these Jazri (a Semitic branch) languages, besides Arabic. It is the most ancient one. It consisted of a lot of genuine linguistic rules derived from the mother Jazri language. Contrastive Akkadian studies approved these linguistic rules. Due to the close linkage that relates Akkadian language to its sister Arabic , as they both relate to the same family, the researcher an verbs and compared them with studied aspects and moods of Akkadiis one of the most prominent cities )Tell Abu HabbahArabic . As Sippar (of ancient Mesopotamia as one of the five early Sumerian cities before the Genesis Flood, which excavations uncovered the richness of terial culture, including clay tablets, the researcher archaeological machose the study of verb aspects found in cuneiform texts and compared them with Arabic. The study depended on many published and unpublished cuneiform texts he first Babylonian dynasty, from the city of Sippar during the era of twhich are studied in this dissertation, besides the published texts from -this site studied within eight theses in the Department of ArchaeologyUniversity of Baghdad, as well as one thesis in the -College of ArtsHeidelberg and some studies published in some journals and university ofarchives The study, also, depended on some linguistic sources specialized in Akkadian language, such as (GAG, GAKK, Akkadian Language Grammar), and the Akkadian Dictionaries (AHW, CDA, CAD, and Arabic Dictionary) as well as sources and resources in Arabic. -kkadianA The dissertation is divided into four chapters and tables. The study implemented a table of all texts from Sippar which were studied in the University of Baghdad , -College of Arts -Department of Archaeologypublished and unpublished which are studied in the present study with their museum numbers and contents, like studies adopted by (Erle Walker) in the eighth part of (Babylonian Tablets -Finkelestein -Leichtyin the British Museum). Chapter one included two sections. Section one is a historical summary about the city of Sippar, its site, name and the history of excavations. Section two dealt with the most prominent kings who ruled the city of to the foreign occupation of Sippar, since the transfer of the kingdom Mesopotamia. Chapter two included three sections; section one studied the moods of Akkadian verbs and a comparison with similar Arabic verbs. Section two verbs and a comparison studied main and secondary aspects of Akkadianh the metrics of Arabic verbs. And section three dealt with samples of witverbs mentioned in published and unpublished texts from Sippar. Chapter three included reading unpublished cuneiform texts, their translations and an analysis of their lexical items. apter four studied the names of gods mentioned in published and Chunpublished texts from Sippar which were studied in this dissertation. Tables, on the other hand, included a table of cuneiform texts studied in ights and areas.this dissertation and a table of standards , we Then, come indexes which included the names of persons, crafts and historical aspects mentioned in the texts of the dissertation. Finally, the dissertation included copies of the texts and pictures and the Arabic and foreign resources.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
تسامح النبي محمد () مع المبتدئ والجاهل والمخطئ
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ملخّص البحث     


ولقد انعم الله علينا بالنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الداعي إلى خير الأخلاق وأيسر الأعمال ، فالناس صنفان: مغضوب عليهم جفاة ، وضالون غلاة فما اصبح بالعباد من نعمة الا هو طريقها وما رام العقلاء غاية الا هو دليلها. وسبب اختياري للموضوع هو التطرف والغلو عند بعض الناس بحجة انهم على منهج النبوة والسلف الصالح في تطيق الشريعة السمحاء ولتبيين للناس كيف هو منهج الحبيب ا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المتغيرات الاقتصادية العالمية المعاصرة وآثارها على الاقتصادات العربية
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The Arab economy suffers from many structural imbalances problems which are getting complicated by the appearance of the world economic variables.

This change held risky challenges for the Arab economies in the light of unsuitable regional and international conditions. Since that it has been very essential  for the Arab experts, especially those related to economy and politics, to face those new challenges or, at least, adapt with them believing that they can have both positive and negative impacts on the Arab economy.

This study has acquired its importance in the light of the critical levels the Arab economy reached out of the world economic variables, resulting in long-term

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2005
Journal Name
الموسيقى العربية ترفيه ام ثقافة بين الماضي والحاضر
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الموسيقى العربية ترفيه ام ثقافة بين الماضي والحاضر

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 27 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
المرأة العربية والعضوية البرلمانية من التمثيل الى التفعيل
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
الادارة البيئية المستدامة للمدينة: فن وسياسة مدينة السليمانية: منطقة كندة سورة
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
اثر المجتمع على العمارة (دراسة تحليلية لتأثير الظواهر الاجتماعية على تحويرات الدور السكنية الحديثة في بغداد)
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هذه الرسالة هي دراسة للمتغيرات الاجتماعية الخاصة بالعائلة العراقية والمتغيرات المرتبطة بما يحصل في المجتمع واثرهما على انواع التغيرات
التصميمية الحاصلة للدور السكنية بعد انشائها. اذ يكون البحث معالجا لمشكلة عدم وضوح المعرفة الدقيقة عن نوع العلاقة بين الظواهر الاجتماعية من
جهة وظواهر التغير والتحوير الحاصلة على الدور السكنية المنشأة، عند إشغالها من قبل الأسرة وذلك في العراق عموما وبغداد على وجه الخصو

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحديد أثر مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة في الأداء الإستراتيجي دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من القيادات الجامعية
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The management of the overall quality (TQM)) of the philosophies that gained the attention of a large number of leaders and managers, practitioners and academics, as one of the prevailing management philosophies and desirable in the current period, is associated with the concept of quality itself, which shows the overall features and characteristics and attributes that related to the service and meet the needs of beneficiaries phenomenon and full, as was the concept of strategic performance with a significant level of interest from organizations because it is closely linked to the success of the organization in light of the changing competitive environment. These were the study in an attempt to see how a clear vision of the unive

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 25 2023
Journal Name
Enterprenuership Journal For Finance And Bussiness
دور نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية في إعادة تصميم الوظائف دراسة استطلاعية لعينة من المصارف التجارية العراقية
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  يهدف البحث إلى بيان ماهية نظام معلومات ادارة الموارد البشرية المصرفي فضلا عن التعريف بمفهوم اعادة تصميم الوظائف في المنظمات المصرفية اضافة الى تحديد اطر علاقة الارتباط والتاثير بين المتغيرين في قطاع المصارف العراقية بغية تحديد عدد من الوسائل التي يمكن ان تعتمدها الادارات المصرفية في سبيل بناء نموذج عمل متكامل يربط بين مخرجات نظم المعلومات واعتمادها في عملية اعادة تصميم علمية وممنهجة للوظائف و تبر

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 02 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Administration & Economics
تحليل الائتمان المصرفي بإستخدام مجموعة من المؤشرات المالية المختارة: دراسة (نظرية-تطبيقية) في مصرف الشرق الأوسط
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The banking credit has a significant role in supporting the economic development process as it is considered a financial medium between the depositors and investors through turning the money received by the bank in from of banking deposits from a person who has a monetary surplus into another person in need of this surplus . this credit contributes also in directing the economic activities toward investing project generally and strategic investing projects in special that the country lacks which is in need of optimum exploitation to the available resources. In addition , the banking credit represents the most important source of revenues that the banks gain and contribute in increasing their profitability.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثر التوجه السوقي والتعلم المنظمي في أداء الأعمال دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من مدراء المصارف العراقية
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The study tackles the market orientation and the organizational learning as independent variables each included three sub-dimensions, and the variable of business performance as affiliated variable. These three variables have interacted to form the framework around which the study revolves. Since the banking sector has become an important part of which service sector is made, as well as it represents the basic pivot for the process of building and the development of the economies of countries, the Iraqi banking sector have been taken to be the sample of this study. A nonrandom sample of nine Iraqi banks was chosen, including four state banks (Al-Rafdain, Al-RaSheed, Industrial Bank, and Agricultural), and five private banks (Bagh

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