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Climate Changes and Societal Stability in Iraq: Proposed Measures
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Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. According to international reports, it is classified as among the top five most affected by climate change in the world, leading to economic resource shortages and an increase in water scarcity, which exposes societal stability in Iraq to a threat.  This may result in social disintegration and civil conflicts, so climate changes are considered one of the most dangerous crises affecting societal stability in Iraq during this stage.  In this context, the research attempts to trace the causes of climate change and their effects on societal stability in Iraq and suggest some necessary measures to confront them in the future.  The research sums up the findings of the study, the most important of which is the need to take comprehensive institutional measures to mitigate the harmful effects of environmental degradation, such as the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, and to develop treatments, such as legislating the necessary laws for water management to ward off immediate and future risks resulting from societal stability due to climate impacts in order to maintain a better level of societal stability.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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Intellectual Dimensions of Architectural Murals Art in Ancient Iraq (Pottery and Glazes)
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. Mesopotamian art is thase mployed all around him into forms for artistic purposes and different con not at ions help him to understand the world around him and customized for their interests

The mural architectural art has distinguished traits that made it promote to the rank of the prominent arts that have been employed  by the Mesopotamian human to relate to the world  the heroic deeds and exploits  of that civilization ,that formed greatest and most splendid wonderful works that still illustrious and outstanding  till nowadays .The mural  architectural  art of pottery and glazed considered one of the most ancient wonders  of Mesopotamian creation in Old Iraq .The best quintessence of mural

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Detection and isolation of flavonoids from Calendula officinalis (F.Asteraceae) cultivated in Iraq
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Calendula officinalis L. (Asteraceae) known as marigold is known to have several pharmacological activities and used for the treatment of several diseases as measles, jaundice, constipation and several inflammations. Marigold flowers contain several chemical constituents mainly flavonoids, triterpenoids and essential oil. In this study marigold flowers cultivated in Iraq had been investigated for its flavonoids content. The study revealed the presence of quercetin and kaempferol glycosides and the absence of myricetin glycosides. The flowers were extracted with ethanol 70% fractionated with different solvent and the flavonoids were isolated by preparative HPLC. The isolated flavonoids were identified by measuring melting points, UV, IR,

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Traditional and molecular methods for diagnosing bacterial meningitis in Erbil city, Iraq
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Bacterial meningitis is a leading cause of illness and death worldwide. It is crucial for clinical and public health care, as well as disease control, to identify the meningitis-causing agent promptly. Between June 2021-February 2022, a total of 100 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood samples were collected from suspected cases of meningitis admitted to Raparin Paediatric Teaching Hospital, Erbil city-Iraq. Cytochemical, cultural, and biochemical tests were conducted, and confirmed by molecular techniques. Bacterial culture findings were positive in 7% of CSF samples and just one positive among blood samples. The most common pathogens found by cultural characteristics and VITEK 2 Compact System were Staphylococcus sciuri in two

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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Plant Archives
The morphological and pollen grains study of Tropaeolum L. (Tropaeolaceae) in Iraq
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The current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the two species of the genus Tropaeolum L. (Tropaeolumceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied, and there are photographs for all that parts were putted. A specimens of that taxa were studied in some Iraqi herbaria. The study found that there are many characters were used in differentiation of two species under study.

Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Economics And Business
Evaluation of reverse logistics options for international and local companies in Iraq
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Many international companies have branches or agencies in Iraq and have large market shares, and this has contributed to the increase in the import of these companies' products. This process created an additional problem of handling a large number of expired or defective products. There are many methods that contribute significantly to reducing these problems. The most prominent of these is the activation of reverse logistics options in Iraq by international and local companies. This research aims to conduct a survey of the reverse logistics options approved by some local and international companies and compare between them. This paper found that Amaron, Hitachi, Apple, Samsung and Huawei have limited options for reverse logistics and that

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Soil and Water Properties in the Central Marshes Southern Iraq
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The Central Marshes are one of southern Iraq's most important wetlands and ecosystems. A study on evaluating soil quality and water quality in terms of chemical properties at certain sites in the southern Iraqi Central Marshes has been conducted to investigate their types and suitability for enhancing the agricultural reality of most field crops. Soil and water samples were collected from 15 sites and transferred to the laboratory. In the lab, the following parameters were determined: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), organic materials (OM), pH, gypsum, and total sulfate content (SO3). The tests conducted on the samples indicated that it could be said that the soil of the Central Marshes

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for this research which focuses into

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The causal relationship between the agricultural exports and agricultural growth in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Deification of kings and the phenomenon of alternative king in ancient Iraq
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Faith is a feature of the Mesopotamian population, since the ancient Mesopotamian was a believer and obedient to his God in any case, and this encouraged the emergence of some of the phenomena interpreted by historians as an integral part of the civilization and ancient history of this country, and these phenomena are the phenomena of the deification of kings for themselves, The first phenomenon was a personal endeavor for the uniqueness of power, sometimes to correct some mistakes in societies to balance the state, and civil rule is independent of religious rule, and the second was the result of divination and predictions of omen, in the case of any bad harbinger of the king, such as the occurrence of eclipse To the sun or a lunar eclip

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