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Climate Changes and Societal Stability in Iraq: Proposed Measures
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Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. According to international reports, it is classified as among the top five most affected by climate change in the world, leading to economic resource shortages and an increase in water scarcity, which exposes societal stability in Iraq to a threat.  This may result in social disintegration and civil conflicts, so climate changes are considered one of the most dangerous crises affecting societal stability in Iraq during this stage.  In this context, the research attempts to trace the causes of climate change and their effects on societal stability in Iraq and suggest some necessary measures to confront them in the future.  The research sums up the findings of the study, the most important of which is the need to take comprehensive institutional measures to mitigate the harmful effects of environmental degradation, such as the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions, and to develop treatments, such as legislating the necessary laws for water management to ward off immediate and future risks resulting from societal stability due to climate impacts in order to maintain a better level of societal stability.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 16 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Hematological changes associated with COVID‐19 infection
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The unresolved COVID‐19 pandemic considerably impacts the health services in Iraq and worldwide. Consecutive waves of mutated virus increased virus spread and further constrained health systems. Although molecular identification of the virus by polymerase chain reaction is the only recommended method in diagnosing COVID‐19 infection, radiological, biochemical, and hematological studies are substantially important in risk stratification, patient follow‐up, and outcome prediction.


This narrative review summarized the hematological changes including the blood indices, coagulative indicator

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 26 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics And Mathematical Sciences
Stability and Bifurcation of a Prey-Predator-Scavenger Model in the Existence of Toxicant and Harvesting
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In this paper a prey-predator-scavenger food web model is proposed and studied. It is assumed that the model considered the effect of harvesting and all the species are infected by some toxicants released by some other species. The stability analysis of all possible equilibrium points is discussed. The persistence conditions of the system are established. The occurrence of local bifurcation around the equilibrium points is investigated. Numerical simulation is used and the obtained solution curves are drawn to illustrate the results of the model. Finally, the nonexistence of periodic dynamics is discussed analytically as well as numerically.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Proposed Agent System for Network Monitoring
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The traditional centralized network management approach presents severe efficiency and scalability limitations in large scale networks. The process of data collection and analysis typically involves huge transfers of management data to the manager which cause considerable network throughput and bottlenecks at the manager side. All these problems processed using the Agent technology as a solution to distribute the management functionality over the network elements. The proposed system consists of the server agent that is working together with clients agents to monitor the logging (off, on) of the clients computers and which user is working on it. file system watcher mechanism is used to indicate any change in files. The results were presente

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposed Steganography Method Based on DCT Coefficients
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      In this paper an algorithm for Steganography using DCT for cover image and DWT for hidden image with an embedding order key is proposed. For more security and complexity the cover image convert from RGB to YIQ, Y plane is used and divided into four equally parts and then converted to DCT domain. The four coefficient of the DWT of the hidden image are embedded into each part of cover DCT, the embedding order based on the order key of which is stored with cover in a database table in both the sender and receiver sender. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm gets successful hiding information into the cover image. We use Microsoft Office Access 2003 database as DBMS, the hiding, extracting algo

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Publication Date
Thu May 06 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Proposed Method For Web Services Security
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TI1e Web service securi ty challenge is to understand  and  assess the risk  involved  in securing  a web-based  service  today, based on our existing security technology, and at the same time tmck emerging standards and  understand  how they will be used  to offset the risk in

new web services. Any  security model must  i llustrate  how data  can

now  through   an  application   and   network   topology  to  meet  the

requirements  defined  by the busi ness  wi thout exposing  the data  to undue  risk.  In this paper  we propose &n

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Prothrombotic changes in patients with end-stage renal disease and its relation to thrombotic cardiovascular complication
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There is a great risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and vascular thrombosis in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). These patients exhibit numerous abnormalities in coagulation, fibrinolytic, inhibitory protein abnormalities in multiple levels. The study aimed to assess hypercoagulable changes by measuring the levels of antithrombin, plasma fibrinogen and FXII activity in patients with ESRD, and to find their correlation with Hemoglobin (Hb) level, WBC count, reticulocyte percentage and platelet count. This study was conducted at Al-Hayat center, Al Karama Teaching Hospital on 50 ESRD patients aged < 60 years of both genders. In addition, 20 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control group. The mean Hb level, total

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Hematological and Histopathological Changes in the Spleen of Male Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Treated with Meloxicam
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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Stability Conditions of the Pump Structure Vibration
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 The general approach of this research is to assume that the small nonlinearity can be separated from the linear part of the equation of motion. The effect of the dynamic fluid force on the pump structure system is considered vibrates at its natural frequency but the amplitude is determined by the initial conditions. If the motion of the system tends to increase the energy of the pump structure system, the vibration amplitude will increase and the pump structure system is considered to be unstable. A suitable MATLAB program was used to predict the stability conditions of the pump structure vibration. The present research focuses on fluid pump problems, namely, the role played by damping coefficient C, damping factor

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method
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