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The Time Machine: Scientific Advances and Social Milieus in H. G. Well's Vision of the Future
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This study is qualitative, it illustrates H.G. Wells\\'s The Time Machine through the scientific and social framework of the Victorian Era. Wells\\'s portrayal of future societies examines the rapid technological progress and social changes of the 19th century. The analysis scrutinizes the division between the Eloi and the Morlocks, tracing the consequences of social division. To meet the objective of the study, Victorian frame of mind is utilized to examine the class struggle that is symbolized by the Eloi and the Morlocks. The analysis highlights the economic and social effects of industrialization and how Wells examines the capitalist system and its impact on human relationships and class division. The study also utilizes concepts from Darwinism to explore how Wells responded to these scientific ideas in his novel. By examining Wells within this historical and intellectual context, the study helps reveal his skepticism towards progress and his prophecy of human degeneration caused by uncontrolled technological and social evolution. The study also considers the narrative structure, characters, and symbolic elements in the novel to uncover Wells\\'s broader criticism of the nature of human progress and the modern age.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recent advances in the Biosynthesis of Zirconium Oxide Nanoparticles and their Biological Applications
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A critical milestone in nano-biotechnology is establishing reliable and ecological friendly methods for fabricating metal oxide NPs. Because of their great biodegradable, electrical, mechanical, and optical qualities, zirconia NPs (ZrO2NPs) attract much interest among all zirconia NPs (ZrO2NPs). Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) has piqued the interest of researchers throughout the world, particularly since the development of methods for the manufacture of nano-sized particles. An extensive study into the creation of nanoparticles utilizing various synthetic techniques and their potential uses has been stimulated by their high luminous efficiency, wide bandgap, and high exciton binding energy. Zirconium dioxide nano

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the Inter-Particle Expectation Values for Inter and Outer Shell: Khalil H. Al-Bayati|Ban H. Al-Asaad|Baidaa S. H.
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In this research the Inter-Particle Expectation Values have been studied for atomics Helium (He) and Beryllium (Be) also for He-like ions, Be-like ions (Li-1, B+1? Li+1, Be+2, B+3) by using Hartree-Fock wave functions, We compared the results to some ions which have the same atomic number from each group with atomic number, We compared the results with published calculations to the last studied .

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Inorganic And Organometallic Polymers And Materials
The Recent Advances of Metal–Organic Frameworks in Electric Vehicle Batteries
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High-power density supercapacitors and high-energy–density batteries have gotten a lot of interest since they are critical for the power supply of future electric cars, portable electronic gadgets, unmanned aircraft, and so on. The electrode materials used in supercapacitors and batteries have a significant impact on the practical energy and power density. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have the outstanding electrochemical ability because of their ultrahigh porous structure, ease of functionalization, and great specific surface area. These features make it an intriguing electrode material with good electrochemical efficiency for high-storage batteries. Thus, this review summarizes current developments in MOFs-based materials as an elec

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Intellectual vision of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
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شهد العالم مع بداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تدشين مرحلة جديدة من التطور شملت مختلف الميادين لاسيما في مجال التطورات العلمية والثورة المعلوماتية.. كما إن مسار الديمقراطية في بعض دول العالم يصبح سالكا خاصة في تركيا, فمنذ اواسط الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي فتح المجال السياسي امام قوى كانت مسحوقة ومهمشة, ويكاد ان لا يكون لها وجود في الحياة السياسية للنزول الى ساحة العمل السياسي اسوة ببقية القوى ا

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Redemptive Vision of the Heart and Mind in Margaret Edson's Wit
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Approaching the turning of the millennium, the American theatre witnessed an arousing
interest much shown in patients suffering of severe diseases as a subject matter to drama. In a
discussion of Margaret Edson's Wit, the light is shed on how far such patients, who were literally
involved in secular visions during their life-time, become apt to create a different one on their
death beds. The vision newly blossomed becomes much rooted in the spiritual life; it is a
redemptive vision that can amend what those patients' hearts and minds have long ignored.
Further, the human touch that has been ignored during man's healthy secular life is ultimately
needed for the time being. It helps to enhance man's vision towards the

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A New Vision in the Locality and the Factors of Forming Meander
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The research addressed an analytical field investigation of the locality of meander, the factors responsible of the locality of the meander at certain points of the stream other than others, and the role sequence of these factors in the formation process.
The research revealed that the location of forming the meander was associated closely with the scale structural composition of the bank materials from which the first stage of forming the curved stream, for the inhomogeneous or non-identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an activity of differential corrosion, while the homogeneous and identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an identical corrosion activity in its intensity at both

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq
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The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq the topic area of that’s paper dealing with Civil Society as concept and practice, its already consider as Western concept and associated with liberalism and political development, they are many definitions of its but most significantly is all organizations, agencies, trade unions and non-governmental institutions, that’s agencies were established after 2003 and received funds from United States and UN development agencies. The non- governments organizations played a significant role as support and develop many cultural, healthy, educational, and social projects, also that’s organizations try to reduction the effects of terrorists actions especially after ISI

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse
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The modern stylistic lesson has become more committed to the scientific limits in which it believed, and more confident in itself, and it is no longer just a scientific procedure that helps other curricula and sciences that preceded it.

Based on this, our modest research ((a stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse)) arose to explore an artistic rhetorical phenomenon that was included in the Holy Quran text. ; Because analysis is a situation that allows us to see a lot and absorb the stranger more clearly.

And since the horizontal arrangement of the linguistic elements in which stylistically undistinguished elements meet with distinct ones, the other trend has emerged that believes that the stylistic dis

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography Shams Id-Din Mohammad Ibn Ali AL-Dimashqi Al-Salihi (953 A .H / 1546 A.D)
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The research aims for the study about Ibn Tulun's personal and scientific biography to the
scholar, scientist and historian Ibn Tulun Shams Id- Din Mohammad Ibn Ali al-Dimashqi al-
Salihi (953 A.H. / 1546 A.D.) Ibn Tulun was a prominent Muslim historian in Blad al-
At the first deals with Ibn Tulun's personal biography, author's name, Lineage, and
nickname, his nativity; his upbringing, and edification, his moral character, Finally, his death.
As to Ibn Tulun's scientific biography, at the first deals with his initiation into education
and learning , sheds light on his tutors and his authorities , scientific stations and travels , his
scholarly status , and Ibn Tulun's alumni or his students .

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 04 2019
Journal Name
American Association Of Pharmaceutical Scientists
Recent advances in polymeric implants
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Implantable drug delivery systems, such as drug pumps and polymeric drug depots, have emerged as means of providing predetermined drug release profiles at the desired site of action. While initial implants aimed at providing an enduring drug supply, developments in polymer chemistry and pharmaceutical technology and the growing need for refined drug delivery patterns have prompted the design of sophisticated drug delivery implants such as on-demand drug-eluting implants and personalized 3D printed implants. The types of cargo loaded into these implants range from small drug molecules to hormones and even therapeutic cells. This review will shed light upon recent advances in materials and composites used for polymeric implant fabrication, hi

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