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Double-Slope Solar Still Productivity Based on the Number of Rubber Scraper Motions
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In low-latitude areas less than 10° in latitude angle, the solar radiation that goes into the solar still increases as the cover slope approaches the latitude angle. However, the amount of water that is condensed and then falls toward the solar-still basin is also increased in this case. Consequently, the solar yield still is significantly decreased, and the accuracy of the prediction method is affected. This reduction in the yield and the accuracy of the prediction method is inversely proportional to the time in which the condensed water stays on the inner side of the condensing cover without collection because more drops will fall down into the basin of the solar-still. Different numbers of scraper motions per hour (NSM), that is, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, are implemented to increase the hourly yield of solar still (HYSS) of the double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers (DSSSHS) in areas at low latitudes and develop an accurate model for forecasting the HYSS. The proposed model is developed by determining the best values of the constant factors that are associated with NSM, and the optimal values of exponent (n) and the unknown constant (C) for the Nusselt number expression (Nu). These variables are used in formulating the models for estimating HYSS. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem, thereby determining the optimal yields. Water that condensed and accumulated inside the condensing glass cover of the DSSSHS is collected by increasing NSM. This process increases in the specific productivity of DSSSHS and the accuracy of the HYSS prediction model. Results show that the proposed model can consistently and accurately estimate HYSS. Based on the relative root mean square error (RRMSE), the proposed model PSO–HYSS attained a minimum value (2.81), whereas the validation models attained Dunkle’s (78.68) and Kumar and Tiwari’s (141.37).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Association of HLA-G + 3142G > C gene polymorphism and toll-like receptor-9 serum level in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
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Background: Human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G)and Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR-9)play a role in the regulation of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory processes. Aim of the study: To detect the HLA-G + 3142G > C gene polymorphism that associated with the susceptibility to SLE patients and associated with Hepatitis B infection and TLR-9 serum level. Patients and methods: This study was done on 75 SLE patients and 75 healthy control groups. Genotyping of HLA-G + 3142G > C were detected by PCR and PCR-RFLP methods. In addition to the estimation of Hepatitis B surface (HBs)antigen status by immunochromatography technique and TLR-9 serum level by ELISA technique. Results: The HLA-G + 3142G > C gene polymorphism between the SLE patients and controls

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
World Heart Journal
Change in Left Ventricular Size and Ejection Fraction in Patients at Rest vs. Stress with Different Degrees of Ischemic Heart Failure
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Background and Aim. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major risk factor for the progression to heart failure (HF), which is associated with an increase in left ventricular volume (LVV). This study aims to measure ventricular function and myocardial perfusion imaging markers of the left side of the heart, which can be performed with injection of a 99mTc at stress and rest by using single-photonemission-computed-tomography (SPECT). Subject and methods. The study included 121 patients with CAD, comprising 53 females and 68 males with ages between 25 to 88 years and 265 healthy subjects comprising 84 males and 181 females. All patients and healthy subjects volunteered to participate in this study. They were classified according to

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Ameliorative Role of Nutraceutical Quercetin and its Derivatives Against Cognitive Impairment Process Induced by Lead Exposure in Drosophila melanogaster(Fruit Fly)
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Cumulative lifetime lead (Pb) exposure has been associated with accelerated declines in cognition through the free radical generation and epigenetic effects. Several pieces of literature have identified a correlation between exposure to lead and neurodegenerative disorders. Harwich strain Drosophila melanogaster was exposed to lead acetate for two weeks, and changes in pulse transmission by acetylcholinesterase and systemic redox were evaluated. Besides, molecular docking studies of acetylcholinesterase against Quercetin and its most common derivatives contained in food have been performed. Pharmacokinetic studies on Quercetin and its derivatives have also been performed in silico toxicity. The data obtained showed alterations in antioxi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Histological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid gland in Caucasian squirrel (Sciurus anamalus) (Gmelin, 1778) by using marker (Anti-Thyroglobulin, Code IR5090)
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The current study is designed to investigate the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the thyroid gland in adult male Sciurus anamalus. This study found that the thyroid gland of the Caucasian squirrel is located in the neck area, below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has two lobes (right and left) with cylindrical shape. The histological studies revealed that the thyroid gland is surrounded by a capsule which consists of connective tissue and forming of two layers which are outer layer and inner layer, and a layer of adipose tissue appears overlapping the outer layer. The inner tissue of the gland consists of follicles with different shapes and sizes, and is lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue (foll

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Salivary TNF-α andAlkaline Phosphatase in Relation to Gingival Health Condition According to Nutritional Status among a Group of School Children
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Chem Istry & Chem Ical Technology
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Novel derivatives of 1-(´1, ´3, ´4, ´6-tetra benzoyl-β-D-fructofuranosyl)-1H- benzotriazole and 1-(´1, ´3, ´4, ´6-tetra benzoyl-β-D-fructofuranosyl)-1H- benzotriazole carrying Schiff bases moiety were synthesised and fully characterised. The protection of D- fructose using benzoyl chloride was synthesized, followed by nucleophilic addition/elimination between benzotria- zole and chloroacetyl chloride to give 1-(1- chloroacetyl)- 1H-benzotriazole. The next step was condensation reaction of protected fructose and 1-(1-chloroacetyl)-1H- benzotriazole producing a new nucleoside analogue. The novel nucleoside analogues underwent a second conden- sation reaction with different aromatic and aliphatic amines to provide new Schiff b

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Green Fabrication and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Eucalyptus Leaves for Removing Acid Black 210 Dye from an Aqueous Medium
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This study uses an environmentally friendly and low-cost synthesis method to manufacture zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) by using zinc sulfate. Eucalyptus leaf extract is an effective chelating and capping agent for synthesizing ZnO NPs. The structure, morphology, thermal behavior, chemical composition, and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles were studied utilizing FT-IR, FE-SEM, EDAX, AFM, and Zeta potential analysis. The FE-SEM pictures confirmed that the ZnO NPs with a size range of (22-37) nm were crystalline and spherical. Two methods were used to prepare ZnO NPs. The first method involved calcining the resulting ZnO NPs, while the second method did not. The prepared ZnO NPs were used as adsorbents for removing acid black 210

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
A Study of Anti-Fungal Activity for Some Antibiotics Against Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp. in Iraqi patients with Diabetes Mellitus
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The European Optical Society: Rapid Publications
Transition from amplified spontaneous emission to laser action in disordered media of R6G dye and TiO2 nanoparticles doped with PMMA polymer
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation, 2023, 11(1):53-59.
Comparative histomorphological and immunohistochemical study of parathyroid gland in two Iraqi mammals (Weasel, Herpestes javanicus and long-ear hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus)
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The present study aimed to investigate the anatomy, histology, and immunohistochemistry of parathyroid gland in two Iraqi mammals (Weasel, Herpestes javanicus and Long-ear hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus) as a comparative study. A total of (20) animal for each species were used in the present study. Animals collected were immediately anesthesia and dissected to get the parathyroid gland. Methods of Humason and Bancroft and Stevens were employed for histological techniques. Different stains were used (Hematoxylin- Eosin stain-(H & E), Periodic Acid Schiff stain-(PAS), Azan stain, and Methyl Blue stain-(MB)) for staining the histological sections. Anti-calcitonin, code140778 marker used for immune-histochemical study. Results of the present stu

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