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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation the Effect of Vibration on the Corrosion Rate of Automotive Paints

This paper studies the influence of temperature on the corrosion rate of coated AA6111 aluminum alloy used in vehicle bodies under static and vibration states. The vibration test system was collected laboratory and used for testing of five different types of paints (EASI, Numix, Lesonal, DENSO and Polaron paints) in the 5 % NaCl solution using immersion test method. Lesonal paint provided the best corrosion protection, while DENSO paints show large values of corrosion rate, other coatings exhibit moderate values. Model of paints corrosion was developed to characterize the corrosion processes occur at the surfaces. It is found that corrosion rate obtained at vibration cases is larger than static cases and vibration effect

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of MWCNTs particles on the Heat Capacity of Distilled Water

The technique of adding Carbon Nano-Tubes to What liquids is a new important method used to enhance the thermal properties of liquids such as specific heat and heat capacity.
The experimental part was carried out using water-based nanoparticles such as Carbon Nano Tubes, with different concentrations at (0.1, 0.3, o.5and 0.7wt %) of MWCNT (Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes) and distilled water as a base, in different temperatures. The change in the value of heat capacity of a liquid was investigated. The value of heat capacity for Nano fluids increased with increasing the Carbon NanoTubes particles,when as compared with the value of heat capacity for distilled water . The best concentration of MWCNTs was improved with heat capacity about 60

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of the Poles Distances on Plasma Characteristic of Discharge Tube

     The effects of poles distances of a discharge tube (cathode and anode) were investigated. The distances(90,95,100,110,115,120,130,140)mm are considered. The influence of (25mT) parallel and (2mT) normal magnetic fields with respect to the discharge tube on electron temperature under a pressure of (6pascal) and (900volt) was studied by implementing double Langmuire probe into plasma. Curves fitting were performed to find the optimum values of electron temperature for all cases in this work.We found that the electron temperature as a function of poles distances is exponential form

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of additives metal on the D.C conductivity of epoxy resin

The present studies are focused on the modification of the properties of epoxy resin with different additives namely aluminum, copper by preparing of composites systems with percentage (20%, 40% and 50%) of the above additives. The experimental results show that the D.C of conductivity on wt% filler content at ( 293-413 ) K electrical conductivity of all above composites increased with temperature for composites with filler contact and find the excellent electrical conductivity of copper and lie between (2.6*10-10 - 2.1*10-10)?.cm . The activation energy of the electrical conductivity is determined and found to decrease with increasing the filler concentration.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Preservation on the Shelf Life of Laboratory Processed Biscuit

This study has been conducted to investigate the influence of preservatives(sodium propionate and potassium sorbate) at different levels to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit.The results have shown that When%0.10 sodium propionate was added bacteria and fungi was not found for three months while found in the fourth month of storage.However bacteria and mold didnot grow until the sixth month of storage as %0.20 and %0.30 concentration was used. On the other side as %0.03 potassium sorbate was used,the growth of bacteria was cheched for 3 months and 4 months for molds..When %0.06 potassium sorbate was used no growth of bacterial or mold was found until the sixth month of storage . Three types of bacteria have been appeare

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 12 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Effect of Nanomaterials on the Properties of Limestone Dust Green Concrete

Portland cement is considered the most involved product in environmental pollution. It is responsible for about 10% of global CO2 emissions [1]. Limestone dust is a by-product of limestone plants and it is produced in thousands of tons annually as waste material. To fulfill sustainability requirements, concrete production is recommended to reduce Portland cement usage with the use of alternative or waste materials. The production of sustainable high strength concrete by using nanomaterials is one of the aims of this study. Limestone dust in 12, 16, and 20% by weight of cement replaced cement in this study. The study was divided into two parts: the first was devoted to the investigation of the best percentage of replacement of waste

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S thin films

In this work, the optical properties of Cu2S with different thickness
(1400, 2400, 4400) Ǻ have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolys
is method onto clean glass substrate heated at 283 oC ±2. The effect
of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S has been studied. It
was found that the optical properties of the electronic transitions on
fundamental absorption edge were direct allowed and the value of the
optical energy gap of Cu2S (Eg) for direct transition decreased from
(2.4-2.1) eV with increasing of the thickness from (1400 - 4400)Ǻ
respectively. Also it was found that the absorption coefficient is
increased with increasing of thicknesses. The optical constants such<

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the Silver Nanoparticles on the Histology of Albino Mice Ovaries

The aim of study is to identify the histological changes in ovaries of the albino mice exposed to silver nanoparticles. Sixty adult females were collected and exposures by 4000 p.p.m. and 50-150 nm in size, Females were divided into 3treated groups. The concentration dosage was (1, 1.5 and 2) p.p.m. of silver nanoparticles for 7, 14 and 21 days as exposure periods as well as control group which treated by normal saline. Treated groups appeared different histopathological changes, it is depending on the concentration of silver nanoparticles and the period of exposure. These changes were included congestion in the blood vessels, hemorrhage, hyaline degeneration, fatty degeneration, pyknosis, necrosis as well as fusion of cells in follicula

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the professional skepticism characteristics of the auditor on audit qualit

The professional skepticism is one of the fundamental concepts necessary for practicing the audit profession, without which the auditor can not reach a reasonable assurance as to the correctness of the evidence and the information obtained by the auditing department. The auditor's possession of the characteristics of professional skepticism and his practice of professional skepticism during the audit process lead to an increase The quality of audit and thus raise the confidence of the financial community in the audit profession again after the exposure of several crises led to the loss of financial society confidence in the audit profession.

The aim of the study is to measure the impact of professional sk

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat May 11 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
The effect of increasing temperature on the sensitivity of photonic crystal fiber

Photonic Crystal Fiber Fabry–Perot Interferometers (FPI) based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) was investigated in this paper in order to detect changes in photonic crystal fiber sensitivity with increasing temperature. FPI is composed of a PCF (ESM-12) solid core spliced with a single-mode fiber (SMF) on one side and a 40nm thick gold Nano film on the other. In order to obtain the SPR curve, the end of PCF can be spliced with the side of SMF before covering the gold film on the PCF. SPR results are included in the suggested sensor, based on the conclusions of the investigations. Resolution (R) is 0.0871, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is 0.1867, a figure of merit (FOM) is 0.0069, and sensitivity (S) is 1.1481 . This sensor proposed is s

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