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The cluster analysis of most important citrus trees in some governorates of Iraq for the year 2019
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Citrus fruits are one of the consumer agricultural products of the Iraqi citizen. It is rich in vitamins and usedin many food industries as well as medicines. Classifying the amount of production of citrus treesaccording to the producing governorates has been done to find a map that shows the production of citrustrees according to Iraqi governorates. A cluster analysis method was used according to the hierarchicalmethod. The results showed that Najaf and Qadisiyah are the most similar in citrus production, whileSaladin and Najaf were the two governorates with the furthest distance in proximity matrix. Diyalagovernorate was clustered in the first cluster within two, three, four or five of the clusters for classifyingIraqi governorates covered by the research into three groups according to the production of citrus includingthe first group with the provinces of Najaf, Qadisiyah, Babil and Karbala, while annexation of the secondcluster provinces includes Diyala and Wasit. The third cluster has included the provinces of Baghdad andSaladin. The lowest distance has been between the governorates of Najaf and Qadisiyah as compared withthe longest distance between the governorates of Saladin and Najaf

Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2011
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of essential oil extracted from yellow peel of Citrus aurantium L. on growth of some fungi
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جريت دراسة مختبرية لمعرفة تأثير الزيت الطيار لقشور ثمار نبات النارنج الصفرC. aurantium تجاه النمو السطحي للفطريات Penicillium expansum، Aspergillus flavus و Fusarium oxysporum ، أظهرت نتائج الفعالية التثبيطية للزيت الطيار تأثيراً معنويا متفاوتاً في الفطريات المشمولة بالدراسة، إذ كان الزيت الطيار أكثر تأثيرأَ في الفطر P. expansum تلاه الفطر A. flavus ،في حين كان الفطر oxysporum F.أقل حساسية تجاه الزيت الطيار. بصورة عامة اظهر الزيت الطيار تأثيرا تثبيطيا

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of essential oil extracted from yellow peel of Citrus aurantium L. on growth of some fungi
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  The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of essential oil extracted from yellow peels of Citrus aurantium on the radial growth of all fungi.  Penicillium expansum, Aspergilus flavus and Fusarium oxysporum.              The results showed significant gradual reduction of the surface growth of fungi, P. expansum and A. flavus was more affected by the essential oil, while  F. oxysporum  showed less sensitivity towards the essential oil. The reaction of growth was inconcommitant with increasing concentrationsof oil, reaching concentration of (5)% which showed complete inhibition.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Permeability Prediction and Facies Distribution for Yamama Reservoir in Faihaa Oil Field: Role of Machine Learning and Cluster Analysis Approach
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Empirical and statistical methodologies have been established to acquire accurate permeability identification and reservoir characterization, based on the rock type and reservoir performance. The identification of rock facies is usually done by either using core analysis to visually interpret lithofacies or indirectly based on well-log data. The use of well-log data for traditional facies prediction is characterized by uncertainties and can be time-consuming, particularly when working with large datasets. Thus, Machine Learning can be used to predict patterns more efficiently when applied to large data. Taking into account the electrofacies distribution, this work was conducted to predict permeability for the four wells, FH1, FH2, F

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Food Science And Technology
Evaluating the hydrophilic antioxidant capacity in different citrus genotypes
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the relationship between inflation and the tax revenue in Iraq for the period 1990-2010
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The Iraqi economy has suffered for a long period of inflation because of the Iraq war and the resolutions and the sanctions that were imposed on Iraq, this phenomenon overshadowed at various aspects of the economy including the tax revenue that the State seeks to optimize the total income for the budget, the research covers the years 1990-2010, these years have been divided according to the country's economic variables.

The research  adopted on econometrics analysis that is based on the information and data available on topics and has been using statistical methods to test functions are formulated.

Research concluded that rates of inflation and GDP impact is limited to direct taxation and indirect in current prices a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The important the drama dance in sporte iraqes theatre acting actor
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dance that reflect deferent sides from life human , in this search ensure for the causation can the expressionistic dancing be development acting actor in Iraqis theatre ? so this search concept of section one composed of the search problem  , and important  the search  and need it , aimed the search , lines search it composed of the lines time ,  place , and lines subject , and the searcher ended this section with practical terms .   Section tow – theatrical lines form that composed of part one the dance kinds: the expressionistic dancing, is very important in analyses the symbol .                     

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
For Sake of The Economic Reform - With some indication for Iraq
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The imbalances and economic problems which it face the countries, it is a result of international economic developments or changes or global crises such as deterioration in trade, sharp changes in oil prices, increasing global indebtedness, sharp changes in foreign exchange rates and other changes, all that, they affect the economic features of any country. and These influences vary from one country to another according to the rigidity of its economy and its potential in maneuvering with economic plans and actions that would reduce the impact or avoidance with minimal damage. Therefore, the countries  that  suffer from accumulated economic problems as a result of mismanagement and poor planning or suffe

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Genetic Polymorphism in the Mitochondrial DNA of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis Capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera:Tephritidae)Using the Method of PCR-RFLP in Three Governorates in the Middle Region of Iraq.
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Genetic polymorphism in a fragment of NADH (ND4),400bp long from the Mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) of Mediterranean fruit fly ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) using PCR-RFLP method
with the restriction enzyme EcoRV in samples collected from three governorates in the middle of Iraq.
The purposes of this study is to establish database, discover the introduction source as well as studying
the genetic diversity for this economic pest in Iraq. The results show that there is a genetic
polymorphism of the studied gene fragment among Kut governorate as compaired with the other
studied samples according to digestion results of the restriction enzyme EcoRV.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2919
Journal Name
Economic Analysis for Role of Agricultural Exports in Agricultural Growth in Iraq for the Period (1990 – 2017)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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