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Theoretical calculation of the electronic current at N3 contact with TiO2 solar cell devices

In this study, a theoretical scenario has been used to calculate the electronic current in sensitizer N3 molecule contact to TiO2 semiconductor for electrons in functional solar cells. It is known to play an important role on the compute the eficiency of solar cell. Some parameters of electronic current such as the transition energy, driving force energy, barrier height coupling overlapping values are determined. Transition energy is a necessary parameter to calculate the electronic current in solar cell with using wide polarity solvents Acetic acid, 2-Methoxyethanol, 1-Butanol, Methyl alcohol, chloroform, N,N-Dimethylacetamide and Ethyl alcohol via the quantum donor-acceptor system. Here, we show the results of transition energy can be varied by varied the polarity of solvents due to dielectric constant and refractive index. However, the transition energy of N3/TiO2 system has slightly increasing with increasing dielectric constant and decrease refractive index. In general, the results of electronic current decreased with increased driving force as results to decrease chemical potential of N3 dye. The N3/ZnO device is shown higher current (3.247 to10.46) × 106 with Acetic acid and reach minimum with Methyl alcohol in range (1.689 to 5.443)× 106 when the driving energy minimum ΔE0 = 0.35 eV. (5.225 to 16.837) × 104 with 1-Butanol and reach minimum in range (0.952 to3.070 ) × 104 with chloroform while for drive energy (0.55 eV) the current decrease and reach maximum (8.528 to27.481) × 102 with Methyl alcoholsolvent and reach minimum(0.176 to 0.569 ) with chloroform solvents. Consequently,the TiO2 contact with N3 is given accept current results in room temperature with Acetic acid solvent in low drive energy and with 1-Butanol and Methyl alcoholsolvents at large drive energy.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
A Pragma-Linguistic Study of Deontic Modals in the Language of International Contracts.

Deontic modality expresses what is necessary or possible according to the norms of morality and laws of community. It is a cover term for those cases where modal auxiliaries used to express notions like ''obligation'', ''prohibition'' and, ''permission''. Deontic modals are basically performatives, having the ''so-be-it'' component of directives in that the speaker directs the behavior of the addressee to get things done. The present study identifies the use of deontic models in international contracts to prove that there are major pragmatic strategies employed in writing them. To achieve the aim of the study, a modified model of Danet’s (1980) and Trosborg’s (1995) in accordance to Searle (1969) is used to analyze 16 texts selected fro

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Nano Biomedicine And Engineering
The Impact of Modified Metallic Nanoparticles on Thermomechanical Properties of PMMA Soft Liner

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer in Correction of Foot Drop Deformity

Backgr ound: The transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon to the anterior aspect of the ankle not only replaces the function of the paralyzed muscles, but also removes the deforming force on the medial aspect of the foot. Objecti ves: In this study, we evaluated patients who underwent tibialis posterior tendon transfer for the treatment of foot drop, and comparison through interosseous membrane route versus anterior to lower tibia route of tibialis posterior tendon transfer, with evaluation of the results according to carayon criteria Methods: Nine patients with foot drop secondary to different causes treated with tibialis posterior tendon transfer from January 2011 to January 2012 were followed up for a mean of 12 months in Al Kindy Teach

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Electron Devices

In this work, we have investigated optical properties of the thermally evaporation PbS/CdS thin films. The optical constant such as (refractive index n, dielectric constant εi,r and Extinction coefficient κ) of the deposition films were obtained from the analysis of the experimental recorded transmittance spectral data. The optical band gap of PbS/CdS films is calculate from (αhυ)1/2 vs. photon energy curve.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic

The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic  

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2013
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Morphodynamics, landform development and origin of the Ga’ara depression, Western Desert of Iraq

This work deals with the study of the morphodynamics, history of development of landforms and the origin of the Ga’ara depression. The depression is a suboval erosional topographic feature extending in E-Wdirection and located about 50 km north of Rutba Town, at the Western Desert of Iraq. The area is characterized by fresh and clean surfaces, scarcity of vegetation, abundance of rills, intense drainage and immature soil. These clues indicate that the erosion in the study area is effective. Four types of erosion features are recognized in this area namely sheet, rill, badland and wind erosion. The extent of the wind erosion depends on its position in relation to the prevailing wind direction. Water, wind and gravity are the main agents of

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 03 2023
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
The Significance of Remdesivir and Favipiravir Therapies to Survival of COVID-19 Patients

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the infection escalation around the globe encourage the implementation of the global protocol for standard care patients aiming to cease the infection spread. Evaluating the potency of these therapy courses has drawn particular attention in health practice. This observational study aimed to assess the efficacy of Remdesivir and Favipiravir drugs compared to the standard care patients in COVID-19 confirmed patients. One hundred twenty-seven patients showed the disease at different stages, and one hundred and fifty patients received only standard care as a control group were included in this study. Patients under the Remdesivir therapy protocol were (62.20%); meanwhile, there (30.71

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE EXTENT OF EXPOSURE OF BAGHDAD UNIVERSITY : (Students To Cultural And Television Programs)

Communication is one of the main elements of culture, it is the source of its formation and a factor of its development and spread. Communication is a 'dynamic' cultural process and is an integral part of the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of people. Therefore, mass communication means help in the course and movement of individuals and cultural communities. The relationship between media and culture according to this perspective is one of many key factors and influential forces that make it coherent and sometimes intertwined. It is a problematic relationship that leads to research and study in order to lay the right foundations in the orientation towards the audience.

Mass communication has many basic functions.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Germination on Chemical Constituents of Broad Beans and Chickpeas Seeds

This study was carried out to find out the effect of germination of broad beans and chickpeas seeds for different periods on their antinutritional factors content ( Trypsin inhibitor and Phytic acid ) and the chemical constituents of germination seeds compared with the control samples (ungerminated seeds) . The results indicated asignificant increase (P<0.05) in crude protein content as germination period proceeded.The highest values of 28.0% and 24.0% were reached on the sixth and fourth day for germinated broad beans and chickpeas respectively, The intial values were 25.6% and 23.5% for control samples, respectively. The content of raffinose,stachyose and verbascose were reduced as germination period proceeded, Stachyose and verbascose we

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Translation & Adaptation of(Patterns) & (Assembly) Scales of The Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT)

The Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT) assesses aptitudes that are important for successful performance of particular job-related tasks. An individual's aptitude can then be matched to the job tasks. The FACT helps to determine the tasks in which a person has proficiency. Each test measures a specific skill that is important for particular occupations. The FACT battery is designed to provide measures of an individual's aptitude for each of 16 job elements.

The FACT consists of 16 tests used to measure aptitudes that are important for the successful performance of many occupational tasks. The tests provide a broad basis for predicting success in various occupational fields. All are paper and pen

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