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Retention of Silica Nanoparticles in Limestone Porous Media
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Nanofluids (dispersion of nanoparticles in a base fluid) have been suggested as promising agents in subsurface industries including enhanced oil recovery. Nanoparticles can easily pass through small pore throats in reservoirs formations; however, physicochemical interactions between nanoparticles and between nanoparticles and rocks can cause a significant retention of nanoparticles. This study investigated the transport, attach, and retention of silica nanoparticles in core plugs. The hydrophilic silica nanoparticles were injected into limestone core as nanofluid of different nanoparticles size (5 nm, and 20 nm), concentration (0.005 – 0.1 wt% SiO2), and base fluid salinity (0 – 3 wt% NaCl) at different temperatures (23, and 50 °C). Deposition and transport of nanoparticles were measured via nanoparticle concentration of effluent fluid, and energy distractive spectroscopy (EDS) measurement on the limestone core. It was found that silica nanoparticles dispersed in brine (NaCl) solutions are increasingly retained in limestone core as the solution ionic strength increases. On the other hand, less significant retention was measured when the nanoparticles were dispersed in DI water. The EDS measurements also reported the same trend of increased nanoparticles retention with salinity due to larger aggregates that result from the screening effect of the electrolyte on repulsive forces between nanoparticles. Thus, the observed change in surface wettability from oil to water-wet and the increase in oil production that reported in many core flooding laboratory studies are mainly related to the high adsorption rate of hydrophilic silica nanoparticles on carbonate surfaces.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Modalities and Methodological Techniques in Media Studies
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There have been many writings and discussions that dealt with the details and interpretation of the research methods and the identification of the methods and methodological methods used by researchers and writers as they deal with research topics and problems in all fields of natural and human sciences. But we noticed that the movement of science and its knowledge and development requires the identification of suitable tools and methodological methods appropriate for each type of science. In other words, attempts should be established to build appropriate methodological tools for human and cognitive activity that can be referred to as a specific science that sets out certain paths of the human sciences which is certainly the ori

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
Biodiesel from fresh and waste sunflower oil using calcium oxide catalyst synthesized from local limestone
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The effect of the media in forming knowledge and political awareness
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Abstract The dissemination of knowledge is no longer confined to schools and universities, not even books. For nearly two centuries, the media have become prominent in disseminating knowledge and culture, in its public and particularly political aspects. After the development of the media from newspapers and magazines to the visual media, their role has increased from the dissemination of abstract information and abstract knowledge towards the process of forming new knowledge through what it publishes and broadcasts from different programs such as drama, news and talk shows. The impact of the media has changed the overall community awareness. Half a century ago the media was not so powerful and widespread. The evolution of the 1990s made

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The analytical results of the failure types of six limestone islands in the Ha Long bay of Vietnam have been identified. The calculated results of safety factor for 03 plane failure blocks lie within 0.9 and 2, have high potential failure. The analytical results have been also simulated these islands in three-dimensional space and have been also analyzed their potential failure on the fracture surfaces. The results obtained in this paper have important significance for planning and development of the Ha Long bay area, as World Natural Heritage, Quang Ninh province of Vietnam.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of additive polyvinyl alcohol polymer on properties of cement – Silica
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Study the effect of additives polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) after solving in water by concentration 10% since represent a standard of PVA solution with added to cement – silica composite of ratio (1:2) with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% respectively to the standard quantity of water which using as a mortar of building. The results are demonstrate increasing on compression resistance with increase of PVA solution until 20%, and decreasing of thermal conductivity which represent a composite are increasing in thermal insulating. The results were recommended decreasing of water absorption with increase of PVA solution ratio as illustrated in this study.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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Glassy polymers like Poly Mathyel Metha Acrylate are usually classified as non-porous materials; they are almost considered as fully transparent. Thin samples of these materials reflect color changing followed by porous formation and consequently cracking when exposed to certain level of ?-irradiation. The more the dose is the higher the effect have been observed. The optical microscope and UV-VIS spectroscopy have clearly approved these consequences especially for doped polymers.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Magnetic Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Nano Silica
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         This study involves the design of 24 mixtures of fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing nano silica. Tap water was used for 12 of these mixtures, while magnetic water was used for the others. The nano silica (NS) with ratios (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3) % by weight of cement, were used for all the mixtures. The results have shown that the mixture containing 2.5% NS gives the highest compressive strength at age 7 days. Many different other tests were carried out, the results have shown that the carbon fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing 2.5% NS (CFRMRPCCNS) had higher compressive strength, modulus of rupture, splitting tension, str

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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Soil water retention curves (SWRCs) are crucial for characterizing soil moisture dynamics and are particularly relevant in the context of irrigation management. A study was carried out to obtain the SWRC, inflection point, S index, pore size distribution curve, macro porosity, and air capacity from samples submitted to saturation and re-saturation processes. Five different-texture disturbed soil samples Sandy Loam, Loam, Sandy Clay Loam, Silt Loam, and Clay were collected. After obtaining SWRC, each air-dried soil samples were submitted to particle size distribution and clay dispersed in water analyses to verify the soil lost clay. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications using two processes of SWRC (saturat

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Fri Aug 07 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Compressive Strength and Shrinkage Behavior of Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement with Water Absorption Polymer Balls
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From the sustainability point of view a combination of using water absorption polymer balls in concrete mix produce from Portland limestone cement (IL) is worth to be perceived. Compressive strength and drying shrinkage behavior for the mixes of concrete prepared by Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C) and Portland limestone cement (IL) were investigated in this research. Water absorbent polymer balls (WAPB) are innovative module in producing building materials due to the internal curing which eliminates autogenous shrinkage, enhances the strength at early age, improve the durability, give higher compressive strength at early age, and reduce the effect of insufficient external curing. Polymer balls (WAPB) had been used in the mixes of thi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of chemical and thermal treatment on the purity of silica extracted from rice husk
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In this work, chemical and thermal treatment were used to enhance silica extract on the purity of rice husk and to reduce the impurities associated with the extraction of silica. The thermal degradation of rice husk was studied. The characteristics and thermal degradation behavior of rice husk which investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). Hydrochloric acid was used to soak the rice husk and the study of leaching influence is followed by XRF tests for samples before and after the combustion process. Acid treatment and combustion method seem to have a clear effect on silica purity. The pyrolysis processes were carried out at Laboratory temperature up to 650 oC in the presence of nitrogen gas flowing at 150 ml/min. The effect o

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