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Evaluating Roads Network Connectivity for Two Municipalities in Baghdad-Iraq
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The road network serves as a hub for opportunities in production and consumption, resource extraction, and social cohabitation. In turn, this promotes a higher standard of living and the expansion of cities. This research explores the road network's spatial connectedness and its effects on travel and urban form in the Al-Kadhimiya and Al-Adhamiya municipalities. Satellite images and paper maps have been employed to extract information on the existing road network, including their kinds, conditions, density, and lengths. The spatial structure of the road network was then generated using the ArcGIS software environment. The road pattern connectivity was evaluated using graph theory indices. The study demands the abstraction and examination of the topological structure by choosing a few factors associated with the connection of the roads. These involved the cyclomatic number, Eta coefficient, Aggregate Transform Score (ATS), Beta, gamma, and Alpha indices. According to the findings, the Al-Adhamiya roads network is more developed, better linked, and has a higher overall connectivity value than the Al-Kadhimiya network. The two study areas, however, have minimal circuitry and high complexity. Due to the modifications and expansion of land use that the municipalities have seen, the research suggests that the transportation network should be developed to reach greater interconnectedness, particularly in locations outside the city center.

Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Nasopharyngeal Dimensions in Relation to Some Dento-Cranial Variables in Class I and II Skeletal Patterns (A Comparative Cephalometric Study)
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Background: The size of the nasopharyngeal airway was believed to have an important role in the development of the dentofacial structure. This study was carried out to test the relation between the nasopharyngeal dimensions with some dento-cranial measurements in class I and II jaw relationship. Materials and Methods: This study was done on 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) at age range 18-25 years. Cephalometric radiograph has been taken to each subject and the measurements were recorded. The sample was divided into two groups, class I skeletal relationship (15 males and 15 females) and class II skeletal relationship (15 males and 15 females). Comparisons between the different study groups were undertaken. Results: In class I skeletal

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of nitrogen and sodium chloride stress in the productivity of some fatty acids in Chlorococcum humicola green alga
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Algae have been considered a sources task of biofuels, which is a future alternative to fossil fuels, and this lead the environmental studies concerned with the lifting of curves or growth rates and time of replication of different kinds of algae, as well as algae cells in response to different environmental conditions, whether chemical or physical, to assess their impact on the composition of these cells and the extent of affected components that make up the living, especially fatty acid ,total fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Gbrha. Green Chlorococcum humicola showed a different response when treated with an average of agriculture Chu-10 and Chu-13 which used as control media,Compared with the degree of its response when exposed to e

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Educational -Learning Design in the Achievement and Motivation of Students in the High School towards Art Education: كنعان غضبان حبيب
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  The present study aimed at ((building an educational -learning design based on the theory of Merrill in (CDT) and measuring the effectiveness of this design in the motivation and achievement of the high school fifth grade students to art education in the subject of the history of modern art)). The research community is made of fifth grade preparatory students in the secondary school of Umm Ayman in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Ar-Rusafa in a simple random way. The study sample (58 students) was chosen from section (e) to study according to Merrill theory (CDT) and section (d) to study according to the traditional way.
The pilot design of the control and experimental equivalent groups that have partial control in t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the leader in empowering workers Application study in a sample of Iraqi telecom companies - Asia-Cell model
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Leadership has now become a process for applying methods and techniques that make the Organization at the top of its competitive pyramid a greater market share. Leadership has become a focus for all leaders and managers، and leaders and managers are increasingly seeking to develop their skills and leadership skills. The research started with a clear problem of specific questions to ensure that the general objective of the research is to describe the characteristics of the leader and to clarify the dimensions of empowering the workers and to highlight the role of the leader in empowering the workers. The study examines the relation between the role of the leader in

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The recepient’s beauty in the algerian theatre and the recepient’s hypothetical bet , reading in stop theater by m’hammed ben gataf
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Meditationsuggetsthat the theatrical world and the receiptindicatethattherie a thread connection or relationshipbetweenthembecausetheateris an art thatfailsinto the abyss of the humanfield ,receivingis a practice thatisreffered to by corners of society and islocated in the context of thisfield. Thus, the relationshipbetweenalgeriantheater and the recepientissanctified by the nature of theaterwhichisbased on a social basis thatbuildsitsexistance and continuityfrom the recepient.Its impossible to imagine a real theaterthatwillbeestablishedunlessit’sassociatedwith an audience so one hand never claps to makesound. This connectionis the first phenomenonthatcanbecome accessible to all people and itremains the second phenomenonthatrequires th

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 07 2020
Journal Name
Xi,an University Of Architecture &technology
The Effect of Jigsaw strategy on Academic Achievement and Engagement in Learning among the 3rd male graders students in Chemistry
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The research aims to identify the effect of jigsaw strategy in learning achievement and engaging for the third grade intermediate students in chemistry. The research sample consisted of (61) students distributed in two experimental and control groups. The research tools consisted in the achievement test and the measure of engaging learning. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) between the experimental group and the control group in both the achievement test and the measure of learning involvement for the benefit of the experimental group. In this light, the researcher recommended the use of jigsaw strategy for teaching the subject matter. Lamia because of its impact in raising

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News coverage of Arab revolutions in satellite channels An analytical study of the news bulletins in Al - Tijah satellite channel
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The news media material to any means of mass media, and increasingly

 important in TV; what the associated word and image effects, which do different cover events (political, economic, sports, and social .... etc.) directly from the event site and gather the news and do prepared formulation and arranged within the framework provided by the newsletter, as it requires the viewer to provide the public with information about this news correlated; to achieve the greatest gravity following the shapes and styles and technical fees (Alkraveks) during the submission. What we are witnessing today from technological developments help existing staff to cover the news activity quickly and efficiently prohibitivel

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In vivo histological evaluation of the effect of the topical application of estrogen hormone on wounds healing in ovariectomized rabbit
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Background: Wound healing, as a normal biological process in the human body, is achieved through four precisely and highly programmed phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Growth factors released in the traumatized area promote cell migration into the wound area (chemotaxis), stimulate the growth of epithelial cells and fibroblasts (mitogenesis), initiate the formulation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), and stimulate matrix formation and remodeling of the affected region. One of factors that effects on wound healing is a sex hormones and one of these hormones is an estrogen hormone. A wide range of cutaneous cell types (eg, fibroblast, endothelial, epithelial, and inflammatory) expressed estrogen receptors, in

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Nursing Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nursing Care of Patient with Skin Traction in Orthopedic Units in Kurdistan Region
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Objective: The study aimed to evaluate knowledge and practices of nursing staff at the orthopedic units
regarding the existing care of patient with skin traction.
Methodology: The sample consists of (40) nurses, (20) of them from Emergency Teaching Hospital in Duhok
and the other (20) of them from Erbil Teaching Hospital in Erbil from 1st Dec. 2004 to the end of June 2005 in
Kurdistan Region.
Two instruments were constructed to evaluate knowledge and practices. Evaluation of knowledge was done by
using of multiple choice questions composed of (25) questions, and evaluation of practice was done by using the
observational check list which consist of four main category (pre skin traction, during skin traction, post skin

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Relationship's Impact Between the External and Internal Auditor in Preventing the Administrative & Financial Corruption: Applied Research in Sample Entities
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    This research discusses one of the most important means of reducing corruption in public sector companies and government departments, a relationship of cooperation and coordination between the external auditor and internal auditor, in the light of ISA (610), the recommendations of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the National Strategy to combat corruption. The research was based on two assumptions: the first was weak relationship of cooperation and coordination between the external auditor and internal auditor leads to weakne

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