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Abstract. Full-waveform airborne laser scanning data has shown its potential to enhance available segmentation and classification approaches through the additional information it can provide. However, this additional information is unable to directly provide a valid physical representation of surface features due to many variables affecting the backscattered energy during travel between the sensor and the target. Effectively, this delivers a mis-match between signals from overlapping flightlines. Therefore direct use of this information is not recommended without the adoption of a comprehensive radiometric calibration strategy that accounts for all these effects. This paper presents a practical and reliable radiometric calibration routine by accounting for all the variables affecting the backscattered energy, including the essential factor of angle of incidence. A new robust incidence angle estimation approach has been developed which has proven capable of delivering a reliable estimation for the scattering direction of the individual echoes. The routine was tested and validated both visually and statistically over various land cover types with simple and challenging surface trends. This proved the validity of this approach to deliver the optimal match between overlapping flightlines after calibration, particularly by adopting a parameter which accounts for the angle of incidence effect.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multicomponent Biosorption of Heavy Metals Using Fluidized Bed of Algal Biomass
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This paper aims to study the biosorption for removal of lead, cadmium, copper and arsenic ions using algae as a biosorbent. A series of experiments were carried out to obtain the breakthrough data in a fluidized bed reactor. The minimum fluidization velocities of beds were found to be 2.27 and 3.64 mm/s for mish sizes of 0.4-0.6 and 0.6-1 mm diameters, respectively. An ideal plug flow model has been adopted to characterize the fluidized bed reactor. This model has been solved numerically using MATLAB version 6.5. The results showed a well fitting with the experimental data. Different operating conditions were varied: static bed height, superficial velocity and particle diameter. The breakthrough curves were plotted for each metal. Pb2+ s

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The rality of urban management strategies in the city of Baghdad
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Several studies have indicated that more than 600 cities in the world (intermas of rapid growth and development) will generate about 60% of international economic growth between 2010 and 2025 . by 2025 , 66% of the worlds population will live in urban areas the management of cities will face challenges that accompany this increase in the population which requires preparing to face these challenges and problems and the need to provide the aim of the research to know the readiness of Baghdad city to implement the strategies of urban management throught on asmple representing the ( Advisiry group for the comprechnsive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030 and its supporters ) in the municipality of Baghdad and the number of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prevalence of Urinary Schistosomiasis in Al-Rusafah Regions of Baghdad governarate
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Urinary Schistosomiasis is one of important diseases that cause irritation and damage of urinary tract and other systems and tissues and can not be expected by doctors when diagnosing urinary tract diseases.The current study is conducted to investigate the prevalence of schistosomiasisin Baghdad / Al-Rusafa. 191urine samples were collected fromresidents ofsome areas of Al-Rusafain Baghdad governarate (Almashtal, Albaladyat, Alameen, Baghdad aljadida and Alnahrawan) for the period from March until the end of September 2010.The samples were examined by the precipitation and examination of micro hematuria by reagent strips. The total infection percentage was 9.42% (18/191) and was significantly higher in males compared tofemales12.64% (11/87)

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of the Potential Role of Serum Selenium in Diabetic Patients
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Background: The altered status of some essential trace elements observed in diabetes could have deleterious influences on the health of the diabetics. Objectives: To estimate and study the potential role of serum Selenium in type 1, type 2 diabetics and healthy subjects; and its relation with lipid profile and glycemic index. Methods: A case control designed study was carried out at the National Diabetes Center (NDC) / Al-Mustansiria University; on a total of 94 participants formed of 32 type 1 diabetics, 32 type 2 diabetics and 30 healthy control participants. Data collected about age, sex and BMI; also, blood samples examined for FPG, HbA1C, serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, serum triglyceride and sera were

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation Using an Advanced Method of Interpretation
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The Mishrif Formation is one of the most important geological formations in Iraq consisting of limestone, marl, and shale layers since it is one of the main oil producing reservoirs in the country, which contain a significant portion of Iraq's oil reserves. The formation has been extensively explored and developed by the Iraqi government and international oil companies, with many oil fields being developed within it. The accurate evaluation of the Mishrif formation is key to the successful exploitation of this field. However, its geological complexity poses significant challenges for oil production, requiring advanced techniques to accurately evaluate its petrophysical properties.

   This study used advanced well-logging analysi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Local Stability of Cournot Equilibrium as the Number of Firms Increases
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In this paper, a Cournot oligopoly with isoelastic demand function and constant marginal cost is considered. The local stability conditions of the Cournot equilibrium are determined for four models with different decision mechanisms. In the first model, firms adjust their outputs using the best reply response with naive expectations. The second model is a generalization of the first one, where firms have adaptive expectations. Meanwhile, the third and fourth models adopt the bounded rationality and local monopolistic approximation, respectively. The results show that, in the case of identical firms, the Cournot equilibrium is always stable when the firms adopt the local monopolistic approximation mechanism.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The origins of the structure of nominative pronouns, a linguistic study
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The Arabic pronouns received a lot of attention from the ancient Arab grammarians, so they explained their origins, the different forms of their structure, and the aspects of the Arabs’ use of them, and explained the aspects and reasons for these uses, with what they had of linguistic insight, which guided them to clarify the truth of these pronouns.
And recently, this research seeks new knowledge of the development of the structure of the nominative pronouns (he), (she), (them), (taa), and (waw) between dialects and towards classical Arabic, by analyzing the structure of these pronouns into their components. Its linguistic formulas are traced from the ancient Arabic texts, and by ancient I mean the texts of the era of linguistic ci

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of unknowns and government linkages -empirical study of the application
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It is no secret that the prophets speech is of great importance, as the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, and as such we must reserve and verify the authenticity of the novel and the narrators seizure, and all the conditions laid down by the scholars.

The subject of our research here concerns part of this verification, which is the unknown, the subject of the unknown hadith is considered a matter of great interest by the modernists because it relates to the validity of the novel and the narrators, and the methods of the modernists varied in terms of the reasons for this weakness, the fool never entertained them by the reckless narrative.

I chose the subject of my research the types of Mahjail and

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Expression of RANKL by dental cells during eruption of mice teeth
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Background : In order for a tooth to erupt, two obvious requirements are needed. First, there has to be alveolar bone resorption of the bone overlying the crown of the tooth such that an eruption pathway is formed. Second, resorption of bony crypt and apposition of new one, third, there has to be a biological process that will result in the tooth moving through this eruption pathway.The amniotic sac contains a considerable quantity of stem cells. These amniotic stem cells are multipotent and able to differentiate into various tissues, which may be useful for human application. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is concentrated on bone biology, more specifically bone metabolism. RANKL plays a vital role in osteoclast

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Role of Resistine in the Fertility of Obese Infertile Males
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Fertility is a major need for all humans and obesity has been shown an important factor that may affect it. Resistin is one of the adipokines that have a relation with both fertility and obesity. The study aimed to measure the resistin levels in serum and seminal fluid of normal fertile (n=10), obese infertile (n=20) and Non obese infertile (n=10) individuals using the enzyme linked immunoassay method (ELIZA), Also conventional semen analysis was performed for each sample. Results revealed a highly significant increase (p<0.01) in serum resistine levels in normal fertile males (7.4 ng/ml) compared to both non-obese and obese infertile males (1.13, 3.01 ng/ml) respectively the same results for seminal plasma resistin levels (12.1 ng/ml

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