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Fabrication and characterization of polymer composites for endodontic use
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Aim To develop a low-density polyethylene–hydroxyapatite (HA-PE) composite with properties tailored to function as a potential root canal filling material. Methodology Hydroxyapatite and polyethylene mixed with strontium oxide as a radiopacifier were extruded from a single screw extruder fitted with an appropriate die to form fibres. The composition of the composite was optimized with clinical handling and placement in the canal being the prime consideration. The fibres were characterized using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and their thermal properties determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the composite fibres and gutta-percha were compared, dry and after 1 month storage in simulated body fluid (SBF), using a universal testing machine. The radiopacity of the fibres was determined using digital radiography. The interaction of the composites with eugenol was evaluated and compared with gutta-percha. Data of the tensile test were submitted to two-way anova and Bonferroni tests (P < 0.05). Results The endothermic peaks obtained from the DSC studies showed that the melting point of the HA/PE composites ranged between 110.5 and 111.2 °C, whereas gutta-percha exhibited a melting point at 52 °C. The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the silanated HA/PE composites were significantly higher than those of gutta-percha (P < 0.0001) under dry conditions and 1 month storage in SBF. The gutta-percha in eugenol showed a significant increase in the polymer molar mass, whereas the silanated HA/PE composites were unchanged. Radiological evaluations demonstrated that silanated HA/PE fibres were sufficiently radiopaque. Conclusion Promising materials for endodontic applications have been developed, offering relevant benefits over the traditional materials in terms of mechanical and chemical properties

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An FTIR Study of Characterization of Neat and UV Stabilized Nylon 6,6 Polymer Films
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  The work is concerned with the characterization of as cast films of neat and UV-stabilized nylon 6,6 by employing FTIR measurements. Band assignment is made for neat and UVstabilized nylon 6,6 using FTIR spectra confirm their molecular structure. UV-stabilizer added to nylon 6,6 has caused reduction in the absorbance of the vibrational bands and thus stabilizes the behavior of the polymer in the end and uses specially in harsh environment.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improving the Durability of Streak and Thermal Insulation of Petroleum Pipes by Using Polymeric Based Paint System: Polymer Matrix Composites have several and wide applications
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This research deals with increasing the hardening and insulating the petroleum pipes against the conditions and erosion of different environments. So, basic material of epoxy has been mixed with Ceramic Nano Zirconia reinforcement material 35 nm with the percentages  (0,1,2,3,4,5) %, whereas the paint basis of broken petroleum pipes was used  to paint on it, then it was cut into dimensions (2 cm. × 2 cm.) and 0.3cm high. After the paint and percentages are completed, the samples were immersed into the paint. Then, the micro-hardness was checked according to Vickers method and thermal inspection of paint, which contained (Thermal conduction, thermal flux and Thermal diffusivity), the density of the painted samples was calculate

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fabrication and Characterization of Tri Metal Oxides by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Technique as a Gas Sensor
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In this research tri metal oxides were fabricated by simple chemical spray pyrolysis technique from (Sn(NO3)2.20 H2O, Zn(NO3)2.6 H2O, Cd(NO3)2.4 H2O) salts at concentration 0.1M with mixing weight ratio 50:50 were fabricated on silicon substrate n-type (111). (with & without the presence of grooves by the following diemensions (20μm width, 7.5μm depth) with thickness was about ( 0.1 ±0.05 µm) using water soluble as precursors at a substrate temperature 550 ºC±5, with spray distance (15 cm) and their gas sensing properties toward H2S gas at different concentrations (10,50,100,500 ppmv) in air were investigated at room te

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Characterization of Gold Coating on Nanostructured CR39 Polymer as SERS Sensor
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Abstract: The development of highly sensitive sensors has become an efficient field of research. In this work, an ArF Excimer laser of 193 nm with a maximum pulse energy of 275 mJ, 15 ns pulse duration and a repetition rate of 1 Hz is utilized to form a Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) of three different morphologies (nanochains, contours, grooves) on surface of CR39 polymer at a fluence range above the ablation threshold (250 mJ/cm2). The laser ablated polymer surface is then Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) activated by deposition of a gold layer of 30 nm thickness. The capability of the produced substrate for surface enhanced Raman scattering is evaluated through thiophenol as an analyte molecule. It is observ

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Reinforcing and Applied Load of Wear Rate for Epoxy Composites
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This research studies Reinforcing and applied load of  Wear Rate for Epoxy composites contains from epoxy resin (Ep) as a matrix material and reinforced by Gawain red wood flour , Russian white wood flour , glass powder and rock wool fibers , with volume fraction (20%) for all samples in lab conditions.  by using the load (10,20 ,30 ,40) Newton of iron disc for testing  time(10) minute, and the results have shown that the reinforcing of epoxy resin led to decrease  wear rate for all samples except the hybrid composites reinforced earth glass powder , that the wear rate values  decrease  from   (22×10-9g/cm) to (4×10-9g/cm) of composite material(Ep+R.W.F) and thus(Ep+W.W.F)   at la

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fabrication and Study of Nano catalysis for Alkaline Fuel Cell
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fabrication and Characterization of Gas Sensor from ZrO2: MgO Nanostructure Thin Films by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering Technique
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Thin films ZrO2: MgO nanostructure have been synthesized by a radio frequency magnetron plasma sputtering technique at different ratios of MgO (0,6, 8 and  10)% percentage to be used as the gas sensor for nitrogen dioxide NO2. The samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and sensing properties were also investigated. The average particle size of all prepared samples was found lower than 33.22nm and the structure was a monoclinic phase. The distribution of grain size was found lower than36.3 nm and uninformed particles on the surface. Finally, the data of sensing properties have been discussed, where the

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Fabrication of In2O3: CdO Nanoparticles for NO2 Gas Sensor
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The physical and morphological characteristics of porous silicon (PS) synthesized via gas sensor was assessed by electrochemical etching for a Si wafer in diluted HF acid in water (1:4) at different etching times and different currents. The morphology for PS wafers by AFM show that the average pore diameter varies from 48.63 to 72.54 nm with increasing etching time from 5 to 15min and from 72.54 to 51.37nm with increasing current from 10 to 30 mA. From the study, it was found that the gas sensitivity of In2O3: CdO semiconductor, against NO2 gas, directly correlated to the nanoparticles size, and its sensitivity increases with increasing operating temperature.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fabrication of PAN:Cellulose Membrane for Oil/Water Separation
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In this study, we fabricated nanofiltration membranes using the electrospinning technique, employing pure PAN and a mixed matrix of PAN/HPMC. The PAN nanofibrous membranes with a concentration of 13wt% were prepared and blended with different concentrations of HPMC in the solvent N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). We conducted a comprehensive analysis of these membranes' surface morphology, chemical composition, wettability, and porosity and compared the results. The findings indicated that the inclusion of HPMC in the PAN membranes led to a reduction in surface porosity and fiber size. The contact angle decreased, indicating increased surface hydrophilicity, which can enhance flux and reduce fouling tendencies. Subsequently, we evaluated the e

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Diclofenac Sodium Using (2-vinylpyridine and 2-hydroxyethyl metha acrylate) as the Complexing Monomer
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Four electrodes were synthesized based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Two MIPs were prepared by using the diclofenac sodium (DFS) as the template, 2-hydroxy ethyl metha acrylate(2-HEMA) and 2-vinyl pyridine(2-VP) as monomers as well as divinyl benzene and benzoyl peroxide as cross linker and initiator respectively. The same composition used for prepared non-imprinted polymers (NIPs) but without the template (diclofenac sodium). To prepared the membranes electrodes used different plasticizers in PVC matrix such as: tris(2-ethyl hexyl) phosphate (TEHP), tri butyl phosphate (TBP), bis(2-ethyl hexyl) adipate (BEHA) and tritolyl phosphate (TTP). The characteristics studied the slop, detection limit, life time and linearity range of DF

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