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Fabrication and characterization of polymer composites for endodontic use
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Aim To develop a low-density polyethylene–hydroxyapatite (HA-PE) composite with properties tailored to function as a potential root canal filling material. Methodology Hydroxyapatite and polyethylene mixed with strontium oxide as a radiopacifier were extruded from a single screw extruder fitted with an appropriate die to form fibres. The composition of the composite was optimized with clinical handling and placement in the canal being the prime consideration. The fibres were characterized using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and their thermal properties determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the composite fibres and gutta-percha were compared, dry and after 1 month storage in simulated body fluid (SBF), using a universal testing machine. The radiopacity of the fibres was determined using digital radiography. The interaction of the composites with eugenol was evaluated and compared with gutta-percha. Data of the tensile test were submitted to two-way anova and Bonferroni tests (P < 0.05). Results The endothermic peaks obtained from the DSC studies showed that the melting point of the HA/PE composites ranged between 110.5 and 111.2 °C, whereas gutta-percha exhibited a melting point at 52 °C. The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the silanated HA/PE composites were significantly higher than those of gutta-percha (P < 0.0001) under dry conditions and 1 month storage in SBF. The gutta-percha in eugenol showed a significant increase in the polymer molar mass, whereas the silanated HA/PE composites were unchanged. Radiological evaluations demonstrated that silanated HA/PE fibres were sufficiently radiopaque. Conclusion Promising materials for endodontic applications have been developed, offering relevant benefits over the traditional materials in terms of mechanical and chemical properties

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Preservation of the mind and its development Makassedi study in the light of prayers Almathur
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A great abbey in the Shari'a, and is therefore destined to be preserved in many texts and by methods
There are many prayers in the Qur'an and Sunnah to encourage them
They have a clear relationship with the preservation of the purposes of the Sharia in general, and with a purpose
Save the mind in particular, but the scholars - the mercy of God - when they declare that the costs of Sharia
Due to the preservation of my intentions in the creature, they limit their words to orders and intentions, and are not exposed
In particular,
If they were included in the texts of the Shariah and Tawjiyatiya,
To be related to the preservation of the purposes of the law, which confirms the words of the former leaders, and light the li

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of character and diversity of vegetation (cultivated plants) in Al-aaras Tourst Island / Baghdad
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Vascular plants that have been identified during the study seasons in the Island. The cultivated plants were 126 species belong to 103 genera and to 49 families of the year 2001-2002 . The natural vegetation in this Island has been subjected to a total disturbance and subsidence due to the comprehensive turbidity of the Island environment.Number of names of that natural vegetation has been mentioned in the study within the weed plants.The results of the study of the period of flowering and their attitudes show clear seasonal differences. During the cold months of winter, the number of the cultivated and the natural plants was at the rate of 15%.These kinds of flowers require high level of care to increase their numbers. While in the spring

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of gamma irradiation and ZnO nano particles on the A.C electrical conductivity of polyaniline
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Conducting polyaniline / ZnO nano composites are synthesized
using a simplified cheap method with one step in –situ chemical
polymerization, and AC conductivity (σac) of the prepared samples is
studied in the range of frequency from 50 Hz to 15MHz.). The
presence of polarons in the conjugated polymer chain are responsible
for the ac conductivity is reliance on the frequency in these
composites. The effect of increasing the ZnO nano particle
concentration irradiation and gamma radiation on the electric
conductivity was analyzed. The result showed that the
nanocomposite prepared has the highest conductivity, from pure
polyaniline and the exponential factor S was found increasing with
ZnO content it was 0

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi J Of Agricultural Science
Determination of Beta Lactam Resistance of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Clinical Specimens and Water Samples
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Experimental and Numerical Comparison of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Openings of Different Configurations
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This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study aimed at comparing the influence of openings of different configurations on the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete gable roof beams. The experimental program consisted of testing six simply supported gable beams subjected to mid-point concentrated load. The variable which has been investigated in this work was opening's configuration (quadrilateral or circular) with the same upper and lower chords depth. The results indicate improvement in the beams’ flexural behavior when circular openings were used compared with that of quadrilateral openings, represented by an increase in ultimate load capacity and a decrease in deflection at the service limit. Also, there was an

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Crossref (17)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Analytical Study of the Convergence and Stability of the New Four-Step Iterative Schemes
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Based on the needs of the scientific community, researchers tended to find new iterative schemes or develop previous iterative schemes that would help researchers reach the fixed point with fewer steps and with stability, will be define in this paper the multi_implicit four-step iterative (MIFSI) which is development to four-step implicit fixed point iterative, to develop the aforementioned iterative scheme, we will use a finite set of projective functions ,nonexpansive function and finite set from a new functions called generalized quasi like contractive which is an amalgamation of quasi contractive function and contractive like function , by the last function and a set of sequential organized steps, we will be able to prove the existen

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Level of some Adipokines in Hypo-and Hyperthyroids Patients in Baghdad City
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Determination of the level of adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6)in hypo-and hyperthyroid patients from Educational Baghdad Hospital in Baghdad City was investigated. Fifty patients with hypothyroidism and Fifty patients with hyperthyroidism were selected. A control group of thirty euthyroid persons was included. Blood was collected by vein puncture and serum was separated and stored at –20C. Adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6) were estimated using ELISA method. The findings show a significant (p<0.05) increase in obestatin level in hypothyroid patients, while there is no significant difference in hyperthyroid patientsas compared with the euthyroid subjects.

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Experimental Study of Collection ,Separation , Enumeration and Cryopreservation of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells
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   Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells(HSCs,MSCs) that have proven useful clinically to reconstitute the hematopoietic system in children and some adults  .   Fifteen cord blood samples were collected from placenta of  newly delivered women in AlKadhemia hospital in Baghdad for normal vaginal delivery.      Mono nucleated cells (MNCs) were isolated by using density gradient centrifugation and the MNCs  count and viability  were  determinated by trypan blue.MNCs were cryopreserved using the cryoprotectant solution of 10% concentration of dimethyl sulfoxid (DMSO)using slow cooling and rapid thaw.  The aim of the present study

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
External Morphological Study of Pieris rapae (Limmaeus, 1758), (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Mid and North of Iraq.
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The work included study of external morphology of white cabbage butterfly Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758). The study included the external morphological characters of different body regions in addition to the male and female genitalia. The studied morphological characters were supported by photos and illustrations. Specimens of the work were collected from north and middle of Iraq and dates and sites of collection were fixed. 

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Effect of Annealing Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnSe Thin Films
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 The effect of thermal annealing on some structural and optical  properties of ZnSe thin films was studied which prepared by thermal evaporation method with (550±20) nm thickness and annealing at (373,473)K for (2h), By using X-ray diffraction technique structural properties studied and showed that the films are crystalline nature and have ( cubic structure ) .From the observed results after heating treatment, We found that the annealing to perform decreases in grain size and increases in dislocation and observed the optical properties increase in absorption and decrease in transmission. From absorption spectra optical energy gap calculated about (2.66,2.68)eV which decreases value after heating treatment

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