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Cover crop influence on soil water dynamics for a corn–soybean rotation
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Abstract<p>Crop production is reduced by insufficient and/or excess soil water, which can significantly decrease plant growth and development. Therefore, conservation management practices such as cover crops (CCs) are used to optimize soil water dynamics, since CCs can conserve soil water. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of CCs on soil water dynamics on a corn (<italic>Zea mays</italic> L.)–soybean [<italic>Glycine max</italic> (L.) Merr.] rotation at three soil depths over 3 yr. The study was conducted at the Chariton County Cover Crop Soil Health Research and Demonstration Farm (CCSH) in Missouri. Initial CC establishment occurred in 2012. Volumetric soil water content (VWC) was monitored at 15‐min intervals with calibrated Waterscout SM100 soil moisture sensors (Spectrum Technologies) at three depths (10, 20, and 30 cm) in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Cover crop soils maintained numerically higher VWC values compared with no CC (NCC) at both 10‐ and 20‐cm depths throughout the study period where the differences were significant in some weeks. The subsurface soil water recharge was greater in CC soils at both 10‐ and 20‐cm depths compared with NCC in March 2017. The results imply that CC soils have maintained higher VWC levels during vegetative period of the CC growth where the differences were significant in some weeks compared with NCC at all three soil depths. These findings can be used to promote CC adoption for better soil water storage and develop CC management plans for corn–soybean rotations on claypan soils.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isotherms and Thermodynamic Parameters of Metoprolol Drug Adsorption on the Prepared Mesoporous Silica
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In this study, mesoporous silica (MPS) is made using the sol-gel method from a cheap source (Na2SiO3) using the surfactant hydroxycetyl hydroxyethyl dimonium chloride as a template. The task is the adsorption-based removal of the medication metoprolol (MP) at concentrations between 10 and 50 ppm. Variables such as: contact time, dose of adsorbent, starting concentration of adsorbate, and adsorption temperature were studied which show the equilibrium time and adsorbent dose are 40 min and 0.05 g respectively. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models were fitted to the data obtained from the experiments. Comparing the outcomes showed that, of the four investigated isotherm models, the Freundlich equation m

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Chlorine Concentration on the Optical Constants of SnS Thin Films
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Chlorine doped SnS have been prepared utilizing chemical spray pyrolysis. The effects of chlorine concentration on the optical constants were studied. It was seen that the transmittance decreased with doping, while reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant were increased as the doping percentage increased. The results show also that the skin depth decrease as the chlorine percentage increased which could be assure that it is transmittance related.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optimization Procedures using Effect of Etalon Finesse and Driving Term on Optical Bistability
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        In this work, analytical study for simulating a Fabry-Perot bistable etalon (F-P cavity) filled with a dispersive optimized nonlinear optical material (Kerr type) such as semiconductors Indium Antimonide (InSb). Because of a trade off between the etalon finesse values and driving terms, an optimization procedures have been done on the InSb etalon/CO laser parameters, using critical switching irradiance (Ic) via simulation systems of optimization procedures of optical cavity. in order to achieve the  minimum switching power and faster switching time, the optimization parameters of the finesse values and driving terms on optical bistability and switching dynamics must be studied.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 05 2024
Journal Name
Techhub Journal
The effect of suggested exercises on improving the kinesthetic response of soccer goalkeepers
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rentierism effect on the democratic choice of the state In Iraq after 2003
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The linguistic meaning of the verse in the Arabic dictionaries applies very much to the reality of rent and its effect. This is true of economic growth as a continuous increase in real per capita income in addition to the same thing. Therefore, development does not necessarily achieve a comprehensive and structural increase of the various economic sectors. As the rent came in the sense of a terrible land open Maim any fertilized. And the camel is a ma'aya and a ra'i: that is, it goes in the pasture and returns itself. This is similar to the extraction of oil after it is ready for investment and earn its revenue as soon as it exists or is extracted by external parties. If the rent is first linked to agriculture, especially the fertile lan

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of the Zinc on Activity of Immune System in Male Albino Mice
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   Effect of zinc chloride on the immune  functions was studied in male albino mice aged 6-7 weeks. It was administrated orally (1ml) in three concentrations (0.5ppm, 1ppm, 2ppm) for 9 days.         The results showed that the first concentration was not effective comparing with control while the second concentration increased the enhancement of immune system and the cell third one killed the mice 6 hours post administration, so we can conclude that the high dose of ZnCl2 could be harmful for all metabolism.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Lime Addition Methods on Performance Related Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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In the recent years, some of the newly constructed asphalt concrete pavements in Baghdad as well as other cities across Iraq showed premature failures with consequential negative impact on both roadway safety and economy. Frequently, load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some poorly drained sections are the main failure types found in those newly constructed road.

In this research, hydrated lime was introduced into asphalt concrete mixtures of wearing course in two methods. The first one was the addition of dry lime on dry aggregate and the second one was the addition of dry lime on saturated surface dry aggregate moisturized by 2.0 to 3.0 percent of wa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of cytotoxic Effects Alcoholic Nerium Oleander L. Extract on female Albino mice
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This study involved the evaluation of Alcoholic extract of Nerium Oleander L. plant that have a promising anticancer cell. This extract was compared to the well known anticancer drug Cis – Platinum by utilizing an in vivo system in female Albino mice. The first direction was cytogenetically using the mitotic Index of bone marrow cells as a parameter for the cytotoxic effect of this extract. The second direction was enzymatical using a widely distributed enzyme GOT in the different organs of mice: Liver , kidney , spleen and lung . Animals were treated with three doses of Cis-platin , 50 , 200 and 350 Mg/mouse for three days . The same doses were used for the other extract . This study showed that the extract have a promising anticance

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 08 2023
Journal Name
Hammurabi Journal For Studies
The Impact of the Political Process on Government Stability in Iraq After 2003
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The research in the variables of the political process and government stability tried to show the impact of the political process on political stability first, and then on government stability second, given that the political process that was established in 2005 was aimed at achieving legitimacy, and its most prominent tools are elections, leading to achieving political stability, including government stability. The issue of governmental stability is one of the important issues in Iraq, but it has not been achieved, as a result of several factors, including problems in political action, as the political process has not succeeded in leading Iraq to stability.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Effect of Carbamazepine Drug on Liver Ultrastructure in Female White Mice (Mus musculus)
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Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder after Alzheimer and other cerebrovascular diseases. Antiepileptic drugs (AED's) are one of the most important methods to prevent epileptic seizers. Antiepileptic drugs can cause damage to the liver which is the largest and most important glandular organ in the body with many other drugs. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a known anticonvulsant that is widely used and known for a decade, it was used to treat trigeminal neuralgia, bipolar disorder and epilepsy and it can cause hepatotoxicity. In this study female white mice received CBZ suspension at a dose of 20 mg/kg/mouse via gastric gavage for 30 days, tissue samples were collected for scanning electron microscopy. We observed the adverse effects of

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