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Energy generation by membraneless microfluidic fuel cell using acidic wastewater as a fuel
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A simple and novel membraneless paper-based microfluidic fuel cell was presented in this study. The occurrence of laminar flow was employed to ensure no mixing of the fuel and oxidant fluids along the bath of reaction. The acidic wastewater was used as a fuel. It was an air-breathing cell, so air and tab water were used as oxidants. Both the fuel and tab water flowed continuously under gravity. Whatman filter paper was used for preparation of the fuel cell channel and two carbon fibre electrodes were used and firmed on the edges of the cell. The performance of the cell was examined over three consecutive days. The results indicated that the present cell has the potential to generate electric power, but an extensive study is required to harvest better results. Also, the effect of carbon fibres used as electrodes in the cell was investigated.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the Relationship between Beta Decay Stability of Nuclide and its Shape for Some even-even Isobars
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The aim of this work is to learn the relationship of the stability of (β) emitter isobars with their shape for some isobaric elements with even mass number (A=152 - 162). To reach this goal firstly the most stable isobar have been determined by plotting mass parabola (plotting the binding energy (B.E) as a function of the atomic number (Z)) for each isobaric family. Then three-dimensional representation graphics for each nucleus in these isobaric families have been plotted to illustrate the deformation in the shape of a nucleus. These three-dimensional representation graphics prepared by calculating the values of semi-axis minor (a), major (b) and (c) ellipsoid axis’s. Our results show that the shape of nuclides which is represented the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Impact of Aluminum Oxide Content on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO: AlO Thin Films
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AlO-doped ZnO nanocrystalline thin films from with nano crystallite size in the range (19-15 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition technique. The reduction of crystallite size by increasing of doping ratio shift the bandgap to IR region the optical band gap decreases in a consistent manner, from 3.21to 2.1 eV by increasing AlO doping ratio from 0 to 7wt% but then returns to grow up to 3.21 eV by a further increase the doping ratio. The bandgap increment obtained for 9% AlO dopant concentration can be clarified in terms of the Burstein–Moss effect whereas the aluminum donor atom increased the carrier's concentration which in turn shifts the Fermi level and widened the bandgap (blue-shift). The engineering of the bandgap by low

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Thermal performance of closed wet cooling tower has been investigated experimentally and theoretically
in this work. The theoretical model based on heat and mass transfer equations and heat and mass transfer balance equations which are established for steady state case. A new small indirect cooling tower was used for conducting experiments. The cooling capacity of cooling tower is 1 kW for an inlet water temperature of 38oC, a water mass velocity 2.3 kg/m2.s and an air wet bulb temperature of 26oC. This study investigates the relationship between saturation efficiency, cooling capacity and coefficient of performance of closed wet cooling tower versus different operating parameters such wet-bulb temperature, variable air-spray water fl

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Finding Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with Mass Number (165- 175) against Beta Decay
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In the beta decay process, a neutron converts into a proton, or vice versa, so the atom in this process changes to a more stable isobar. Bethe-Weizsäcker used a quasi-experimental formula in the present study to find the most stable isobar for isobaric groups of mass nuclides (A=165-175). In a group of isobars, there are two methods of calculating the most stable isobar. The most stable isobar represents the lowest parabola value by calculating the binding energy value (B.E) for each nuclide in this family, and then drawing these binding energy values as a function of the atomic number (Z) in order to obtain the mass parabolas, the second method is by calculating the atomic number value of the most stable isobar (ZA). The results show

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Mesomorphic and Dielectric Properties of Heterocyclic Liquid Crystals with Different Terminal Groups
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  A new hetrocyclic liquid crystal compounds containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole with different substituted in para position (Bromo, Chloro, Nitro and Methyl) were synthesized and characterized by melting points, FTIR Spectroscopy and 1HNMR spectroscopy for [Cl-SR6] and [NO2-SR6] compounds. The liquid crystalline properties of the synthesized compounds were studied by using hot-stage polarizing optical microscopy (POM), so they determined the transition enthalpies and entropies by using differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). All of the compounds show mesomorphic properties. The compounds [Br-SR6], [Cl-SR6] and [NO2SR6] exhibit an enantiotropic dimorphism smectic (Sm) phase, while the compounds [MeSR6] showed nematic (N) phase throw cooli

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Audio Classification Based on Content Features
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Audio classification is the process to classify different audio types according to contents. It is implemented in a large variety of real world problems, all classification applications allowed the target subjects to be viewed as a specific type of audio and hence, there is a variety in the audio types and every type has to be treatedcarefully according to its significant properties.Feature extraction is an important process for audio classification. This workintroduces several sets of features according to the type, two types of audio (datasets) were studied. Two different features sets are proposed: (i) firstorder gradient feature vector, and (ii) Local roughness feature vector, the experimentsshowed that the results are competitive to

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Mesomorphic and Dielectric Properties of Heterocyclic Liquid Crystals with Different Terminal Groups
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    A new hetrocyclic liquid crystal compounds containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole with different substituted in para position (Bromo, Chloro, Nitro and Methyl) were synthesized and characterized by melting points, FTIR Spectroscopy and 1HNMR spectroscopy for [Cl-SR6] and [NO2-SR6] compounds. The liquid crystalline properties of the synthesized compounds were studied by using hot-stage polarizing optical microscopy (POM), so they determined the transition enthalpies and entropies by using differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). All of the compounds show mesomorphic properties. The compounds [Br-SR6], [Cl-SR6] and [NO2SR6] exhibit an enantiotropic dimorphism smectic (Sm) phase, while the compounds [MeSR6] showed nematic (N) phase thro

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Theoretical Investigation of Innovative Charge-transfer Complexes Derived from the N-phenyl 3, 4-selenadiazo Benzophenone Imine
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In the current study, a direct method was used to create a new series of charge-transfer complexes of chemicals. In a good yield, new charge-transfer complexes were produced when different quinones reacted with acetonitrile as solvent in a 1:1 mole ratio with N-phenyl-3,4-selenadiazo benzophenone imine. By using analysis techniques like UV, IR, and 1H, 13C-NMR, every substance was recognized. The analysis's results matched the chemical structures proposed for the synthesized substances. Functional theory of density (DFT)
has been used to analyze the molecular structure of the produced Charge-Transfer Complexes, and the energy gap, HOMO surfaces, and LUMO surfaces have all been created throughout the geometry optimization process ut

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimal UAV Deployment for Data Collection in Deadline-based IoT Applications
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The deployment of UAVs is one of the key challenges in UAV-based communications while using UAVs for IoT applications. In this article, a new scheme for energy efficient data collection with a deadline time for the Internet of things (IoT) using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. We provided a new data collection method, which was set to collect IoT node data by providing an efficient deployment and mobility of multiple UAV, used to collect data from ground internet of things devices in a given deadline time. In the proposed method, data collection was done with minimum energy consumption of IoTs as well as UAVs. In order to find an optimal solution to this problem, we will first provide a mixed integer linear programming m

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2023
Journal Name
Brazilian Journal Of Physics
An Analysis of the Tensor Force and Pairing Correlation on the Disappearance of Nuclear Magicity at N = 28 Region
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The effect of the tensor term in the Skyrme interaction has been estimated in calculating the static and dynamic nuclear properties in sd and fp-shell model spaces nuclei. The nuclear shell gaps have been studied with different Skyrme parameterizations; Skxta and Skxtb with tensor interaction, SkX, SkM, and SLy4 without tensor interaction, and Skxcsb with consideration of the effect of charge symmetry breaking. We have examined the stability of N = 28 for 42Si and 48Ca. The results showed that the disappearance of the magicity occurs in the shell closure of 42Si. Furthermore, excitation energy, quadrupole deformation, neutron separation energy, pairing energy, and density profile have also been calculated. Quadrupole deformation indicates a

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