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Analysis of Acute Viral Hepatitis (A and E) in Iraq
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Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, has a number of infectious and non-infectious causes. Two of the viruses that cause hepatitis (hepatitis A and E) can be transmitted through water and food; hygiene is therefore important in their control. First, to assess the importance of HAV and HEV as a possible diagnosis for clinically diagnosed patients with acute viral hepatitis. Second, to assess the prevalence of hepatitis A and E in all provinces of Iraq and study its association with age, gender. This study consisted of two groups: The first group consisted of 2975 patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. The second group consisted of a total of 9610 persons, which were recruited by surveying a nationally representative random sample of households. A stratified random sample proportional to size of each of the 18 Iraqi governorates, both urban and rural areas was employed. Blood samples were taken from study subjects. The relative frequency of positive anti-HAV IgM antibodies was 41.0%, while anti- HEV IgM represented 19.4 % of patients with a clinical suspicion of acute viral hepatitis. The prevalence of hepatitis A-IgG antibodies in Iraqi population is 96.4% (95% confidence interval is 96-96.8%), while that of Hepatitis E-IgG antibodies was 20.3 % (95% confidence interval is 19.4-21.2%). The sero-prevalence showed a steady and significant increase with age for hepatitis E, while it showed an obvious increase between the first and second decade of life for HAV. No significant sex variation was observed for HAV, while males had a higher risk (by 15%) for HEV. The after war situation in Iraq is disastrous, due to the damage to water supply infrastructure and its contamination with sewage, Hepatitis A is hyper endemic in Iraq, while hepatitis E is endemic. Among patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis, two fifths had serologic evidence of type A and another one fifth had type E viral hepatitis

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2003
Journal Name
Ipmj-iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Changes in acid phosphatase activity in rat’s mammary tissue from virginity, through pregnancy, lactation and post–lactation
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Purpose: Studying the activity of acid phosphatase, which is the marker of lysosomal activity in the mammary glands of rats at different stages of the physiological maturation [virgih, pregnancy, lactation and Post lactation] Methods: Forty, female, albino rats were used in this study. They were divided into four groups according to their physiological states [virgin, pregnancy, lactation and post lactation]. The mammary glands, after suitable fixation and sectioning, were employed for routine haematoxylin and eosin stain and for acid phosphatase demonstration Results: Acid phosphatase activity was weakly diffuse in the secretory tubules of virgin rats, the diffuse and granular activity of this enzyme was increased during pregnancy in the s

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2004
Journal Name
Ipmj-iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Changes in alkaline phosphatase activity in rat mammary glands from virgin through pregnancy, lactation and post–lactation
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The aim of this investigation is to study the rote of alkaline phosphatase in mammogenesis and lactogenesis. A total of fortyfemalealbino rats were used and divided according to their physiological states into four groups [ten rats each]. From each deeply ether anesthetized rat, the mammary gland was removed, fixed, quenched in liquid nitrogen and sectioned using SLEE cryostat. The sections were employed for routine haematoxylin and eosin stain and alkaline phosphatase demonstration using the calcium–cobalt method. The obvious finding in the mammary glands of pregnant rat was the presence of thick black rings indicating strong alkaline phosphatase activityaround the basal part of the secretory epithelium of the alveoli. In lactating mamma

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sustainable leadership and its impact on organizational happiness Analytical research in the General Tourism Authority in Baghdad
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      The current research aims to test the relationship of the impact of sustainable leadership as an independent variable in organizational happiness as a dependent variable, in the departments and divisions of the Tourism Authority, to come up with a set of recommendations that contribute to raising the level of organizational happiness in the authority. And based on the importance of the research topic in the General Authority, and the prominent role that this body plays in society, the researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out this research, by collecting data from the departments and divisions staff of (160) respondents in an exclusively comprehensive

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Doctrinal Complication in Al-Ash'ari’s Doctrine and its Role in Managing the Doctrinal Disputes: محمد أَرَارُو
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This research aims to clarify the concept of doctrinal rules and adjust its basic terminologies. It further aims to lay down a map for the method of rooting this science by mentioning its rooted sources, in addition to drawing a miniature picture of its history, origin, formation and development. The paper ends with practical models to highlight its importance in rooting the science of nodal rules and facilitating the mentioning of its scattered discussions in a short and comprehensive phrase. The study further illustrates the pioneering role of doctrinal rules science in managing the doctrinal disputes, combining multiple sayings, and in bringing together opposing opinions. The study follows the inductive, descriptive and analytical app

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Correlation Between Hyperglycemia and Rheumatoid Factor in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Al- Risafa Area, Baghdad
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Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) formerly called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes is a common disease. Rheumatoid factor is a well-established test used in the diagnosis and follows the prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid factor is sometimes found in serum of patients with other diseases including diabetes mellitus (DM), due to the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- α which play an important role in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the study is to investigate the associations between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in scope of rheumatoid factor (RF), hyperglycemia a

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Decent Work Impact in Enhancing Job Immersion/ An Applied Research in Labour and Vocational Training Directorate
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The research aims to identify decent work and its impact in enhancing job immersion. The questionnaire was adopted as a tool to analyze the sample responses of (81) workers to represent an estimated response rate of (88 per cent) out of the total population of (92) individuals. The research adopted descriptive-analytical approach, and reliability calculation, arithmetic means standard deviations, relative importance, and regression analysis adopted on SPSS v.25. The conclusion shows that there is a medium correlation between decent work and job immersion, and there is a low impact of decent work with its dimensions in job immersion; extract the most important acceptable components for job from the sample point of view about the o

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Applying the Delphi Technique for Eliciting Criteria in Equipment and Materials Used in Highway Construction Projects
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This article aims to establish and evaluate standards for critical equipment and materials in highway projects in Iraq. Delphi technique has been used to analyze, explore, and discover the main criteria and sub-criteria that affect equipment and materials in highway construction projects in Iraq. To determine the correct response to the criteria presented in this study, a program (IBM, SPSS/V25) was used to assess the main criteria and sub-criteria using the mean score (MS) and standard deviation (SD) technique, as well as to check reliability using Cronbach's alpha factor (α). The experts' qualifications and the extent to which the person is ready to commit are both important factors in panel selection. The design of a

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Haemogloin Level, Blood Group, Chest X Ray Findings and Consanguinity in Thalassemic Children in AL Muthana Governorate
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Background: Thalassemia is characterized by the decrease or absence of the synthesis of one or more globin chains of hemoglobin. Thalassemia is distributed worldwide and is characterized by; regular blood transfusion which is creating alloimmunization to erythrocyte antigens is one of the major complications of regular blood transfusions in thalassemia, particularly in patients who are chronically transfused.Objectives: The aims of this study are to understand the immune system profile as the triggering factor for thalassemia.Methods: Thirty patients aging between one year and four months and twenty two years, twenty two of them were boys and eight were girls. Twenty nine patients, their parents are relative except one and studied in the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Empowerment and its impact in technical innovation Administrative An analytical study In General Company for electrical Industries
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based search on two variables two main (Administrative empowerment ) and (technical innovation) target detection relationship and influence between the five dimensions (the delegation of authority , personnel training , effective communication, work teams , motivating employees) and
(technical innovation) conducted research in General Company for electrical Industries , and through the sample included the views of managers in the various administrative levels poll

And adopted a researcher at a major tool for data collection is questionnaire designed to find, as was the contents of the questionnaire analysis according to the Statistical Information System ( Spss), The (55) to identi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Investigations made and soil samples brought from 14 sites in different areas, including Abu Ghraib and Al Anbar. Tests and measurements made in the Microbiology Laboratory at the College of Agriculture, University of Anbar. Department of Soil Sciences and water Resources, in order to isolate bio-fertilizers and test isolates fixing nitrogen in atmosphere and solvents for phosphorous compounds efficiency. The experiment included isolating and diagnosis of bacteria from rhizosphere soils of different plants that were brought from different agricultural areas, 74 isolates obtained by soils alleviation, and then the bio-chemical morphological and microscopic characteristics of these soils studied. The results showed that the most abundant and

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