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AVO analysis for high amplitude anomalies using 2D pre-stack seismic data
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Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) analysis is an 1 efficient tool for hydrocarbon detection and identification of elastic rock properties and fluid types. It has been applied in the present study using reprocessed pre-stack 2D seismic data (1992, Caulerpa) from north-west of the Bonaparte Basin, Australia. The AVO response along the 2D pre-stack seismic data in the Laminaria High NW shelf of Australia was also investigated. Three hypotheses were suggested to investigate the AVO behaviour of the amplitude anomalies in which three different factors; fluid substitution, porosity and thickness (Wedge model) were tested. The AVO models with the synthetic gathers were analysed using log information to find which of these is the controlling parameter on the AVO analysis. AVO cross plots from the real pre-stack seismic data reveal AVO class IV (showing a negative intercept decreasing with offset). This result matches our modelled result of fluid substitution for the seismic synthetics. It is concluded that fluid substitution is the controlling parameter on the AVO analysis and therefore, the high amplitude anomaly on the seabed and the target horizon 9 is the result of changing the fluid content and the lithology along the target horizons. While changing the porosity has little effect on the amplitude variation with offset within the AVO cross plot. Finally, results from the wedge models show that a small change of thickness causes a change in the amplitude; however, this change in thickness gives a different AVO characteristic and a mismatch with the AVO result of the real 2D pre-stack seismic data. Therefore, a constant thin layer with changing fluids is more likely to be the cause of the high amplitude anomalies.

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Coherent Noise Attenuation Using AGORA Filter on 2D Seismic Data in East Diwaniya, South Eastern – Iraq
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Coherent noise such as ground roll and guided wave is present in the seismic line DE21 (East Diwaniya south eastern Iraq) and it obscures seismic signal and degrades from the quality of data. To attenuate the coherent noise from the shot gather and the Stack of the seismic line, AGORA filter was applied in order to obtain the good signal as the hyperbola shape in shot gather and the reflectors will be clearly to interpret it later. It has given good results and the coherent noise was attenuated in high ratio on all the line. The spectrum analysis is confirmed the effectiveness of AGORA filter to attenuate the coherent noise. 

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Static Correction Technique on 2D Land Seismic Data in the South of Iraq
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In our research, several different Statics solutions have been implemented in the processing of seismic data in the south of Iraq for (2D) line seismic survey (AK18)  of Abu-khama project with length 32.4 Km and their corresponding results have been compared in order to find optimum static solutions. The static solutions based on the tomographic-principle or combining the low frequency components of field statics with high frequency ones of refraction statics can provide a reasonable static solution for seismic data in the south of Iraq. The quality of data was bad and unclear in the seismic signal, but after applying field statics there is an enhancement of data quality. The Residual static correction improved the qualities of seis

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Multiple and Coherent Noise Removal from X-Profile 2D Seismic Data of Southern Iraq Using Normal Move Out-Frequency Wavenumber Technique
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Multiple eliminations (de-multiple) are one of seismic processing steps to remove their effects and delineate the correct primary refractors. Using normal move out to flatten primaries is the way to eliminate multiples through transforming these data to frequency-wavenumber domain. The flatten primaries are aligned with zero axis of the frequency-wavenumber domain and any other reflection types (multiples and random noise) are distributed elsewhere. Dip-filter is applied to pass the aligned data and reject others will separate primaries from multiple after transforming the data back from frequency-wavenumber domain to time-distance domain. For that, a suggested name for this technique as normal move out- frequency-wavenumber domain

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural interpretation of 2D seismic reflection data of the Khabour Formation in the Upper West Euphrates, western Iraq
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     The seismic reflection method has a primary role in petroleum exploration. This research is a structural interpretation study of the 2D seismic reflection survey carried out in the Upper West Euphrates (Khan Al-Baghdadi area), which is located in the western part of Iraq, Al-Anbar governorate. The two objectives of this research are to interpret Base Akkas/Top Khabour reflector and to define potential hydrocarbon traps in the surveyed area. Based on the synthetic seismogram of Akk_3 well near the study area, the Akkas/Top Khabour reflector was identified on the seismic section. Also, the Silurian Akkas Hot_shale reflector was identified and followed up, which represents the source and seal rocks of the Paleozoic

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Data Reinterpretation and The Structural View of Zubair, Yamama, and Gotnia Formations in Afaq Area, Central Iraq
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     An interpretative study of the two-dimensional seismic data of the Afaq area was conducted using the Petrel 2017 software. 2D seismic reflection sections are used to give a structural interpretation of Afaq structure based on synthetic seismogram and well log data. Three reflectors, Zubair, Yamama, and Gotina Formations, were selected. These reflectors are defined from well west kifl (wk-1), Where located adjacent to the study area. Structural maps of the Zubair, Yamama, and Gotnia formations are prepared and interpreted, including TWT maps, Average velocity maps, and depth maps. The studies concluded that the Afaq structure area does not contain main faults, but secondary faults with short and limited extensions

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study for Zubair Formation in East Nasiriya area, Southern Iraq
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An interpretive (structural and stratigraphic) study of the two,-dimensional seismic, data of East Nasiriya area (30 km to the south east of Nasiriya oil field within Thi-Qar province, southeastern Iraq) was carried out using Petrel 2017 program. The study area has an importance due to its location between many oil fields, but still without exploration of oil wells. Twenty five seismic lines were used, date back to different types of seismic surveys conducted in the region at different time periods.  Also, the seismic velocity surveys of the nearest wells to oil fields, such as Nasiriya-1 and Subba-8, in addition to their sonic and density logs were used. A synthetic seismogram with a good matching with the seismic section was achie

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphic Study for the Cretaceous-Tertiary period in Qasab-Jawan area in north weastern Iraq by using 2D seismic survey
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     A seismic study was conducted to re-interpret the Qasab and Jawan Oil fields in northwestern Iraq, south of the city of Mosul, by reprocessing many seismic sections of a number of field surveys by using the Petrel software. Two reflectors, represented by the Hartha formation, deposited during the Cretan age, and the Euphrates formation, formed during the Tertiary age, were delineated to stabilize the structural picture of these fields.

The stratigraphic study showed that the Qasab and Jawan fields represent areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Seismic attribute analysis showed low values of instantaneous frequency in the areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Instantaneous phase was used to determine the limits

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Multiple and Coherent Noise Removal from X-Profile 2D Seismic Data of Southern Iraq Using Common Depth Point Muting Procedures and Depending on Madagascar Open-Source Package
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This article describes how to predict different types of multiple reflections in pre-track seismic data. The characteristics of multiple reflections can be expressed as a combination of the characteristics of primary reflections. Multiple velocities always come in lower magnitude than the primaries, this is the base for separating them during Normal Move Out correction. The muting procedure is applied in Time-Velocity analysis domain. Semblance plot is used to diagnose multiples availability and judgment for muting dimensions. This processing procedure is used to eliminate internal multiples from real 2D seismic data from southern Iraq in two stages. The first is conventional Normal Move Out correction and velocity auto picking and

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Data Mining Methods for Extracting Rumors Using Social Analysis Tools
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       Rumors are typically described as remarks whose true value is unknown. A rumor on social media has the potential to spread erroneous information to a large group of individuals. Those false facts will influence decision-making in a variety of societies. In online social media, where enormous amounts of information are simply distributed over a large network of sources with unverified authority, detecting rumors is critical. This research proposes that rumor detection be done using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools as well as six distinct Machine Learning (ML) methods (Nave Bayes (NB), random forest (RF), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Decision Tree (

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural Interpretations for Zubair Formation in Kumait oil field, Using 3D Seismic Reflection Data, Southern-East Iraq
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     This study deals with the interpretation of structural 3D seismic reflection of the Kumait oil field in southern Iraq within the administrative boundaries of the Maysan Governorate. Synthetic seismograms are prepared by using available data of the Kt-1 oil field by using Petrel software to define and pick the reflector on the seismic section of the Zubair Formation, Which represents the Cretaceous Age. The study shows that the Kumait structure is an anticline fold. It is thought to be a structure trap caused by the collision of the Arabian and Iranian plates and trending in the same direction as driving factors in the area, which are from the northwest to the southeast, and the overall trend of strata is north and northeast. Sei

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