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Prestressing Effects on Full Scale Deep Beams with Large Web Openings¨: An Experimental and Numerical Study
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Most studies on deep beams have been made with reinforced concrete deep beams, only a few studies investigate the response of prestressed deep beams, while, to the best of our knowledge, there is not a study that investigates the response of full scale (T-section) prestressed deep beams with large web openings. An experimental and numerical study was conducted in order to investigate the shear strength of ordinary reinforced and partially prestressed full scale (T-section) deep beams that contain large web openings in order to investigate the prestressing existence effects on the deep beam responses and to better understand the effects of prestressing locations and opening depth to beam depth ratio on the deep beam performance and behavior. A total of seven deep beam specimens with identical shear span-to-depth ratio, compressive strength of concrete, and amount of horizontal and vertical web reinforcement ratios have been tested under mid-span concentrated load applied monotonically until failure. The main variables studied were the effects of depth of the web openings and the prestressing location on deep beam performance. The test results showed that the enlargement in the size of web openings substantially reduces the element’s shear capacities while prestressing strands location above the web openings has more effect at increasing the element’s shear capacities. The numerical study considered three-dimensional finite element models that have been developed in Abaqus software to simulate and predict the performance of prestressed deep beams. The results of numerical simulations were in good agreement with the experimental ones.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Solar Radiation Pressure at Several Satellite Orbits
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The effects of solar radiation pressure at several satellite (near Earth orbit satellite, low Earth orbit satellite, medium Earth orbit satellite and high Earth orbit satellite ) have been investigated. Computer simulation of the equation of motion with perturbations using step-by-step integration (Cowell's method) designed by matlab a 7.4 where using Jacobian matrix method to increase the accuracy of result.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Quantum mechanical study of electronic properties of zigzag nanotubes (9,0) (SWCNTs)
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Quantum calculations on the most stable structure were carried
out for calculating the electronic properties, energies and the charge
density at the Carbon and Hydrogen atoms by Semi-empirical
method (PM3) of zigzag carbon nano tube CNT (9,0) (SWCNTs), at
the equilibrium geometry depending on the pictures of Zigzag
CNT(9,0) which was found to has D3d symmetry point group by
applying for (Gaussian 2003) program. In this work the results
include calculation the relation for axial bonds length, which are the
vertical C-C bonds (annular bonds) in the rings and bonds length
which are in the outer ring that called the circumferential bonds. Also
include a different kind of vibration modes like breathing, puckering

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
Journal Name
Comparative Study for Optoelectronic Properties of Zn (Te, Se) Solar Cells
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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Some Plasma Characteristics in Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) System
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    In this present paper,  an experimental study of some plasma characteristics in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) system using several variables, such as different frequencies and using two different electrodes metals(aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu)), is represented. The discharge plasma was produced by an AC power supply source of 6 and 7 kHz frequencies for the nitrogen gas spectrum and for two different electrodes metals(Al and Cu). Optical emission spectrometer was used to study plasma properties (such as electron temperature ( ), electron number density ( ), Debye length ( ), and plasma frequency ( )). In addition, images were analysed for the plasma emission intensity at atmospheric air pressure.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Case Study to Evaluate Work-Zone Safety Technologies in Highway Construction
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Study of Pt Nanoparticles Decorated TiO2 Nanotube Array
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Titanium dioxide nanotubes were synthesized by anodizing Ti sheets in the ethylene glycol solution and were covered in Pt nanoparticles onto the surface of TiO2NTs using electrodeposition method from using five derivatives of Mannich base Pt complexes which have been used as precursor of platinum. The mean size, shape, elemental composition of the titanium dioxide nanotubes and platinum deposited on the template were evaluated by different techniques such as field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) technique. From all these analyses, the TiO2NTs prepared and Ptnanoparticles deposited on it were ide

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative taxonomic study of nutlets of Stachys L. in Iraq
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Nutlets of 22 taxa of Stachys (13 species and seven subspecies and two varieties), representing seven of the currently recognized sections distributed in northern Iraq were examined by light microscope. The basic shape of nutlets in most taxa studied is Obovoid, but Oblong also found in S.megalodanta Hausskn.& Bornm. ex P.H.Davis, S.setirefa C.A.Mey. subsp daenensis (Gandog.) Rech.f.and S. kurdica Boiss.& Hohen. var.kurdica, while the Subgloboid shape found in S. iberica M.Bieb. and S. inflata Benth., more over the Broad triangular shape was found in S. nephrophylla Rech.f. and S.lanigera (Bornm.) Rech.f.., the biggest size of nutlets was found in S.inflata L. and the smallest was in S.melampyroides Hand.-Mzt. Regarding sculpturing pa

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Shiranish formation has been divided into two microfacies units: 1-Marly biowacke stone facies 2-Biogenic pack stone facies These microfacies reflected marine deep shelf margin in the upper part of the formation, the lower part was deeper. 238 slides were investigated depending on Mineralogical, compositional and Biological processes, which reflect deep shelf margin at upper part of the formation, but at the lower part open sea environment. The age of the formation is estimated depending on the recognized biostratigraphic zone using the index fossils to be Upper- Middle Maestrichtian.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Knowledge of Breastfeeding: A descriptive study among mothers in Kirkuk Governorate
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Aims: The present study aims at assessing mothers’ knowledge of breastfeeding in Kirkuk governorate,
besides determining the relationship between mothers’ knowledge and some of their demographic
Methodolgy: A descriptive study was used the assessment approach and applied on mothers in Kirkuk
governorate from January 15th 2011 to July 25th
, 2011. Non-probability sampling a convenience sample of
(72) mothers, attending pediatric general hospital in Kirkuk governorate for following up the health status
of their children, was selected for the purpose of the study. A questionnaire was developed for the
purpose of the study. It was comprised of two parts; the first part includes the mothers' demographic

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Acute Abdominal pain (100 days study in Emergency Department)
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Background: Abdominal symptoms are possibly the most frequent of all symptoms encountered in surgical practice.  Pain is the most common of all abdominal symptoms.  Causes of acute abdominal pain include both medical and surgical. Most symptoms arise from intra-abdominal organs or systems while some may originate extra abdominally and are then referred to the abdomen. Medical causes of abdominal pain are encountered more frequently.

Objective: To study the causes of acute abdominal pain in patients attending emergency department in Al- Imamain Al- Kadhimain Medical City.

Type of the study: A prospective cross sectional study


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