Grass trimming operation is widely done in Malaysia for the purpose of maintaining highways. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type grass trimmer used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known. For predicting the work efficiency deterioration, fuzzy tool has been used in present research. It has been established that a fuzzy computing system will help in identification and analysis of fuzzy models fuzzy system offers a convenient way of representing the relationships between the inputs and outputs of a system in the form of IF-THEN rules. The paper presents a fuzzy model for predicting the effects of noise pollution on human work efficiency as a function of noise level, exposure time and age of the operators.
Let R be associative; ring; with an identity and let D be unitary left R- module; . In this work we present semiannihilator; supplement submodule as a generalization of R-a- supplement submodule, Let U and V be submodules of an R-module D if D=U+V and whenever Y≤ V and D=U+Y, then annY≪R;. We also introduce the the concept of semiannihilator -supplemented ;modules and semiannihilator weak; supplemented modules, and we give some basic properties of this conseptes.
Throughout this work we introduce the notion of Annihilator-closed submodules, and we give some basic properties of this concept. We also introduce a generalization for the Extending modules, namely Annihilator-extending modules. Some fundamental properties are presented as well as we discuss the relation between this concept and some other related concepts.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and M be unital (left) R-module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of small semiprime submodules as a generalization of semiprime submodules. We investigate some basis properties of small semiprime submodules and give some characterizations of them, especially for (finitely generated faithful) multiplication modules.
Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring with unity. A submodule N of M is called e-small (denoted by N e  M) if N + K = M, where K e  M implies K = M. We give many properties related with this type of submodules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be a unitary R- module. We shall say that M is a primary multiplication module if every primary submodule of M is a multiplication submodule of M. Some of the properties of this concept will be investigated. The main results of this paper are, for modules M and N, we have M N and HomR (M, N) are primary multiplications R-modules under certain assumptions.
Let R be a ring with identity and M is a unitary left R–module. M is called J–lifting module if for every submodule N of M, there exists a submodule K of N such that
Let R be an associative ring with identity and let M be right R-module M is called μ-semi hollow module if every finitely generated submodule of M is μ-small submodule of M The purpose of this paper is to give some properties of μ-semi hollow module. Also, we gives conditions under, which the direct sum of μ-semi hollow modules is μ-semi hollow. An R-module is said has a projective μ-cover if there exists an epimorphism
A gamma T_ pure sub-module also the intersection property for gamma T_pure sub-modules have been studied in this action. Different descriptions and discuss some ownership, as Γ-module Z owns the TΓ_pure intersection property if and only if (J2 ΓK ∩ J^2 ΓF)=J^2 Γ(K ∩ F) for each Γ-ideal J and for all TΓ_pure K, and F in Z Q/P is TΓ_pure sub-module in Z/P, if P in Q.
The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new concept named d*-supplemented which can be considered as a generalization of W- supplemented modules and d-hollow module. Also, we introduce a d*-supplement submodule. Many relationships of d*-supplemented modules are studied. Especially, we give characterizations of d*-supplemented modules and relationship between this kind of modules and other kind modules for example every d-hollow (d-local) module is d*-supplemented and by an example we show that the converse is not true.