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A review of rutting in asphalt concrete pavement
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Undoubtedly, rutting in asphalt concrete pavement is considered a major dilemma in terms of pavement performance and safety faced by road users as well as the road authorities. Rutting is a bowl-shaped depression in the wheel paths that develop gradually with the increasing number of load applications. Heavy axle loadings besides the high pavement summer temperature enhance the problem of rutting. According to the AASHTO design equation for flexible pavements, a 1.1 in rut depth will reduce the present serviceability index of relatively new pavement, having no other distress, from 4.2 to 2.5. With this amount of drop in serviceability, the entire life of the pavement in effect has been lost. Therefore, it is crucial to look at the mechanism, possible reasons, as well as techniques, to reduce the rutting in order to offer long service life and safe roadways. To this end, the need has been arising for this research which deals mainly with a thorough review of the existing literature to highlight some key points for the researchers and pavement engineers related to rutting mechanism, measurement, and criteria, both intrinsic (mixture variables) and extrinsic (traffic and temperature) contributory factors to rutting, material characterization, test methods, and prediction methodologies, as well as possible ways to minimize the rutting distress in asphalt concrete pavement. So far, this research attempts to bridge the gap in the literature that frequently only addresses a single aspect of rutting by providing an in-depth review of rutting in asphalt concrete and thereby offers a complete comprehensive understanding of this major distress type.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series Materials Science And Engineering
Effect of Rejuvenating Agent on the Mixtures Containing High Percent of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
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Due to economic reasons or need for environmental conservatism or also preserve the natural resources; there has been an increasing shift towards the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials in the pavement construction industry. Therefore, use the Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) has been enormously increased in pavement construction and has been become common practice in many countries. Nevertheless, this is a relatively new concept in Iraq, and has to be remarked that is not used RAP in the production of HMA and this valuable material is mostly degraded. For this purpose, the reclaimed materials were collected from deteriorated pavement segments. The components of asphalt mixtures consist of: two asphalt penetration grades (40-5

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Influence of Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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Asphalt binder is a thermoplastic material that conducts as an elastic solid at lower service temperatures or throughout fast loading rate. At a high temperature or slow rate of loading, asphalt binder conducts as a different liquid. The classical duplication generates a required to assess the mechanical properties of asphalt concrete at the anticipated service temperature to reduce the stress cracking, which happens at lower temperatures, fatigue, and the plastic deformation at higher temperatures (rutting). In this study, an achievement was made to assess the effect of temperature on the mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete mixes. A total of 132 asphalt concrete samples were attended utilizing two asphalt cement grades (40-50) a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Scientific Review Engineering And Environmental Sciences
Mesoscale modeling of fracture in cement and asphalt concrete
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In this paper, mesoscale modeling is performed to simulate and understand fracture behavior of two concrete composites: cement and asphalt concrete using disk-shaped compact tension (DCT) tests. Mesoscale models are used as alternative to macroscale models to obtain better realistic behavior of composite and heterogeneous materials such as cement and asphalt concrete. In mesoscale models, aggregate and matrix are represented as distinct materials and each material has its characteristic properties. Disk-shaped compact tension test is used to obtain tensile strength and fracture energy of materials. This test can be used as a better alternative to other tests such as three points bending tests because it is more convenient for both field and

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Properties of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement Containing Different Waste Material Fillers
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Waste materials might be utilized in various applications, such as sustainable roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP), to lessen the negative environmental consequences of construction waste. The impacts of utilizing (brick, thermostone, granite, and ceramic) powders on the mechanical characteristics of RCCP are investigated in this study. To achieve this, the waste materials were crushed, grounded, and blended before being utilized as filler in the RCCP. After the mixes were prepared, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, water absorption, density, and porosity were all determined. According to the research results, adding some of these powders, mainly brick and granite powder, enhances the mechanical

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying Sustainable Concrete Block Efficiency Production: A Review
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Worldwide, enormous amounts of waste cause major environmental issues, including scrap tires and plastic, and large waste, a consequence of the demolition of buildings, including crushed concrete, crushed clay bricks, and crushed thermo-stone. From that point, it’s possible to consider that the recycling processes for these materials and using them in the manufacturing field will reduce the adverse effects on the environment of these wastes and the consumption of natural resources. Sustainable concrete blocks can be considered as one of the products produced by using these materials as partial volume replacement of the coarse, fine aggregate, or cement content, considering their dry density, workability, absorption, compressive st

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying Sustainable Concrete Block Efficiency Production: A Review
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Worldwide, enormous amounts of waste cause major environmental issues, including scrap tires and plastic, and large waste, a consequence of the demolition of buildings, including crushed concrete, crushed clay bricks, and crushed thermo-stone. From that point, it’s possible to consider that the recycling processes for these materials and using them in the manufacturing field will reduce the adverse effects on the environment of these wastes and the consumption of natural resources. Sustainable concrete blocks can be considered as one of the products produced by using these materials as partial volume replacement of the coarse, fine aggregate, or cement content, considering their dry density, workability, absorption, co

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Moisture Damage of Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt concrete (WMA) is getting global acceptance due to the restrictions for protecting the environment and the requirements to reduce fuel consumption. In this investigation, two WMA mixtures have been prepared in the laboratory using medium curing cutback (MC-30) and Cationic emulsion asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) was also prepared for comparison. The cylinder specimens (63.5mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were constructed from the mixtures and subjected to indirect tensile strength test to determine the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR). The cylinder specimens of (101.6mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were also constructed from those mixtures and subjected to static compressive

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Influence of Different Factors on Permanent Deformation of Hot Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
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The performance of flexible pavements is significantly impacted by the permanent deformation (rutting) of asphalt pavements. Rutting shortens the pavement's useful service life and poses significant risks to those using the highway since it alters vehicle handling characteristics.. The aim of this research is to evaluate the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures under different conditions,to achieve this aim 108 cylindrical specimens has been prepared and tested under repeated loading in uniaxial compression mode. Five factors were considered in this research, these factors represent the effect of environmental condition and traffic loading as well as mixture properties, they include testing temperature, loading condition (stress level

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Temperature Upon Permanent Deformation Parameters of Asphalt Concrete Mixes
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        The performance of asphalt concrete pavement has affected by many factors, the temperature is the most important environmental one which has a large effect on the structural behavior of flexible pavement materials. The main cause of premature failure of pavement is the rutting, Due to the viscoelastic nature of the asphalt cement, rutting is more pronounced in hot climate areas because the viscosity of the asphalt binder which is
inversely related to rutting is significantly reduced with the increase in temperature resulting in a more rut susceptible paving mixtures. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of temperatures variations on the permanent deformation parameters (perm

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 First National Conference For Engineering Sciences (fnces 2012)
Laboratory investigation in the Hydrated lime effect on asphalt concrete mixture
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This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using Hydrated lime as a (partial substitute) by weight of filler (lime stone powder) with five consecutive percentage namely (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0) % by means of aggregate treatment, by introducing dry lime on dry and 2–3% Saturated surface aggregate on both wearing and binder coarse. Marshall design method, indirect tensile test and permanent deformation under repeated loading of Pneumatic repeated load system at full range of temperature (20, 40, 60) C0 were examined The study revealed that the use of 2.0% and 1.5 % of dry and wet replacement extend the pavement characteristics by improving the Marshall properties and increasing the TSR%. Finally, increase permanent

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