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Determination and Isolation of Valuable Bioactive Compound (lupeol) from Portulacaria afra Jacq.
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Portulacaria afra is a small succulent tree, previously belonging to the Portulacaceae family, but with further studies, the plant transferred to the Didieracea family. P. afra was used as an ornamental, vegetable, and ethnomedicinal plant. Uses of the plant by rural South Africans to treat chronic skin conditions and rashes, alleviate exhaustion, and aid in treating TB and diarrhea have been documented in folklore. According to pharmaceutical research, plant extracts off er a wide range of remedial outcomes, such as antidiabetic, antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-infl ammatory. The study aims to determine some bioactive constituents responsible for pharmacological activities and traditional usefulness. Thinlayer chromatography (TLC) is used for detecting lupeol by specifi c reagents; a p-anisaldehyde sulfuric acid reagent and 10% methanolic sulfuric acid. And high-performance liquid chromatography was used to detect pentacyclic triterpenoids (lupeol) in the n-hexane. The lupeol was isolated by preparative layer chromatography (PLC). Testing the effi cacy of the separation method, the isolated compounds have been identifi ed and characterized by diff erent chromatographic and chemical analyses (TLC, ATR-FTIR, LC-CMS-APCI+, and 1H-NMR).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 18 2018
Journal Name
14th Lisbon International Conference On Agricultural, Biological, Environmental And Medical Sciences (labems-18)
Anatomical Study of Species Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Convolvulaceae) in Iraq
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The current study included the collection of soft samples for Ipomoea carnea Jacq. The anatomical properties of the leaf, which included the characteristics of the surface epidermis, the vertical section of the leaf, the transverse section of the petiole, the pedicel and the indumentum, as well as the study of leaf venation, were examined

Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
The Morphological and Pollen Grains Study of Ipomoea Carnea Jacq. (convolvulaceae) In Iraq
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The current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the species Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Convolvulaceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied and there are photographs for all the parts were putted.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isolation and Identification of causative agents from some Iraqi Banknote currency
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   One hundred and twenty eight currency notes samples 250, 500, and 1000 Iraqi Dinars (ID) values were collected from students, markets, banks, and hospitals in Erbil city , Iraq. The results showed that all collected samples were contaminated with one or more bacteria and fungi  species representing 100% contamination and none from the new (control) notes. Seventeen bacterial species and twelve fungal species were isolated, which include Staphylococcus aureus (83.3%), Streptococcus pyogenes (83.3%), Pseudomonas species (83.3%), Aspergillus niger (83.3%), Klebsiella species (75%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (66.6%), and Escherichia coli (66.6%) being the most prevalent. The lower values of currency notes (250 ID and 500 I

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
isolation and identification of cloves oil from eugenia caryophyllaa using Ultrasonic
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This research has been prepared to isolate and diagnose one of the most important vegetable oils from the plant medical clove is the famous with Alaeugenol oil and used in many pharmaceuticals were the isolation process using a technique ultrasonic extraction and distillation technology simple

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Isolation and Identification of Local Bactria Produced from Soil-Borne Urease
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Abstract<p>The hydrolysis of urea by the enzyme urease is significant for increasing the irroles in human pathogenicity, biocementation, soil fertilizer, and subsequently in soil improvement. This study devoted to the isolation of urease from urea-rich soil samples collected from seven different locations. Isolation of the various bacterial species was conducted using nutrient agar. The identity of isolated urease was based on morphological characteristics and standard microbiological and biochemical procedures. The urease producing strains of bacteria were obtained using the urease hydrolysis test. The bacterial isolates produced from soil samples collected from different environments and treat</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Kinetic Study on Microwave- assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Rosmarinus Officinalis L
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Due to the importance of the extraction process in many engineering and medical industries, in addition to great interest in medicinal plants, in this research, microwave-assisted extraction has been applied to extract some active compounds from Rosmarinus officinalis leaves.  The optimal extraction conditions were then determined by calculating the ratio and extraction efficiency. The process has also been described through kinetic study by applying five  kinetic models, the Hyperbolic diffusion model,  Power low model, the First order reaction  model, Elovich's model, and Fick's second law diffusion model and determining their compatibility with the studies operation, and determining the kinetic constants for each model. The result

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Characterization and Biological Activity of Some New Derivatives Derived from Sulfamethoxazole Compound: new derivatives from sulfamethoxazole drug.
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 A new series of Sulfamethoxazole derivatives was prepared and examined for antifibrinolytic and antimicrobial activities. Sulfamethoxazole derivatives bear heterocyclic moieties such as 1,3,4-thiadiazine {3},  pyrazolidine-3,5-diol {4} 6-hydroxy-1,3,4-thiadiazinane-2-thione {5} and [(3-methyl-5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)diazenyl] {8}. Their structures were elucidated by spectral methods (FT-IR, H1-NMR). Physical properties are also determined for all compound derivatives.  Recently prepared compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activity in the laboratory. Each screened compound showed good tendency to moderate antimicrobial activity.

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isolation and Identification of Azadirachtin from fruits of Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae)
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Azadirachtin is a naturally occurring substance that belongs to an organic molecule class which is called tetranortriterpenoids. It is on of the most powerful plant derived insecticides known, its structure is similar to insect hormones called ecdysoncs (Molting Hormone), which control the process of metamorphosis. Azadirachtin has been isolated from fruits of Melia azedarach L. The structure of this compound was determined by spectral studies (IR spectra and GC Mass spectra) and denitrified by then layer chromotochraphy (TLC).

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Isolation and identification of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing bacteria from biopolymers waste in soil
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Abstract<p>The production of polyhydroxyalkanoates PHAs from biopolymer degrading bacteria was examined <italic>in situ</italic> by screening isolates using Sudan B Black staining process as potential PHAs detecting, and Nile Blue staining as a proof method detection. Five bacterial strains isolated from biopolymer waste buried in a garden soil were able to produce high rate of PHA. <italic>AK1P</italic> and <italic>AK2P</italic> strains demonstrated high productivity of biopolymer by converting 5% (w/v) lactose as the only carbon source to PHA during fermentation. <italic>AY2P</italic> strain converted 5% (w/v) of glucose with less PHA accumulation. The f</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Detection and isolation of flavonoids from Calendula officinalis (F.Asteraceae) cultivated in Iraq
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Calendula officinalis L. (Asteraceae) known as marigold is known to have several pharmacological activities and used for the treatment of several diseases as measles, jaundice, constipation and several inflammations. Marigold flowers contain several chemical constituents mainly flavonoids, triterpenoids and essential oil. In this study marigold flowers cultivated in Iraq had been investigated for its flavonoids content. The study revealed the presence of quercetin and kaempferol glycosides and the absence of myricetin glycosides. The flowers were extracted with ethanol 70% fractionated with different solvent and the flavonoids were isolated by preparative HPLC. The isolated flavonoids were identified by measuring melting points, UV, IR,

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