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Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Lead Pb2+ and Cd2+ Retention from a Single Salt Using a Hollow Fiber PES Membrane
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The present work reports the performance of three types of polyethersulfone (PES) membrane in the removal of highly polluting and toxic lead Pb2+ and cadmium Cd2+ ions from a single salt. This study investigated the effect of operating variables, including pH, types of PES membrane, and feed concentration, on the separation process. The transport parameters and mass transfer coefficient (k) of the membranes were estimated using the combined film theory-solution-diffusion (CFSD), combined film theory-Spiegler-Kedem (CFSK), and combined film theory-finely-porous (CFFP) membrane transport models. Various parameters were used to estimate the enrichment factors, concentration polarization modulus, and Péclet number. The pH values significantly affected the permeation flux of the Pb2+ solution but only had a slight effect on the Cd2+ solution. However, Cd2+ rejection was highly improved by increasing the pH value. The rejection of the PES membranes increased greatly as the heavy metal concentration rose, while the heavy metal concentration moderately affected the permeation flux. The maximum rejection of Pb2+ in a single-salt solution was 99%, 97.5%, and 98% for a feed solution containing 10 mg Pb/L at pH 6, 6.2, and 5.7, for PES1, PES2, and PES3, respectively. The maximum rejection of Cd2+ in single-salt solutions was 78%, 50.2%, and 44% for a feed solution containing 10 mg Cd/L at pH 6.5, 6.2, and 6.5, for PES1, PES2, and PES3, respectively. The analysis of the experimental data using the CFSD, CFSK, and CFFP models showed a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results. The effective membrane thickness and active skin layer thickness were evaluated using the CFFP model, indicating that the Péclet number is important for determining the mechanism of separation by diffusion.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Speed Controller of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Sliding Mode Controller
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In this paper, an adaptive integral Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is employed to control the speed of Three-Phase Induction Motor. The strategy used is the field oriented control as ac drive system. The SMC is used to estimate the frequency that required to generates three phase voltage of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) invertor . When the SMC is used with current controller, the quadratic component of stator current is estimated by the controller. Instead of using current controller, this paper proposed estimating the frequency of stator voltage since that the slip speed is function of the quadratic current . The simulation results of using the SMC showed that a good dynamic response can be obtained under load

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heun Method Using to Solve System of NonLinear Functional Differential Equations
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In this paper Heun method has been used to find numerical solution for first order nonlinear functional differential equation. Moreover, this method has been modified in order to treat system of nonlinear functional differential equations .two numerical examples are given for conciliated the results of this method.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Acta Polytechnica
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In cognitive radio system, the spectrum sensing has a major challenge in needing a sensing method, which has a high detection capability with reduced complexity. In this paper, a low-cost hybrid spectrum sensing method with an optimized detection performance based on energy and cyclostationary detectors is proposed. The method is designed such that at high signal-to-noise ratio SNR values, energy detector is used alone to perform the detection. At low SNR values, cyclostationary detector with reduced complexity may be employed to support the accurate detection. The complexity reduction is done in two ways: through reducing the number of sensing samples used in the autocorrelation process in the time domain and through using the Slid

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The robust estimators of reliability function using sample technique AM & POT
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The Phenomenon of Extremism of Values ​​(Maximum or Rare Value) an important phenomenon is the use of two techniques of sampling techniques to deal with this Extremism: the technique of the peak sample and the maximum annual sampling technique (AM) (Extreme values, Gumbel) for sample (AM) and (general Pareto, exponential) distribution of the POT sample. The cross-entropy algorithm was applied in two of its methods to the first estimate using the statistical order and the second using the statistical order and likelihood ratio. The third method is proposed by the researcher. The MSE comparison coefficient of the estimated parameters and the probability density function for each of the distributions were

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Postoperative assessment of dental implants by using multi-slice computed tomography
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Background: Implantology is a fast growing area in dentistry. One of the most common issues encountered in dental implantation procedures is the lack of adequate preoperative planning. Conventional radiography may not be able to assess the true regional three-dimensional anatomical presentation. Multi Slice Computed Tomography provides data in 3-dimentional format offering information on craniofacial anatomy for diagnosis; this technology enables the virtual placement of implant in a 3-Dimensional model of the patient jaw (dental planning). Patients, Material and Methods: The sample consisted of (72) Iraqi patients indicated for dental implant (34 male and 38 female), age range between (20-70) years old. They were examined during a time p

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Nondestructive Evaluation of Coatings Delamination Using Microwave Time Domain Reflectometry Technique
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Smart internet of things kindergarten garbage observation system using Arduino uno
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<span lang="EN-US">Increase the in population and kindergarten number, especially in urban areas made it difficult to properly manage waste. Thus, this paper proposed a system dedicated to kindergartens to manage to dispose of waste, the system can be called smart garbage based on internet of things (SGI). To ensure a healthy environment and an intelligent waste in the kindergarten management system in an integrated manner and supported by the internet of things (IoT), we presented it in detail identification, the SGI system includes details like a display system, an automatic lid system, and a communication system. This system supplied capabilities to monitor the status of waste continuously and on IoT website can show the pe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 13 2020
Journal Name
Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Enhancing the strength of reinforced concrete columns using steel embedded tubes
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This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study on the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns with longitudinal steel embedded tubes positioned at the center of the column cross-section. A total of 12 pin-ended square sectional columns of 150 × 150 mm having a total height of 1400 mm were investigated. The considered variables were the steel tube diameters of 29, 58, and 76 mm and the load eccentricity (0, 50, and 150) mm. Accordingly, these columns were divided into three groups (four columns in each group) depending on the load eccentricity (e) to column depth (h) ratio (e/h = 0, 1/3, and 1). For each group, one column was solid (reference), and the other three columns contained steel tubes with hollow rat

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Twitter using Machine Learning & Ensemble Approaches
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Suicidal ideation is one of the most severe mental health issues faced by people all over the world. There are various risk factors involved that can lead to suicide. The most common & critical risk factors among them are depression, anxiety, social isolation and hopelessness. Early detection of these risk factors can help in preventing or reducing the number of suicides. Online social networking platforms like Twitter, Redditt and Facebook are becoming a new way for the people to express themselves freely without worrying about social stigma. This paper presents a methodology and experimentation using social media as a tool to analyse the suicidal ideation in a better way, thus helping in preventing the chances of being the victim o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Diseases in Oil Palm Leaves Using the GoogLeNet Model
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The general health of palm trees, encompassing the roots, stems, and leaves, significantly impacts palm oil production, therefore, meticulous attention is needed to achieve optimal yield. One of the challenges encountered in sustaining productive crops is the prevalence of pests and diseases afflicting oil palm plants. These diseases can detrimentally influence growth and development, leading to decreased productivity. Oil palm productivity is closely related to the conditions of its leaves, which play a vital role in photosynthesis. This research employed a comprehensive dataset of 1,230 images, consisting of 410 showing leaves, another 410 depicting bagworm infestations, and an additional 410 displaying caterpillar infestations. Furthe

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