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Determining the Relationship between the Crescent Visibility Factors and the Coordinates of the Sun and Moon
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The study of the relationship between the coordinates of the sun and the moon with the crescent visibility factors has not been previously treated in a detailed and accurate way in  research and previous studies, despite its religious importance. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the relationship between the crescent visibility factors (age, lag time, elongation (ARCL), arc of vision or relative altitude (ARCV), relative azimuth (DAZ), and crescent width (W), with coordinates of the sun and the moon), and how it varies during the day of the crescent's observation. In this paper, Matlab programs were designed to calculate the ecliptic sun and moon coordinates (λ, β) and in the presence of all perturbation impacts (planets), then convert these coordinates to the equatorial (α, δ) and horizontal coordinates (A, a). The results were compared with other programs in this field and references such as the ephemeris, accurate times, and astronomical programs. The variation of the sun and moon coordinates (ecliptic, equatorial, and horizontal) was studied with time, and the relationship of those coordinates was explained with visibility crescent factors during the day of the crescent's observation. Finally, the relationship of those factors with each other was studied. The results indicated that there was a relationship between the sun and the moon coordinates with some factors of crescent visibility in critical and standard observations, where the critical observations of the moon (age, lag time, elongation) were increased when the sun and the moon coordinates approach from two equinox points (spring and autumn), while the other factors, such as the relative azimuth and relative altitude, were independent on the change of the coordinates through the year. Also, a relationship was found between the visibility factors with each other, this led to a direct relationship between increasing the elongation with the crescent width. The values of the relative altitude were also increased with the increase in the lag time. Lastly, there was a direct relationship between the increase in the relative azimuth and the relative altitude.  

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The problem of elevating the status of values in scienceStudy in economic thought and macro analysis
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ان من اهم القضايا التي تثيرها المعرفة البشرية في تجلياتها، وتعبيراتها المفاهيمية، تكمن في مدى تأصلها وانتمائها الى البنى والتشكيلات الموضوعية (في مستوياتها التاريخية) التي تسعى لتفسيرها وادراكها ومضاهاتها. فالينبوع الذي يغرف منه الفكر مادته هو الكيان الاجتماعي المتموضع خارج الوعي والايدولوجيا.

ان قدرة الوعي على ادراك الواقع الموضوعي بخصائصه العامة يشكل الشرط  الضروري لاكتساب الوعي ل

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The amusement of the Qur'an shown Of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, the Seal of the Messengers
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The affliction is a remaining year and not a past incident, and the most evil people are the prophets - peace and blessings be upon them - and the most severe is the Imam of the Prophets Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - because they are exposed to harm from their people because of their call to a religion that violates the religion of parents and grandparents, the religion of injustice and injustice And polytheism and disbelief, and therefore the Qur'an had attitudes towards the entertainment of the people of affliction in general and our beloved - peace be upon him - in particular, this research came about the entertainment of the Qur’an for the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and many areas of ente

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Relationship Study Between Total Length with Otolith Length and Thickness in Two Fish Species: Coptodon zillii (Gervais,1848) and Cyprinus carpio” (Linnaeus,1758)
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Abstract<p>This study aimed new indications that may clarify the relationships between the total and standard lengths, and the length of the otolith, as well as the thickness and weight of these bones compared to the body weights of two different species of invasive fish in the Iraqi aquatic environment, the common carp <italic>Cyprinus carpio</italic> of the Cyprinidae family, and the common Tilapia. <italic>Coptodon zillii</italic>, from the Cichlidae family. The results showed that the otolith were not related to some of the vital characteristics of the studied fish, and there were differences in the correlation coefficient between some vital measurements with high signifi</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies
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Scopus (19)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Polia Strategy in the Achievement and Retention of the Grammar of the Arabic Language
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Threw this research to the following:
1 - Know the impact of strategy Puglia in the collection of the rules of the Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
2 - Know the impact of the retention strategy in Puglia collection rules Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
To verify the status Mmermaa Find researcher Elsafreeten following two hypotheses :
1 - There is no statistically significant difference between the average score for the collection
of the fourth grade students at the Institute for the preparation of material parameters who
were studying grammar strategy Puglia and average grades collectible fourth grade
students at the Institu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Importance of the Corporate of Governances to the Activate the Quality and Integrity of Financial Reports
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The study aims at showing the Importance of the Corporate of Governances to the Activate the quality and integrity of financial reports prepared inside the companies through explaining what they should be obliged to in writing the reports and financial and nonfinancial statements according to the international standards of accounting to be transparent and integral. It also aims at giving the independence that the auditors should enjoy through connecting them to an Auditing Commissions to submit additional services in addition to assessing the instrument of control to evaluate risks, give consultations and the services related to the governance and independence of Supervising Council.         &

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Reading in the thought of Imam Ali The philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the nation,
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This study is taken from the doctoral thesis that I prepared in the year 2000 at the University of Bordeaux in France under the title “ Ali bin Abi Talib Imam and Calif “. This thesis was prepared as a continuation of what the French orientalism Louis Massignon wrote about Islam and his student Henry Corbin, who introduced Europeans to Shiism. This study represents the philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the Islamic Emma as one of the most important methods used by Imam Ali.

Imam Ali established the most beautiful, creative, and most complete rules of human dialogue that preserve the unity of the nation’s fabric and preserves human dignity. Imam Ali referred to basic principles foundations to reach this goals, including

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Phytochemical Comparison Study for Evaluating the Hypolipidemic Effect Between Two Iraqi Pepper Spp in the Rats Model.
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Hypercholesterolemia is a predominant risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The World Health Organization (WHO), ) recommended reducing the intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. On the other hand, limited evidence is available on the benefits of vegetables in the diet to reduce these risk factors, so this research was conducted to compare the hypolipidemic effect between the extracts of two different types of Iraqi peppers, the fruit of the genus Capsicum traditionally known as red pepper extract (RPE), and Piper nigrum as black pepper extract (BPE), respectively, in different parameters and histology of the liver of the experimental animals. The red pepper was extracted by ethyl acetate, while the black pepp

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
A comparative study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart according to the energy systems of advanced players
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The study aims to identify the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart according to the energy systems of advanced players and to detect the differences between the energy systems in terms of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart for advanced players. It was clear from the results of the significance of the differences between the three groups according to the energy systems of the advanced players in all research variables that (the non-oxygenic system "Lactic"), which represents the advanced players in the arches (800 m, 1500 m) was the first in most tests of mechanical and electrical activities of the heart, which is (Margaria-Kalamen, Wingate, systolic muscle strength of the heart FC, Stroke Volume SV

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of PVD and Vacuum Pressure on the Degree of Saturation
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    Soft clays are generally characterized by low shear strength, low permeability and high compressibility. An effective method to accelerate consolidation of such soils is to use vertical drains along with vacuum preloading to encourage radial flow of water.  In this research numerical modeling of prefabricated vertical drains with vacuum pressure was done to investigate the effect of using vertical drains together with vacuum pressure on the degree of saturation of fully and saturated-unsaturated soft soils.  Laboratory experiments were conducted by using a specially-designed large consolidometer cell where a central drain was installed and vacuum pressure was applied. All tests were conducted

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