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Fabrication and Characterization of Functionalized Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Flexible Network Modified by a Layer of Polypyrrole Conductive Polymer and Metallic Nanoparticles
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Short Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes functionalized with OH group (MWCNTs-OH) were used to synthesize flexible MWCNTs networks. The MWCNTs suspension was synthesized using Benzoquinone (BQ) and N, N Dimethylformamide alcohol (DMF) in specific values and then deposited on filter paper by filtration from suspension (FFS) method. Polypyrrole (PPy) conductive polymer doped with metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) prepared using in-situ chemical polymerization method. To improve the properties of the MWCNTs networks, a coating layer of (PPy) conductive polymer, PPy:Ag nanoparticles, and PPy: Cu nanoparticles were applied to the network. The fabricated networks were characterized using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), UV-Vis. spectrometer, and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). XRD results revealed that the broadening for the (002) peak decreased after being coated with PPy and increased for the doped samples with MNPs, indicating on decrease in the crystalline size (MWCNTs/PPy) sample and increasing for doped ones with Ag and Cu MNPs. AFM images revealed that the surface roughness of the MWCNTs-OH network decreased after being coated with PPy, PPy: Ag, and PPy: Cu. With the help of AFM and XRD results, the CNTs contain 14 layers, while the inner and outer diameters were 18.2 nm and 27 nm receptivity. The UV-Vis. spectrum of MWCNTs showed several peaks, the highest in the 350 nm range. The coated of MWCNTs greatly affected the absorption spectrum, with many bands appearing between 300 to 450 nm and increasing the absorbance along the overall spectrum. For samples doped with Ag NPs and Cu NPs, a weak absorption peak of the plasmonic resonance frequency of the metallic nanoparticles. Analysis of Raman spectra shows that (ID/IG) ratios for all networks are less than one, which prove that the fabricated networks have few impurities and have good homogeneity. This work aimed to synthesize and characterize a flexible MWCNTs network and develop it by coated with a layer of conductive polymer and metallic nanoparticles for gas sensing application using quick and straightforward preparation methods.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Indium doped ZnO Urbach energy and dispersion parameters of thin films
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The characterization of ZnO and ZnO:In thin films were confirmed by spray pyrolysis technique. The films were deposited onto glass substrate at a temperature of 450°C. Optical absorption measurements were also studied by UV-VIS technique in the wavelength range 300-900 nm which was used to calculate the optical constants. The changes in dispersion and Urbach parameters were investigated as a function of In content. The optical energy gap was decreased and the wide band tails were increased in width from 616 to 844 eV as the In content increased from 0wt.% to 3wt.%. The single–oscillator parameters were determined also the change in dispersion was investigated before and after doping.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of total Immunoglobulin E and Eosinophil count in allergic disease
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The present study aimed to evaluate the levels of total immunoglobulin E and percentage count of eosinophil in some of allergic disease. Blood sample collected from 210 patients (110 female, 100 male) with allergic disease (allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and urticaria) their age between 10-70 years and 50 healthy control their age between 23-52 years. A highly significant (P<0.01) increase in the mean serum total IgE in patients with asthma (503.54 ± 63.49 IU/ml), Allergic rhinitis (442.77 ± 95.76 IU/ml) and urticaria (489.53 ± 69.68 IU/ml) as a compared with healthy controls (23.67 ± 5.81 IU/ml).There was a significant difference in percentage count of eosinophil in patients groups allergic asthma 4.37 ± 0.52% ,allergic rhinitis

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of growth regulators on sex expression and some quantitatve properties
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This study was conducted in an orchard pomegranate's Department of Horticulture College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad for two seasons 1999-2000 on cultivars pomegranate Salimi and narrators seedless to study the effect spraying Nizant growth in sex ratio of flowers and recipes flowering and winning was selected 27 trees per class 15 years old planted

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Physical and Morphological Properties of Hard- Soft Ferrite Functionally Graded Materials
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  Functionally graded materials (FGMs), with ceramic –ceramic constituents are fabricated using powder technology techniques. In this work three different sets of FGMs samples were designed in to 3 layers, 5 layers and 7 layers. The ceramic constituents were represented by hard ferrite (Barium ferrite) and soft ferrite (lithium ferrite). All samples sintered at constant temperature at 1100oC for 2 hrs. and characterized by FESEM. Some physical properties were measured for fabricated FGMs include apparent density, bulk density, porosity, shrinkage and hardness. The results indicated that the density increase with the increase the number of layer. Lateral shrinkage is one of the important parameter f

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Expanded Pipe using Rigid Conical Shape
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The experimental and numerical analysis was performed on pipes suffering large plastic deformation through expanding them using rigid conical shaped mandrels, with three different cone angles (15◦, 25◦, 35◦) and diameters (15, 17, 20) mm. The experimental test for the strain results investigated the expanded areas. A numerical solution of the pipes expansion process was also investigated using the commercial finite element software ANSYS. The strains were measured for each case experimentally by stamping the mesh on the pipe after expanding, then compared with Ansys results. No cracks were generated during the process with the selected angles. It can be concluded that the strain decreased with greater angles of con

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Construction of Phenytoin Selective Electrodes and Its Application to Pharmaceutical Preparation
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Phenytoin selective electrodes were constructed based on penytoin-phosphotungstate (Ph-PT) complex with different plasticizers; di-butyl phosphate (DBP), tri-butyl phosphate (TBP), di-butyl phthalate (DBPH),and o-nitro phenyl octyl ether (NPOE) phthalate. The electrodes based on DBPH, ONPOE plasticizers gave Narnistain slope which are, 56.4 and 55.3mV/decade with detection limit of 1.9x10-5 M , 1.8x10-5 and concentration range 10-1 to 10-4 M and pH range 3.0 – 8.0. The electrodes based on TBP and DBP showed non-Nernistain slopes, 40.2,40.5 mV/decade for both plasticizers. Interfering of some cations was investigated and shows no interfering with electrodes response. Potentiometric methods were used for measuring phenytion in

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 16 2018
Journal Name
Decomposition of Dynamical Signals into Jumps, Oscillatory Patterns, and Possible Outliers
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In this note, we present a component-wise algorithm combining several recent ideas from signal processing for simultaneous piecewise constants trend, seasonality, outliers, and noise decomposition of dynamical time series. Our approach is entirely based on convex optimisation, and our decomposition is guaranteed to be a global optimiser. We demonstrate the efficiency of the approach via simulations results and real data analysis.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Assessing EFL Learners Ability in the Recognition And Production of Homophones
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This study deals with the orthographic processing ability of homophones
which can account for variance in word recognition and production skills due to
phonological processing. The study aims at: A)Investigating whether the students
can recognize correct usage and spelling comprehension of different homophones
by using appropriate word that overlapped in both phonology and orthography.
B)Assessing spelling production word association to the written form of the
homophone in the sentence comprehension task. To achieve these aims, two tests
have been conducted and distributed on 50 students at first stage at the College of
Education(Ibn-Rushd) for the academic year 2010-2011. The two tests are exposed
to a jury of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of cigarette smoking on salivary IgA and periodontal disease
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Background: Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of tissues supporting the teeth. Salivary compositions have been most intensely studied as a potential marker for periodontal disease. In this study, analysis of saliva provides a simple and non-invasive method of evaluating the role of salivary IgA (s-IgA) levels in periodontal disease by detecting the level of (s-IgA) in patients with chronic periodontitis smokers and non smokers patients and correlate the mean (s-IgA) levels with clinical periodontal parameters Plaque index (PLI) gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). Materials and Methods: The study samples consists of (15) patients with chronic periodontitis who were non smokers (

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Terpens, Alkaloids and Phenols Agnaist Fusarium oxysporum
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This study includes isolation, purification, and identification of Fusarium oxysporum from chili pepper infected plants. Eucalyptus camaldulensis were collected and air dried at room temperature, then ground to semi powdered state. Phenols, alkaloids and terpens were extracted from Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The antifungal activity, type of extracts was evaluated at different concentrations 5 and 10 mg / ml of these compounds were prepared and their antagonistic activity was studied. The Percentage of radial growth inhibition of fungi by plant extracts was measured after 7 day incubation. Results showed that terpens extract was the most active against fungi and alkaloids extract had less antifungal activity and the percentage of mycelia r

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