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Simulation of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Potential Field Model
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In this paper, 3D simulation of the global coronal magnetic field, which use observed line of sight component of the photosphere magnetic field from (MDI/SOHO) was carried out using potential field model. The obtained results, improved the theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field, which represent a suitable lower boundary conditions (Bx, By, Bz) at the base of the linear force-free and nonlinear force free models, provides a less computationally expensive method than other models. Generally, very high speed computer and special configuration is needed to solve such problem as well as the problem of viewing the streamline of the magnetic field. For high accuracy special mathematical treatment was adopted to solve the computation complexity.

Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Importance of Using Concentrator Solar Energy Technologies in Anbar Province
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The aim of the research is a techno-economic analysis of the use of concentrated solar energy technologies in the Iraqi city, considering the concentrated solar energy technology is a renewable energy technology that derives its resources from the sun and is replenished at a rate that exceeds its use. It is also inexhaustible and environmentally friendly energy from its environmental footprint, unlike traditional fossil energy which produces greenhouse gases and a major cause of global warming.

This research measures the costs of concentrated solar energy technology to Reduce the effects caused by other energies and work to fill part of the shortfall in the total electricity production, even at a specific percentage, in preparati

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
application of business managment in the field of football with studuy of the case of spanish club (Real Madrid) و (Barcelona
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Football has progressed from being a ritual and a celebration to become an amateur sport, a professional sport, and now, increasingly, a commercial sport. In the analysis of football business model, the systemic approach should be adopted. If sport is regarded as one of the business sectors, then the application of business system methodology can be fully justified. The interest to create strong football business system calls for the search of the ways of popularizing football business model and boosting the economic potential of its participants. In the research literature tend to ignore the business processes within the sports business. Besides, the systemic approach in football business is usually limited to p

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mathematical Model, Simulation and Scale up of Batch Reactor Used in Oxidative Desulfurization of Kerosene
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   In this paper, a mathematical model for the oxidative desulfurization of kerosene had been developed. The mathematical model and simulation process is a very important process due to it provides a better understanding of a real process. The mathematical model in this study was based on experimental results which were taken from literature to calculate the optimal kinetic parameters where simulation and optimization were conducted using gPROMS software. The optimal kinetic parameters were Activation energy 18.63958 kJ/mol, Pre-exponential factor  2201.34 (wt)-0.76636. min-1  and the reaction order 1.76636. These optimal kinetic parameters were used to find the optimal reaction conditions which

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Brain Tumour Detection using Fine-Tuning Mechanism for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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In this paper, new brain tumour detection method is discovered whereby the normal slices are disassembled from the abnormal ones. Three main phases are deployed including the extraction of the cerebral tissue, the detection of abnormal block and the mechanism of fine-tuning and finally the detection of abnormal slice according to the detected abnormal blocks. Through experimental tests, progress made by the suggested means is assessed and verified. As a result, in terms of qualitative assessment, it is found that the performance of proposed method is satisfactory and may contribute to the development of reliable MRI brain tumour diagnosis and treatments.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Multiphase Flow Behavior Prediction and Optimal Correlation Selection for Vertical Lift Performance in Faihaa Oil Field, Iraq
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In the petroleum industry, multiphase flow dynamics within the tubing string have gained significant attention due to associated challenges. Accurately predicting pressure drops and wellbore pressures is crucial for the effective modeling of vertical lift performance (VLP). This study focuses on predicting the multiphase flow behavior in four wells located in the Faihaa oil field in southern Iraq, utilizing PIPESIM software. The process of selecting the most appropriate multiphase correlation was performed by utilizing production test data to construct a comprehensive survey data catalog. Subsequently, the results were compared with the correlations available within the PIPESIM software. The outcomes reveal that the Hagedorn and Brown (H

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Tax Exemptions and their impact in reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion: A field study
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The research aims to verifying the tax exemptions granted in accordance with the Iraqi tax legislations, showing their suitability for basic tax rules, and identifying their role to reduce the tax evasion phenomenon and the negative effects resulting therefrom, which arerepresented by a decrease in the proceeds of tax revenue and therefore leadings to a reduction of public revenues of the state. Also, the research tries to identify the ways to reduce cases of tax evasion due to their reflection positively on the public budgetof the state. The data of the research was collected through two models of questionnaires distributed to a sample of taxpayers from some professions and a sample of the tax administration staff. The research has reac

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Optimization of Horizontal Well Location and Completion to Improve Oil Recovery for an Iraqi Field
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Exploitation of mature oil fields around the world has forced researchers to develop new ways to optimize reservoir performance from such reservoirs. To achieve that, drilling horizontal wells is an effective method. The effectiveness of this kind of wells is to increase oil withdrawal. The objective of this study is to optimize the location, design, and completion of a new horizontal well as an oil producer to improve oil recovery in a real field located in Iraq. “A” is an oil and gas condensate field located in the Northeast of Iraq. From field production history, it is realized the difficulty to control gas and water production in this kind of complex carbonate reservoir with vertical producer wells. In this study, a horizont

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrated Marketing Communication and Its Effect on the revitalization of The Marketing Performance Field Research
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The research topic was chosen because of the importance of communication in organizations in general and the marketing  process in particular. Without communication, the organization can not live and continue ,The problem of study diagnosis the reduction in sales in the company of plant oils in some its classes and weakness in differentiation and its reputation at market in spit if having good products with standardized features And lack of customer communication channels, also the company does not have any whole view about the concept of marketing communication, Therefore, This sudy aimed ro define to know the type of relationship between the extent of the impact of the integrated marketing

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biological Control of Acaudalerodes Rachipora (Singh) (Hemiptera: Alerodidae) by the Entomopathogenic Fungi on in Field
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This study was conducted in the College of Agriculture fields /University of Baghdad, during Autumn 2013. This study was aimed to examine the mortality rate on the all black fly stages of Acaudalerodes rachipora Singh) by the biotic fungus Beuveria bassiana. The results of a preliminary survey showed that the samples of Ziziphus spaina christi were infested by blakflies in Agriculture collage during Autumn seasons of 2013 , the presence of species of black flies A. rachipora on the lower surface of the leaf, the study aimed to study and research the effects of fungus B. bassiana on black fly A. rachipora. After six days of treatment results showed the continued superiority 106 spore / ml trends in the western, southern and

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Spatial Data Analysis for Geostatistical Modeling of Petrophysical Properties for Mishrif Formaiton, Nasiriya Oil Field
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Spatial data analysis is performed in order to remove the skewness, a measure of the asymmetry of the probablitiy distribution. It also improve the normality, a key concept of statistics from the concept of normal distribution “bell shape”, of the properties like improving the normality porosity, permeability and saturation which can be are visualized by using histograms. Three steps of spatial analysis are involved here; exploratory data analysis, variogram analysis and finally distributing the properties by using geostatistical algorithms for the properties. Mishrif Formation (unit MB1) in Nasiriya Oil Field was chosen to analyze and model the data for the first eight wells. The field is an anticline structure with northwest- south

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