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Performance of Under-Reamed Piles in Collapsible Soil
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One of the Iraqi geotechnical problems is the presence of gypseous soils covering about (27-36) percentage of Iraq soils containing gypsum between (10-70) ratios. The main reason for soil problematic is the gypsum dissolution when these soils are inundated. However, the soluble gypsum can be leached out of the soil particles, so these problems can be led to cracking, tilting, and collapsing the related soil structure and changing the soil properties. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of under-reamed piles as a new, improved method to reduce the moisture sensitive and the primary triggering mechanism for the volume reduction of collapsible soil, which is considered as a non-elastic deformation; this was done by carrying series of inundation these soil with using different types of under reamed piles to arrive the best and suitable type useful in gypseous soils. The piles with reams are concrete piles with one or more ream, so under-reamed piles are suitable in weak soils where sizable ground movement, variations, filed up ground, silty clay, and loose sand which has the advantage to increase the soil strength. This paper includes the experimental model of under-reamed piles under static load simulated by a steel plate on the pile cap, then the load-settlement curve, friction force, and bearing force founded from the investigation of different patterns of reamed. It was found that a number of bulbs had a significant reduction on settlement reach to 93% in case of using triple under-reamed pile which is the greatest results in comparison with other patterns and reference pile of the uniform cross-section in the wet state.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study a concentration of Uranium for samples of soil from Falluja City using PM-355
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In this study a concentration of uranium was measured for twenty two samples of soil distributed in many regions (algolan, almoalmeen, alaskary and nasal streets) from Falluja Cityin AL-Anbar Governorate in addition to other region (alandlos street) as a back ground on the Falluja City that there is no military operations happened on it. The uranium concentrations in soil samples measured by using fission tracks registration in (PM-355) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U) with thermal neutrons from (241Am-Be) neutron source that has flux of (5×103n cm-2 s-1). The concentrations values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results shows that the uranium concentrations algolan street varies from(1.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Improvement of Gypsum Soil by Using Polyurethane to Reduce Erosion and Solubility of Irrigation Canals
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The reducing of erosion and the solubility of irrigation canals soils which constructed on gypsum soil is important in civil and water resources engineering. The main problem of gypsum soils is the presence of gypsum which represents one of most complex engineering problems, especially when accompanied by the moving of water which represent dynamic load along the canal. There are several solutions to this problem, in this research “Poly urethane” is used to give the gypsum soil sufficient hardness to reduce the solubility and erosion, after compacting the soil in the canal, percentages of Poly urethane was used to making cover to the soil by mixing percent of soil with Poly urethane, and the ratio was as follows: (5 and 10) % an

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Effect of Tidal Energies on the Materials Properties of the Soil at Southern Mesopotamia
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The materials of soil were affected by multi reasons; such as human activities, floods, tidal waves, ... etc. The change of the soil contents could be measured through different indexes; such as electric conductivities, salinity, concentration of the heavy elements, and concentration of essential elements ... etc. The land cover is affected by natural influences, like tidal energy, which plays a negative role in the salinization of land adjacent to the coasts, causing a problem for soils in all its details represented in changing of the dissolved elements in soil. One of the most important natural factors that cause soil salinity is human activity in all its forms, and one of the most important causes of salinity is the phenomenon o

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Multi-pages structure for Six Sigma performance matrix based on the technical characteristics of balanced performance and methodology Al-Sigma for measuring corporate performance: Suggestion vision
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Accelerates operating managements in the facilities contemporary business environment toward redefining processes and strategies that you need to perform tasks of guaranteeing them continue in an environment performance dominated by economic globalization and the circumstances of uncertainty attempt the creation of a new structure through multiple pages seek to improve profitability and sustainable growth in performance in a climatefocuses on the development of institutional processes, reduce costs and achieve customer satisfaction to meet their demands and expectations are constantly changing. The research was presented structural matrix performance combines methodology Alsigma in order to improve customer satisfaction significantly bet

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
Impact exercises sense of the power arm in the level of performance skill in basketball clapotement
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أن كرة السلة بما تتضمنه من مهارات حركية متنوعة تتطلب من ممارسيها امتلاك عدد من القدرات الحركية الخاصة وبشكل خاص التوافق العضلي العصبي والرشاقة والقوة المميزة بالسرعة، فضلاعن قدرات الإدراك الحس- حركي (إدراك المكان وقوة دفع الكرة سواء بالطبطبة العالية أو الواطئة .... الخ ) لذا تكمن أهمية البحث في إيجاد الطرق والوسائل التي تطور قدرة الطالبة على إدراك قوة دفع الكرة والإحساس بها أثناء تعلم وتدريب الطبطبة بأنواعها ب

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2017
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Agricultural Research
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The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect a mixture of threespecies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum, G. leptotichum andRhizophagus intraradices) double and triple mixture and organic matter by usingplastic pots in the greenhouse at some mycorrhiza and physiological limitationscharacteristics in tomato plant after four and eight weeks of cultivation. Theresults of the determinants mycorrhiza significant increase the percentage ofmycorrhizal frequency F% dry weight of roots mycorrhiza (g.plant-1) andorganic matter in all mycorrhiza single, double and triple mixture after four andeight weeks cultivation treatments. The highest percentage of mycorrhizalfrequency and increase the dry weight of the root in the trea

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Concurrent Engineering In Enhancing Strategic Performance :Applied Research in Zora Public Company
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   This research aims to the relationship and the effect of concurrent engineering dimensions analyze (product design, process design, and supply chain design) on the dimensions of strategic performance (efficiency, and effectiveness) The research was conducted in public Zora Electrical Industries Company, on a sample of departments and officials, engineers, managers and people in the company amounted to (45) . A questionnaire was used for the purpose of data collection which has been adopted, with the use of statistical methods  via computerized system (spss) for processing data , identifying them and testing the research hypotheses. The research

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Scientific Research In Business Management And Economics
The profitability index and its role in evaluating the performance of specialized banks in Iraq.
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Central banks around the world typically use various financial indicators to evaluate performance. In Iraq, the indicators used by central banks to evaluate the performance of banks are of great importance to ensure that the banks operating within the Iraqi banking system comply with the regulatory and legal requirements issued by the Central Bank of Iraq or the Ministry of Finance. Given the need to study the profitability indicator to ensure its ability to evaluate the performance of specialized banks in Iraq, these banks carry out their banking activities and businesses through capital funded by the government. The use of profitability indicators in evaluating the performance of specialized banks provides information about the profitabil

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Improvisation Effectiveness in the Performance of the Actor in the Theatrical Show: مصطفى عباس خلف
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Improvisation is that spontaneous automatic achievement which is formed by a new cognition that is not based on something prior to it or a previous cognition. It is instantaneous. Whereas in art, improvisation also inters in all types of applied and performance arts as a foundation for launching and initiating it in music, painting, cinema, television and theater. In order to study the improvisation of the actor, the researcher put forward a theoretical study that included two sections. The first section is (the improvisation concept) and the second section is (improvisation in the show). The researcher, in the research procedures, took an intentional sample that was represented by the theatrical show (Rehearsal in Hell Play) and after t

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