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Detailed Surface Photometry of the Spiral Galaxies NGC 7339, NGC 7537, and NGC 7541
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The results of analyzing BVRI CCD photometry of the spiral galaxies NGC 7339, NGC 7537, and NGC 7541 are presented using the observations acquired with the 1.88m Kottamia telescope (Egypt). The overall structure of the galaxies is analyzed together with isophotal contour maps. The surface brightness profiles of the galaxies are decomposed to bulge and disk components by fitting a de Vaucouleurs law for the bulge and an exponential law for the disk to obtain photometric parameters for each component. The corrected total and absolute magnitudes and integrated color are also obtained and found to be close to the published values. The radial profiles of ellipticity, major-axis position angle, and color are also obtained and discussed.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Factors affecting global virtual teams’ performance in software projects
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Scopus (23)