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Enhancing Vegetative Growth by Adding Phosphorus, Silicon, and Citric Acid to Pepper Plants Cultivated in Plastic Greenhouses
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Abstract<p>The research was conducted in a plastic greenhouse at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad - Jadiriyah Campus, during the 2021-2022 season, to study the effect of phosphorus, silicon, and citric acid on pepper plants using a factorial experiment design with three replicates. The first factor had three levels of phosphorus (0, 160, and 320 kg P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> per hectare), the second factor had three levels of potassium silicate (0, 75, and 100 kg per hectare), and the third factor had four levels of citric acid (0, 2, 4, and 6 kg per hectare). The statistical analysis showed that treatment P2S2C1 resulted in an increase in the main stem diameter (25.10 mm), treatment P3S3C1 led to an increase in the main branch diameter (16.10 mm), and treatment P3S3C2 showed an increase in the diameter of secondary and tertiary branches (13.50 mm and 8.90 mm, respectively). Treatment P2S3C1 resulted in an increased number of leaves and the dry weight of the total vegetative mass (1286.7 leaves and 415.0 g plant<sup>-1</sup> respectively). Treatment P3S2C4 led to an increase in the dry weight of roots (25.47 g plant<sup>-1</sup>), treatment P2S3C4 showed an increased number of fruits (48.34 fruits plant<sup>-1</sup>), and treatment P3S3C4 resulted in an increased total yield (4.87 tons greenhouse<sup>-1</sup>).</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 11 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Q- Switched Nd:YAG Laser Annealing of Phosphorus Diffused Silicon Photodiodes
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Improvement of optoelectrical characteristics of phosphorus diffused silicon photodiodes by Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pulses was investigated. Laser pulses have dissolved the precipitation of phosphorus resulted during thermal diffusion process. The experimental data show that responsivity higher than (0.32 A/W) at 850 nm can be achieved after laser annealing with (1.5 MW/cm2) for 6 shots.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Palm dates as a source for isolation of Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid by submerged fermentation; kinetics study
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Abstract<p>The study discussed here deals with the isolation of Aspergillus niger from palm dates, the formal and the most famous fruit in Iraq, to test and qualify this fungus isolate for its ability to produce citric acid. Submerged fermentation technique was used in the fermentation process. A.niger isolated from “Zahdi” Palme dates was used in the study of the fermentation kinetics to get the production efficiency of citric acid. Kinetics of CA production via fermentation by A. niger S11 was evaluated within 432 h fermentation time and under submerged conditions of 11% (w/v) sucrose, 5% (v/v) inoculum size, pH 4, 30 °C and 150 rpm. The maximum citric acid produced was (37.116 g/l). Kine</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Anatomical Study for Vegetative Organs of Pelargonium graveolens L.'Hér Cultivated in Iraq
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   The current investigation concluded an  anatomical study of the cultivated species Pelargonium graveolens  L. 'Hér belong to the  Geraniaceae family and which  cultivated as an  ornamental plant, fresh specimen were collected from different region  in  Baghdad ,the study vegetative parts (leaf, stem and petiole) in details ,the upper and lower epidermis of leaf and epidermis of  stem  also studied, ordinary epidermal cells and stomatal complexes studied in term of shapes and  dimensions  ,the result showed that stomatal in leaf and stem is anomocytic type, the cross sections of the vegetative parts  prepared by microtome and free hand sectioning. The tissues of these parts include the number an

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optimization of Citric acid production from Locally isolate fungus Aspergillus niger by solid state fermentation
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  This study aimed to obtain an isolate of a mold that has well characteristic for production of citric acid from raw materials available locally by solid-state fermentation and determination of the optimum conditions for production .Fourteen mold isolates producing acid were obtained from different sources, involved decayed fruits and soils. These isolates were subjected to initial qualitative screening followed by secondary quantitative screening In secondary screening a method combined between the submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation was followed using a piece of sponge saturated by nutrients required for growth and production of acid. It was found that the isolate of A7 was the highest producer for citric acid tha

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Pioneering and Growth of Plastic vision data in Modern Art
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The achievements of the art that we know today are questioned in motives that differ from what art knew before, including dramatic artistic transformations, which he called modern art.
In view of the enormity of such a topic, its ramifications and its complexity, it was necessary to confine its subject to the origin of the motives of the transformations of its first pioneers, and then to stand on what resulted from that of the data of vision in composition and drawing exclusively, and through exploration in that, we got to know the vitality of change from the art of its time.
And by examining the ruling contemporary philosophical concepts and their new standards and their epistemological role in contemporary life, since they includ

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2017
Journal Name
New Visions In Plant Science
Improving Nitrogen and Phosphorus Efficiency for Optimal Plant Growth and Yield
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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most important nutrients for crop production. The N contributes to the structural component, generic, and metabolic compounds in a plant cell. N is mainly an essential part of chlorophyll, the compound in the plants that is responsible for photosynthesis process. The plant can get its available nitrogen from the soil by mineralizing organic materials, fixed-N by bacteria, and nitrogen can be released from plant as residue decay. Soil minerals do not release an enough amount of nitrogen to support plant; therefore, fertilizing is necessary for high production. Phosphorous contributes in the complex of the nucleic acid structure of plants. The nucleic acid is essential in protein synthesis regulation; t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Response of some vegetative growth characteristics of organically fertilized potatoes to zinc and manganese foliar application
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 26 2021
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Shade in house gardens is one of the problems that hinder the growth of lawn and its distribution in the soil, where the types of lawns differ in their durability and adaptation to shade. The research aims to know the resistance of some species of lawn plants to shade and to know the appropriate fertilization procedures that can be followed to reduce the negative effects. The study was conducted in the Amiriya district of Baghdad in a house garden. Three varieties of lawn plants Bermuda, Gazon, and Trifoglio were planted. Five fertilization treatments (contained N and P elements) and the control were used. The sunlight density with the temperature of the study field locations were estimated using the AMT-300 and the vegetation coverage perc

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was carried out to measure the percentage of heavy metals pollution in the water of the Diyala river and to measure the percentage of contamination of these elements in the leafy vegetables grown on both sides of the Diyala river, which are irrigated by the contaminated river water (celery, radish, lepidium, green onions, beta vulgaris subsp, and malva). Laboratory analysis was achieved to measure the ratio of heavy element contamination (Pb, Fe, Ni, Cd, Zn and Cr) using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer during the summer months of July and August for the year 2017. The study showed that the elements of zinc, chromium, nickel and cadmium were high concentrations and exceeded. The maximum concentration of these

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Waste Lead Acid Battery Plastic to Produce Lightweight Masonry Units
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The concrete industry consumes millions of tons of aggregate comprising of natural sands and gravels, each year. In recent years there has been an increasing trend towards using recycled aggregate to save natural resources and to produce lightweight concrete. This study investigates the possibility of using waste plastic as one of the components of lead-acid batteries to replace the fine aggregate by 50 and 70% by volume of concrete masonry units. Compared to the reference concrete mix, results demonstrated that a reduction of approximately 32.5% to 39.6% in the density for replacement of 50% to 70% respectively. At 28 days curing age, the compressive strength was decreased while the water absorption increased by increas

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