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This research was aimed to study the pollen morphology for the genus Pterocephalus(Vaill)  from Dipsacaceae family in Iraq, and to utilize these feathers in isolating the species as valuable taxonomic traits for enriching Iraqi flora. The study included characteristics of the type, shape, size, sculpturing and apertures, as well as determining the full dimensions using light microscopy as well as numerical analysis of this species and draw polygonal shapes and denderogram  convergence between species. The results of the study of pollen and polygonal forms showed significant differences in the characteristics at the level of each species, which helps to identification the genus species, as it was found that the pollen was a tricolpate, and shape was specified to be sub spheroidal,  sub prolate, oblate spheroidal. and prolate spheroidal, The pollen grains varied in size between large,  and very large size. However the most significant feature is that included four types of sculpture using to isolate the species to  : Reticulate and spinate in P. laxus ,P. strictus, and P. nestorianu, reticulate and spinulate in P. brevis, P. plumosus, Reticulate to striate and spinulate in P. canus, and Spinate in  P. kurdicus, and  P. pyrethrifolius. The dendritic scheme showed the convergence of some species among them and in varying convergence ratios.            

Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship Analysis Between Monetary Policy and Financial Sustainability in Iraq For the Period 2015–2021
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This research aims to study and analyze the reality of monetary policy and financial sustainability in Iraq through either a descriptive or analytical approach by trying to link and coordinate between monetary policy and fiscal policy to enhance economic sustainability. The research is based on the hypothesis that the monetary policy of Iraq contributes to achieving financial stability, which improves economic sustainability by providing aid and assistance to the state to reduce the budget deficit and exacerbate indebtedness. The author used the monetary policy indicators, the re-deduction of Treasury transfers by the central bank and the money supply, and financial sustainability indicators, including the public debt indicators and the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heavy Metals Concentration in Commercial Rice Available at Erbil City Markets, Iraq and Soaking Effects
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Heavy metal (HM) pollution has long been a significant source of environmental deterioration and a problem for the safety of food. Iraqis prefer rice over any other food, and since heavy metals have a direct impact on health, their traces in rice have drawn particular attention. Before cooking rice, it is usual in Iraq to wash and soak it. Some 55 varieties of imported and local rice were sampled from Erbil city markets in 2022 with the aim of determining the concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb before and after soaking. Standard procedure of acid digestions was applied on the raw and soaked samples. The solutions were analyzed using ICPE-9820 Shimadzu. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb (in mg/kg) in the rice samples bef

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 04 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference Of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information And Communication Technology
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic public health challenges in Iraq: Current status and future implications
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Coronavirus diseases 2021 (COVID-19) on going situation in Iraq is characterized in this paper. The pandemic handling by the government and the difficulties of public health measures enforcement in Iraq. Estimation of the COVID-19 data set was performed. Iraq is endangered to the pandemic, like the rest of the world besides sharing borders with hotspot neighbouring country Iran. The government of Iraq launched proactive measures in an attempt to prevent the viral spread. Nevertheless, reports of new cases keep escalating leaving the public health officials racing to take more firm constriction to face the pandemic. The paper bring forth the current COVID-19 scenario in Iraq, the government measures towards the public health challenges, and

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gravity Field Interpretation for Major Fault Depth Detection in a Region Located SW- Qa’im / Iraq
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This research deals with the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomaly data for a region located to the SW of Qa’im City within Anbar province by using 2D- mapping methods. The gravity residual field obtained graphically by subtracting the Regional Gravity values from the values of the total Bouguer anomaly. The residual gravity field processed in order to reduce noise by applying the gradient operator and 1st directional derivatives filtering. This was helpful in assigning the locations of sudden variation in Gravity values. Such variations may be produced by subsurface faults, fractures, cavities or subsurface facies lateral variations limits. A major fault was predicted to extend with the direction NE-

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Fumonisin B1 Detection in Local Corn Seeds from Baghdad-Iraq
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Fungi produce a series of toxic compounds on corn, especially Fumonisin B1 (FB1) toxin produced by Fusarium spp. and promoting cancer activity in humans and animals. This study aimed to the isolation and identification of fungi associated with local corn seeds and the detection for the presence of FB1 by using ELISA technique. Thirty samples of corn ears were collected from silos and markets in Baghdad city during the period from November 2018 to March 2019. The present study found that Fusarium was the dominant isolate among fungi in terms of the relative density 57.07%, followed by Aspergillus 31.17%, Rhizopus 3.36%, Alternaria 2.88%, Mucor 2.16%, Penicillium 1.92%, Trichothecium 0.96%, and Helminthosporium 0.48%. FB1 was detected in a

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Radioactive contamination in Iraq and its impact on birth defects for the period (2004-2013)
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In the present time, radioactive contamination is considered one of the most dangerous types of environmental pollution. It usually takes place because of a leakage of radioactive materials to one of the environment natural components, such as, water, air, and soil. Iraq is considered one of the most contaminated environments in the world; this is closely associated with the wars Iraq had suffered from; especially, in 1991 and 2003. Considering the importance of the radioactive contamination and its different health impacts on the population, the current paper is interested in studying this type of environmental contamination and its impact on the birth defects depending on the data available in the annual reports issued by the Iraqi min

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Using Phone Calls to Promote Community Pharmacist Counselling during COVID-19 Pandemic in Baghdad, Iraq
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Drug consultation is an important part of pharmaceutical care. mobile phone call or text message can serve as an easy, effective, and implementable alternative to improving medication adherence and clinical outcomes by providing the information needed significantly for people with chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension particularly during pandemics like COVID-19 pandemic.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Edelweiss Applied Science And Technology
Using count regression models to investigate the most important economic factors affecting divorce in Iraq
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The two most popular models inwell-known count regression models are Poisson and negative binomial regression models. Poisson regression is a generalized linear model form of regression analysis used to model count data and contingency tables. Poisson regression assumes the response variable Y has a Poisson distribution, and assumes the logarithm of its expected value can be modeled by a linear combination of unknown parameters. Negative binomial regression is similar to regular multiple regression except that the dependent (Y) variables an observed count that follows the negative binomial distribution. This research studies some factors affecting divorce using Poisson and negative binomial regression models. The factors are unemplo

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
1D Geomechanical Modeling to Detect the Deformation in Mishrif Formation at Nasriyah Oil Field, Iraq
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Knowing the distribution of the mechanical rock properties and in-situ stresses for the field of interest is essential for many applications concerning reservoir geomechanics, including wellbore instability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, sand production, reservoir compaction, subsidence and water/gas injection throughout the filed life cycle. Determining the rock's mechanical properties is challenging because they cannot be directly measured at the borehole. The recovered carbonate core samples are limited and only provide discrete data for specific depths. This study focuses on creating a detailed 1D geomechanical model of the Mishrif reservoir in the Nasriyah oil field to identify the fault regime type for each unit in the format

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 13 2014
Journal Name
Asian Academic Research Associates
Thermodynamic Study of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) in Aqueous Solution and in Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol at Different Temperatures
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