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Influence of Cooling Methods on the Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Exposed to Fire Flame Effect
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The construction of highly safe and durable buildings that can bear accident damage risks including fire, earthquake, impact, and more, can be considered to be the most important goal in civil engineering technology. An experimental investigation was prepared to study the influence of adding various percentages 0%, 1.0%, and 1.5% of micro steel fiber volume fraction (Vf) to reactive powder concrete (RPC)—whose properties are compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, and absorbed energy—after the exposure to fire flame of various burning temperatures 300, 400, and 500 °C using gradual-, foam-, and sudden-cooling methods. The outcomes of this research proved that the maximum reduction in mechanical properties is detected in case of 0% addition at burning temperature of 500 °C using sudden cooling to be 63.90%, 55.77% and 53.8% for compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength, respectively, while using 1.5% produced a modification in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength to 6.67%, 4.15%, and 7.00% respectively, and 7.10 kN·mm for the absorbed energy for gradual cooling at 300 °C. From the results, the adopted cooling methods can be ordered according to their negative influence by sudden, foam, and gradual, while the optimum percentage of (Vf) is 1.5% when burning at 300 °C for all methods of cooling. 1.0% is considered the optimum percentage for all burning temperatures that exceed 400 °C using sudden-cooling method.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
Attenuation Coefficient of Reactive Powder Concrete Using Different Energies.
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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Properties of reactive powder concrete with different types of cement
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Properties of reactive powder concrete with different types of cement
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Concrete is widely used in construction materials since early 1800's. It has been known that concrete is weak in tension, so it requires some addition materials to have ductile behavior and enhance its tensile strength and strain capacity to improve their uses. In this study reactive powder concrete (RPC) was used with steel fiber by using different types of cement; (Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and/or Portland- Limestone cement (PLC)) with three types of mixtures (OPC at the first mix, 50 % OPC and 50 % PLC at the second mix and PLC at the third mix). The behavior of RPC with steel fibers on compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete with different ages of curing (7, 14, 28 and 60) days and shrinkage have been studied. The clo

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Fire Flame (High Temperature) on the Behaviour of Axially loaded Reinforced SCC Short Columns
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Experimental research was carried out to investigate the effect of fire flame (high temperature) on specimens of short columns manufactured using SCC (Self compacted concrete). To simulate the real practical fire disasters, the specimens were exposed to high
temperature flame, using furnace manufactured for this purpose. The column specimens were cooled in two ways. In the first the specimens were left in the air and suddenly cooled using water, after that the specimens were loaded to study the effect of degree of
temperature, steel reinforcement ratio and cooling rate, on the load carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete column specimens. The results will be compared with behaviour of columns without burning (control specime

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bond Stresses between Reinforcing Bar and Reactive Powder Concrete
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A good performance of reinforced concrete structures is ensured by the bond between steel and concrete, which makes the materials work together, forming a part of solidarity. The behavior of the bond between the reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete is significant to evaluate the cracking control in serviceability limit state and load capacity in the ultimate limit state. In this investigation, the bond stresses between reinforcing bar and reactive powder concrete (RPC) was considered to compare it with that of normal strength concrete (NSC). The push-out test with short embedment length is considered in this study to evaluate the bond strength, bond stress-slip relationship, and bond stress-crack width relationsh

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the Impact of Glass Waste in Reactive Powder Concrete on Attenuation Properties for Bremsstrahlung Ray
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Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is one of the most advanced recent high compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a fractional replacement for fine aggregate in reactive powder concrete at levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Linear and mass attenuation coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sample's thickness and bremsstrahlung energy. These coefficients were obtained using energy selective scintillation response to bremsstrahlung having an energy ranging from (0.1-1.1) MeV. In addition, the half-value thickness of the samples prepared has been investigated. It was found that there is a reversal association between the attenuation coefficient and the energy of the bremsstrahlu

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Use of Thermostone Waste Aggregates for Internal Curing of Reactive Powder Concrete
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Abstract<p>The concrete need curing for cement hydration that is a chemical reaction in each step require water supply throughout the time period. The traditional concrete cured by external method that prevents the concrete surface dry so that keeping the concrete mixture wet and warm. The internal curing was adopted in normal and high strength concrete such as reactive powder concrete. In present paper, experimental approach is to study the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete cured internally with thermostone material. The materials that adopted to evaluate and find out the influences of the internal curing on the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete is focused with d</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying of Some Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete Using Local Materials
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This research aims to investigate and evaluate a reactive powder concrete (RPC) cast using economical materials. Its mechanical properties were investigated and evaluated by studying the effects of using different cement and silica fume contents and locally steel fibers aspect ratios as reinforcement for this concrete. A compressive strength of about 155.2MPa, indirect tensile strength of 16.0MPa, modulus of elasticity of 48.7GPa, flexural strength of 43.5MPa, impact energy of 3294.4kN.m and abrasion loss 0.59%  have been achieved for reinforced RPC contains  910 kg/m3 cement content, silica fume content 185 kg/m3 of cement weight and fiber volume fraction 2%. The water absorption values w

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Punching Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Fire using Finite Elements
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The main aim of this paper is studied the punching shear and behavior of reinforced concrete slabs exposed to fires, the possibility of punching shear failure occurred as a result of the fires and their inability to withstand the loads. Simulation by finite element analysis is made to predict the type of failure, distribution temperature through the thickness of the slabs, deformation and punching strength. Nonlinear finite element transient thermal-structural analysis at fire conditions are analyzed by ANSYS package. The validity of the modeling is performed for the mechanical and thermal properties of materials from earlier works from literature to decrea

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Short Square Normal and Hybrid Fiber Reactive Powder Concrete Columns Subjected to Chloride Solution Attack
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In this research, the structural behavior of reinforced concrete columns made of normal and hybrid reactive powder concrete (hybrid by steel and polypropylene fibers) subjected to chloride salts with concentration was 8341.6 mg/l. The study consists of two parts, the first one is experimental study and the second one is theoretical analysis.  Three main variables were adopted in the experimental program; concrete type, curing type and loading arrangement. Twenty (120x120x1200) mm columns were cast and tested depending on these variables. The samples were reinforced using two different bars; Ø8 for ties and Ø12 with minimum longitudinal reinforcement (0.01Ag). The specimens were divided into two main groups based o

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