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Standard Pushout Tests and Design Rules for a Bolted–Welded Hybrid Demountable Shear Connector
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A bolted–welded hybrid demountable shear connector for use in deconstructable steel–concrete composite buildings and bridges was proposed. The hybrid connector consisted of a partially threaded stud, which was welded on the flange of a steel section, and a machined steel tube with compatible geometry, which was bolted on the stud. Four standard pushout tests according to Eurocode 4 were carried out to assess the shear performance of the hybrid connector. The experimental results show that the initial stiffness, shear resistance, and slip capacity of the proposed connector were higher than those of traditional welded studs. The hybrid connector was a ductile connector, according to Eurocode 4, with slip capacity higher than 6 mm. A nonlinear finite-element model was calibrated against the pushout tests and found capable of reproducing the experimental behavior with good agreement. The verified finite-element model was then used to conduct a series of parametric studies in order to assess the effect of infilled grout, concrete slab strength, stud diameter, stud tensile strength, tube thickness, and tube tensile strength on the shear resistance and stiffness of the hybrid connector. Based on the experimental and numerical results, a design equation is proposed for the prediction of the shear resistance of the novel connector.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of optimal shot peening time on fatigue life for aluminum alloy 6061-T651
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The compressive residual stresses generated by shot peening, is increased in a direct proportional way with shot peening time (SPT). For each metal, there is an optimum shot peening time (O.S.T) which gives the optimum fatigue life. This paper experimentally studied to optimize shot peening time of aluminium alloy 6061-T651 as well as using of and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Two types of fatigue test specimens’ configuration were used, one without notch (smooth) and the other with a notch radius (1,25mm), each type was shot peened at different time. The (O.S.T) was experimentally estimated  to be 8 minutes reaching the surface stresses at maximum peak of -184.94 MPa.

A response surface methodology (RSM) is presen

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Efficient Single Stage Shrinkage Estimator for the Scale parameter of Inverted Gamma Distribution
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 The present  paper agrees  with estimation of scale parameter θ of the Inverted Gamma (IG) Distribution when the shape parameter α is known (α=1), bypreliminarytestsinglestage shrinkage estimators using  suitable  shrinkage weight factor and region.  The expressions for the Bias, Mean Squared Error [MSE] for the proposed estimators are derived. Comparisons between the considered estimator with the usual estimator (MLE) and with the existing estimator  are performed .The results are presented in attached tables.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
The Technical Treatment for Pottery Body by (Kintsugi) Technique in Japanese Pottery – Analytic Study
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The aesthetic and technical expertise help  in producing the artistic work and achieving results in aesthetic formulations that reflect the aesthetic and  expressive dimensions and the reflective dimensions of the pottery, surpassing its traditions, asserting  its active presence in life, cherishing it  even when it  breaks  or get damaged   by employing techniques that are originated  from  the Japanese environment.

                       The research problem is to study how ( Kintsugi) technique and similar techniques are used to create  new rebirths of pottery piec

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the one electron expectation values for different wave function of Be atom
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The aim of this work is to evaluate the one- electron expectation value from the radial electronic density function D(r1) for different wave function for the 2S state of Be atom . The wave function used were published in 1960,1974and 1993, respectavily. Using Hartree-Fock wave function as a Slater determinant has used the partitioning technique for the analysis open shell system of Be (1s22s2) state, the analyze Be atom for six-pairs electronic wave function , tow of these are for intra-shells (K,L) and the rest for inter-shells(KL) . The results are obtained numerically by using computer programs (Mathcad).

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical emission spectroscopy for studying the exploding copper wire plasma parameters in distilled water
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This work aims to study the exploding copper wire plasma parameters by optical emission spectroscopy. The emission spectra of the copper plasma have been recorded and analyzed The plasma electron temperature (Te), was calculated by Boltzmann plot, and the electron density (ne) calculated by using Stark broadening method for different copper wire diameter (0.18, 0.24 and 0.3 mm) and current
of 75A in distilled water. The hydrogen (Hα line) 656.279 nm was used to calculate the electron density for different wire diameters by Stark broadening. It was found that the electron density ne decrease from 22.4×1016 cm-3 to 17×1016 cm-3 with increasing wire diameter from 0.18 mm to 0.3 mm while the electron temperatures increase from 0.741 to

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Semiparametric Bayesian Method with Classical Method for Estimating Systems Reliability using Simulation Procedure
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               In this research, the semiparametric Bayesian method is compared with the classical  method to  estimate reliability function of three  systems :  k-out of-n system, series system, and parallel system. Each system consists of three components, the first one represents the composite parametric in which failure times distributed as exponential, whereas the second and the third components are nonparametric ones in which reliability estimations depend on Kernel method using two methods to estimate bandwidth parameter h method and Kaplan-Meier method. To indicate a better method for system reliability function estimation, it has be

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Minimum Cost for the Vascular Network Using Linear Programming Based Its Path Graph
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As of late, humankind has experienced radiation issues either computerized tomography (CT) or X-rays. In this investigation, we endeavor to limit the effect of examination hardware. To do this the medical image is cropping (cut and zoom) then represented the vascular network as a graph such that each contraction as the vertices and the vessel represented as an edges, the area of the coagulation was processed already, in the current search the shortest distance to reach to the place of the blood vessel clot is computed

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of green strategy formulation in green behavior for municipal corporations – Analytical study
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The research shows the importance of orientation towards the formulation of the green strategy and its effect in determining the behavior of the green municipal institution in Babel governorate. The research highlighted the formulation of the green strategy as an important variable, especially today, the trend towards protecting the environment and minimizing the damage resulting from the delivery of services, and through it also the type of green behavior or performance adopted by the municipal institution and the emergence of the need for a strategy that is not harmful to the environment. The research took the sample intentionally comprehensive size of 222 personnel of municipal institutions and some formations concerned with t

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
New Approaches of Cloud Services Access using Tonido Cloud Server for Real-Time Applications
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A Tonido cloud server provides a private cloud storage solution and synchronizes customers and employees with the required cloud services over the enterprise. Generally, access to any cloud services by users is via the Internet connection, which can face some problems, and then users may encounter in accessing these services due to a weak Internet connection or heavy load sometimes especially with live video streaming applications overcloud. In this work, flexible and inexpensive proposed accessing methods are submitted and implemented concerning real-time applications that enable users to access cloud services locally and regionally. Practically, to simulate our network connection, we proposed to use the Raspberry-pi3 m

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing an Immune Negative Selection Algorithm for Intrusion Detection in NSL-KDD data Set
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With the development of communication technologies for mobile devices and electronic communications, and went to the world of e-government, e-commerce and e-banking. It became necessary to control these activities from exposure to intrusion or misuse and to provide protection to them, so it's important to design powerful and efficient systems-do-this-purpose. It this paper it has been used several varieties of algorithm selection passive immune algorithm selection passive with real values, algorithm selection with passive detectors with a radius fixed, algorithm selection with passive detectors, variable- sized intrusion detection network type misuse where the algorithm generates a set of detectors to distinguish the self-samples. Practica

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