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Effect of Diabetes and Hypertension on Right Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness and Variable Spectral Waveform Indices And Parameters in Relation To Age for Iraqi Patients
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Background: Arterial stiffness is related with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease events. Patients with atherosclerotic disease show to have larger diameters, reduced arterial compliance and lower flow velocities. Aim of study : To compare between patients of two age groups with concomitant diseases diabetes and hypertension in regard to intima media thickness and blood flow characteristics in order to estimate the blood perfusion to the brain via the common and internal carotid arteries. Subject and Methods : 40 patients with (diabetic and hypertension) diseases were enrolled , they were classified according to age. Color Doppler and B mode ultrasound was used to determine lumen Diameter (D), Intima – media thickness (IMT), end diastolic velocity (EDV), peak systolic velocity (PSV), Resistive Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI), and the flow rate indices were calibrated and calculated . Results:- Results show that the change in the lumen diameter between the old patients group and the younger group were (2.02%) with insignificant (p value >0.05), and the difference in the in intima-media (IMT) thickness between the two age groups (35- 55) and (56-75) are (33.8%) with significant (p value <0.05). The change difference in peak systolic velocity was (-13.29% ) with insignificant (p value >0.05), while the difference in the (EDV) between both age groups was (-38.02%), with significant p value <0.05. Pressure gradient and flow rate have given insignificant difference between both age groups. Conclusion: The intima media is significantly thicker for the old age group than in the younger group. The increased thickness of intima media did not influence the lumen diameter significantly. A clear change in PSV, EDV, RI, and PI was observed which have influenced blood perfusion to the brain.

Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic from Synthesized Aqueous Solution Using Three Different Metals Nanoparticles Synthesized Through the Green Method
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This study investigates the possibility of removing ciprofloxacin (CIP) using three types of adsorbent based on green-prepared iron nanoparticles (Fe.NPs), copper nanoparticles (Cu. NPS), and silver nanoparticles (Ag. NPS) from synthesized aqueous solution. They were characterized using different analysis methods. According to the characterization findings, each prepared NPs has the shape of a sphere and with ranges in sizes from of 85, 47, and 32 nanometers and a surface area of 2.1913, 1.6562, and 1.2387 m2/g for Fe.NPs, Cu.NPs and Ag.NPs, respectively. The effects of various parameters such as pH, initial CIP concentration, temperature, NPs dosage, and time on CIP removal were investigated through batch experiments. The res

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das Drama ( Minna von Barnhelm) von Lessing Eine analytische Studie Vorgelegt von The play of Minna von Barnhelm
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Zusammenfassung: Das Drama " Minna von Barnhelm von Lessing ist ein weltbekannts Drama, das in verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt wurde. Es beschreibt die Schwierigkeiten eines Offiziers, der bestraft wurde. Er verlor seinen Job und auch seine Ehre. Minna ist seine Verlobte, die ihn suchte und auch neben ihm stehen wollte. Trotzdem sie ihm in einem Hotel zufällig begegnete, hatten die beide immer noch Probleme. Am Ende des Dramas könnten sie alle ihrer Probleme lösen und hatten schönes Ende.


Mina von Barnhelm is a German play written by the author ( Lessing ) , it's a well-known comedy play that was translated into many languages including Arabic language .
This play is about a

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Approximation Solution of a Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Value Problem Via Galerkin Finite Elements Method with Crank-Nicolson
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    This paper deals with finding the approximation solution of a nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem (NLPBVP) by using the Galekin finite element method (GFEM) in space and Crank Nicolson (CN) scheme in time, the problem then reduce to solve a Galerkin nonlinear algebraic system(GNLAS). The predictor and the corrector technique (PCT) is applied here to solve the GNLAS, by transforms it to a Galerkin linear algebraic system (GLAS). This GLAS is solved once using the Cholesky method (CHM) as it appear in the matlab package and once again using the Cholesky reduction order technique (CHROT) which we employ it here to save a massive time. The results, for CHROT are given by tables and figures and show

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2025
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
A Numerical Study of Concrete Composite Circular Columns encased with GFRP I-Section using the Finite Element Method
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This paper presents ABAQUS simulations of fully encased composite columns, aiming to examine the behavior of a composite column system under different load conditions, namely concentric, eccentric with 25 mm eccentricity, and flexural loading. The numerical results are validated with the experimental results obtained for columns subjected to static loads. A new loading condition with a 50 mm eccentricity is simulated to obtain additional data points for constructing the interaction diagram of load-moment curves, in an attempt to investigate the load-moment behavior for a reference column with a steel I-section and a column with a GFRP I-section. The result comparison shows that the experimental data align closely with the simulation

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
حوليات أداب عين شمس
الذکريات في المسرحية العبرية المعاصرة (اجراس وقطارات) انموذجا
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This research seeks to determine the nature of the relationship that brought together writing and memories,These memories have given the play (Bells and Trains) a new life, and brought it from one mold to another , And she re-drawn and produced it through words and imagination, and since they are important dramatic keys, they gave the writer the ability to maneuver. This play embodies part of the writer's suffering and an important part of his life It represents a journey into memories of the past through which the writer tried to narrate events that he lived and knew from his friends and relatives, It is the events of the Holocaust and its repercussions on the psyche of the Jews. This play is like a journey in memory with many feelings of

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Islamic Sciences
The translated text is a second launch of the text (Al-Kharja Al-Muwashah Al- Andalusian as an example
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Literary translation is one of the most difficult types of translation ,because it conveys feelings that differ from one person to another, and since the language constitutes an obstacle to understanding the Andalusian excerpts, the translators resorted to translating it, and this was a second start to the text, different from its first start, is said from the tongue of the Al-washah , The muwashshah is a poetic art that appeared in Andalusia after the Arabs entered it ,characterized by special system It differs from the traditional Arabic poem, as it has a beginning represented in the beginning of the muwashshah and several equal parts ending with differentrhymes.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Remediation of Congo Red-Contaminated Groundwater by using a Permeable Reactive Barrier Through Modified Waterworks Sludge MgAl-LDH
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This investigation aims to explore the potential of waterworks sludge (WS), low-cost byproduct of water treatment processes, as a sorbent for removing Congo Red (CR) dyes. This will be achieved by precipitating nano-sized (MgAl-LDH)-layered double hydroxide onto the surface of the sludge. The efficiency of utilizing MgAl-LDH to modify waterworks sludge (MWS) for use in permeable reactive barrier technology was confirmed through analysis with Fourier transform infrared and X-ray diffraction. The isotherm model was employed to elucidate the adsorption mechanisms involved in the process. Furthermore, the COMSOL model was utilized to establish a continuous testing model for the analysis of contaminant transport under diverse conditions.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement the bearing capacity of the soil which is supporting the shallow foundation by using bored short micro-piles
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In this paper , concrete micro-piles were used to improve the bearing capacity of the soil which is supporting the shallow foundation by using groups of (4; 6 and 9)bored short micro-piles which have, (D=0.125m and D=0.1m), and length to diameter ratio (L/D) equal to (6; 10 and 12) respectively. To calculate the bearing capacity of the micro-piles,(Tomlinson) and (Lamda) methods were used; also the soil properties were taken from Al-Muthana airport,(Al-Qyssi,2001) [1]. The results show that; increasing the number of piles and/ or the diameters and lengths; and the interaction between the bearing capacity of the shallow foundation with the bearing capacity of the pile group which leads to increasing the strength against the external loads

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Surface Characterization of PEKK Modified by stron-tium –hydroxyapatite coating as implant material Via the magnetron sputtering Deposition technique
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Background: The best material for dental implants is polyetherketoneketone (PEKK). However, this substance is neither osteoinductive nor osteoconductive, preventing direct bone apposition. Modifying the PEKK with bioactive elements like strontium hydroxyapatite is one method to overcome this (Sr-HA). Due to the technique's capacity to provide better control over the coating's properties, RF magnetron sputtering has been found to be a particularly useful technique for deposition. Materials and methods : With specific sputtering conditions, the RF magnetron technique was employed to provide a homogeneous and thin coating on Polyetherketoneketone substrates.. the coatings were characterized by Contact angle, adhesion test, X-ray

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic studies of AST isoenzymes I,II,III,IV partially purified from patient,s urine with chroinc renal failure
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In this research, the kinetic studies of four isoenzymes of Asprtate aminotransferase, which partially purified from the urine of chronic renal failure patients were carried out .The four isoenzymes were obeyed Michaelis-Menton's equation and the optimum concentration of their substrate (Aspartic acid) was (166.5x10-3) mole/liter,and their Km values were determined. Four isoenzymesI,II,III,IV have shown an optimum pH at 7.4.The four isoenzymes obeyed Arrhenius equation up to 37º C and their Ea and Q10 constants were determined .

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