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Effect of Diabetes and Hypertension on Right Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness and Variable Spectral Waveform Indices And Parameters in Relation To Age for Iraqi Patients
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Background: Arterial stiffness is related with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease events. Patients with atherosclerotic disease show to have larger diameters, reduced arterial compliance and lower flow velocities. Aim of study : To compare between patients of two age groups with concomitant diseases diabetes and hypertension in regard to intima media thickness and blood flow characteristics in order to estimate the blood perfusion to the brain via the common and internal carotid arteries. Subject and Methods : 40 patients with (diabetic and hypertension) diseases were enrolled , they were classified according to age. Color Doppler and B mode ultrasound was used to determine lumen Diameter (D), Intima – media thickness (IMT), end diastolic velocity (EDV), peak systolic velocity (PSV), Resistive Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI), and the flow rate indices were calibrated and calculated . Results:- Results show that the change in the lumen diameter between the old patients group and the younger group were (2.02%) with insignificant (p value >0.05), and the difference in the in intima-media (IMT) thickness between the two age groups (35- 55) and (56-75) are (33.8%) with significant (p value <0.05). The change difference in peak systolic velocity was (-13.29% ) with insignificant (p value >0.05), while the difference in the (EDV) between both age groups was (-38.02%), with significant p value <0.05. Pressure gradient and flow rate have given insignificant difference between both age groups. Conclusion: The intima media is significantly thicker for the old age group than in the younger group. The increased thickness of intima media did not influence the lumen diameter significantly. A clear change in PSV, EDV, RI, and PI was observed which have influenced blood perfusion to the brain.

Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Features experimentation in theater Iraqi academic: يوسف هاشم عباس
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1.Chapter I (systematic framework) which includes: the research problem and the importance of the research, the need for it, the goals of the research, the temporal &spatial boundaries, determine the terms and defined procedurally.2.Chapter II - the theoretical framework: It consists of three sections are:•The first topic:- the concept of references and experimentation in the theater. •The second topic:- the director of academic and experimentation in Iraq. Two paragraphs in this section came after the introduction, in first paragraph to talk about the Iraqi theater academic and experimentation, and in the second paragraph the researcher spoke about the academic director of the Iraqi and experimentation. 3.Chapter III - Actions -

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 12 Th Scientific Conference Foundation Of Technical Education
Swine Flue A Virus Subtype (H1N1) Infection in Iraqi.
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Background: Swine influenza (also Called pig influenza, swine flu, hog flu and pig flu) is an infection by any one of several types of swine influenza virus (SIV) or S-OIV (Swine-Origin influenza virus) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. Patients and Methods:- Ninety patients with there families suspected of swine flu who were admitted to Central Teaching Hospital of Pediatric in Baghdad seventy one from Baghdad Al-Kerkh, twelve from Baghdad Al-Rasafa and seven other Iraqi Governorate (1 in Suleimaniya, 2 in Baquba, 4 in Anbar) they were included in a prospective study started from the 1st October till the 30 th of November 2009. Results:- The study revealed from )90( suspected cases the H1N1 Virus Pos

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Drug Information Resources in Iraqi Community Pharmacies (Conference Paper) #
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     Drug information resources are the information that is used in medications discovery, utilization, and management. Little information about different types of resources used by Iraqi community pharmacists is known. Therefore, the objectives were to determine drug information resources' type do the pharmacists used and the common drug information questions they faced during their work in community pharmacy. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in different Iraqi provinces and online self-reported survey was introduced through Google Form Software to an appropriate sample of graduated pharmacists who were working in a private community pharmacy and having at least one

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 26 2023
Journal Name
Crossroads. A Journal Of English Studies
Vowel adaptation patterns within English loanwords in Iraqi Arabic
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This research examines the phonological adaptation of pure vowels in English loanwords in Iraqi Arabic (IA). Unlike previous small-scale studies, the present study collected 346 loanwords through document review and self-observation, and then analyzed them using quantitative content analysis to identify the patterns of pure vowel adaptation involved in incorporating English loanwords into IA. The content analysis findings showed that most pure vowel adaptations in English loanwords in IA follow systematic patterns and may thus be attributed to specific characteristics of both L1 and L2 phonological systems. Specifically, the findings suggest that the IA output forms typically preserve the features of the input pure vowel to the maxi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraqi Woman Political situation in Quota Framework after 2003
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Abstract Since 2003. Iraq has begun a new phase in its modern history, which was after a long period of tyranny, repression of freedom of expression, and women were no better off than men; they suffered marginalization and exclusion, but after the fall of the former regime and the adoption of a parliamentary system of government, The level of participation in the government; where it approved the share of women in the legislative authority called "quota" which reflects the legislative level of a certain proportion of the seats in Parliament, amounting to 25%, and this is approved by the Iraqi constitution for 2005. But it is noticeable that women in parliament did not work within the quota; in other words they belonged to the pol

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Numerical solution to inverse coefficient problem for hyperbolic equation under overspecified condition of general integral type
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use digital classification to follow change detection of al Razzazah sebkha For the period(1976-2013)
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The Sebkha is considered the evaporative geomorphological features, where climate plays an active role. It forms part of the surface features in Mesopotamia plain of Iraqi, which is the most fertile lands, and because of complimentary natural and human factors turned most of the arable land to the territory of Sebkha lands. The use satellite image (Raw Data), Landsat 30M Mss for the year 1976 Landsat 7 ETM, and the Landsat 8 for year 2013 (LDCM) for the summer Landsat Data Continuity Mission and perform geometric correction, enhancements, and Subset image And a visual analysis Space visuals based on the analysis of spectral fingerprints earth's This study has shown that the best in the discrimination of Sebkha Remote sensing techniques a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
‘There is no place like home’: A Comparative Study of the Meaning of Home in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Peter and Wendy
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Peter and Wendy present universal ideas that exist in all times, despite being written in the beginning of the 20th century. Among the most significant ones is the concept of “home”. The article discusses the essentiality of the idea of “home” where the identity of an individual shapes, and where one’s spiritual, psychological, and physical being develop. It also studies the attitudes of each protagonist towards the concept of ‘home’ based on their understanding of it and according to their gender differences. The characters in both stories tread on the path of perplexity between leaving their homes and returning to them. Peter’s world is the world of imagination while Doro

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 05 2023
Journal Name
Molecular Biology Reports
The relationship between OXT gene polymorphisms and reproductive hormones in pregnant and lactating Awassi Ewes
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Emotions conflict In Balzac’s novel The Father Goriot And Stendhal’s The Red and The Black
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Au XIXe siècle, avec l’excès de la passion, le roman français commence à avoir de nouvelles figures. Il tend à être un reflet de la pensée et de la passion. Stendhal et Balzac révèlent ainsi le conflit de l’âme et donnent à leur héros l’impression que tout est permis.

                Ces protagonistes doivent, d’une part, subir des fluctuations psychologiques, et d’autre part, ces héros doivent être capables de faire face aux rancunes et aux conflits destructeurs. Les personnages stendhaliens et balzaciens finissent par croire que leur combat ne portera pas ses fruits, parce que toute passion déséquilibrée mènera, soit à la fol

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