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Efficiency of C-type natriuretic peptide on improvement of Iraqi local ram’s epididymal sperms
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Background: Fertility plays great role in animal reproduction since high quality semen improves sheep industry reproduction. The current worldwide data revealed the closely related of CNP to reproductive function of rams. Aims: Evaluation the effect of CNP on cooled sperms using the traditional and molecular assays. Methods: Totally, 20 testicular samples were collected, processed to obtain the semen samples and divided into two parts; one treated with the suitable dose of CNP and the otherserved as a control. Sperm samples of both groups were cooled for 3 days and tested at 0 0h, 24h, 48h and 72h. Results: The findings revealed that the suitable dose of CNP-treated sperms was 0.0110-13. Values individual motility, live sperms and sperm concentration were reduced significantly in CNP-24h, CNP-48h and CNP-72h when compared to control; however, abnormal sperms were increased in both control and CNP groups at 24h, 48h and 72h when compared to values of 0h. Concerning turbidmetric analysis, significant reduction in values of lag time was observed in CNP when compared to control at all times of cooling intervals. In both CNP and control groups, motility index was decreased at 24h, 48h and 72h when compared to 0h. For velocity, significant increases were showed in CNP compared with control at all cooling intervals. However, values of both groups were increased significantly at 24h, 48h and 72h times when compared to 0h. FRMS of CNP was elevated at 0h and decreased at 24h, 48h and 72h when compared to control. Expression of hNPR-B gene was reduced gradually in sperms of CNP and control groups at times of cooling intervals. Conclusion: For our knowledge, this first Iraqi study targets the effect of CNP on epididymal sperms of rams. However, changes occur after excessive CNP exposure remains unclear, and toxicological profile of CNP required furthermore supplements.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiya In Arts And Educational Sciences
The use of the digital book and the future of the paper book
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The current research aims to know the complementary use of the paper book and the digital book by defining the paper book and the digital book and knowing the methods and methods of obtaining each of them and indicating the extent of their use and for what purpose and knowing the difficulties that researchers face in using each of them and which is better using the paper book or the digital book in preparing research Studies and for no reason. The research relied on the descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, and it was distributed to professors and students of Iraqi universities. The research sample reached (219) individuals and reached a set of results, the most important of which are: Preference for the

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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For structural concrete members that may expose to serious earthquake, overload or accident impact, the design of ductility must be given the same importance as the flexural strength. The aim of this investigation is to study the change in ductility of structural concrete flexural members during their exposure to limited cycles of repeated loading. Twenty full-scale beam specimens have been fabricated in to two identical groups; each group consisted of ten specimens. The first group was tested under monotonic static loading to failure and regarded as control beams, while the specimens of the second group were subjected to ten cycles of repeated loading with constant load interval, which ranged between 40% and 60% of ultimate load. S

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, And Pathology
Assessment of the extracapsular dissection of the benign parotid tumors, extending the literature
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Deformability of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams with multiple openings of different configurations
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Abstract<p>This work presents experimental research using draped prestressed steel strands to improve the load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete non-prismatic beams with multiple openings of various designs. The short-term deflection of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams (NPCBs) flexural members under static loading were used to evaluate this improvement. Six simply supported (NPCBs) beams, five beams with openings, and one solid specimen used as a reference beam were all tested as part of the experiment. All of the beams were subjected to a monotonic midpoint load test. The configuration of the opening (quadrilateral or circular), as well as the depth of the chords, were the varia</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer in Correction of Foot Drop Deformity
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Backgr ound: The transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon to the anterior aspect of the ankle not only replaces the function of the paralyzed muscles, but also removes the deforming force on the medial aspect of the foot. Objecti ves: In this study, we evaluated patients who underwent tibialis posterior tendon transfer for the treatment of foot drop, and comparison through interosseous membrane route versus anterior to lower tibia route of tibialis posterior tendon transfer, with evaluation of the results according to carayon criteria Methods: Nine patients with foot drop secondary to different causes treated with tibialis posterior tendon transfer from January 2011 to January 2012 were followed up for a mean of 12 months in Al Kindy Teach

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Kurdish Studies
The Jurisprudence of Clans in the Balance of Social Jurisprudence (Criticism and Analysis)
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It is known that the science of jurisprudence is one of the most important Islamic sciences. Because it is a science that regulates the life of man and society and provides them with happiness in this world and the hereafter, if they follow its provisions with precision and care. The importance of this topic lies in the fact that it represents an urgent social need to show the compatibility of tribal customs with social jurisprudence. The job of the jurists was and still is to clarify the legal rulings according to what the Holy Qur’an has shown, and what has been reported on the authority of the Great Prophet (6) and the pure imams (:).It is no secret to everyone that the Islamic civilization is (the civilization of jurisprudence), just

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 02 2022
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Inhibition activity of mucilage prepared of Salvia hispanica as anti filamentary and anticancer
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An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Journals The mucilage of white and black chia seeds were extracted and determining their contents of bioactive compounds such as tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, and studying their activity as anti-filamentary and anticancer. Results showed that tannins exist in white chia seeds with 35%while it is 38% in black seeds, flavonoids represent 0.98mg/ml in white chia seeds and 1.5 mg/ml for black seeds. Both kinds of seeds showed anti-filamentaryactivity, the inhibition ratio was 86.5% for white seeds and 97.3% for black seeds. Chia black seeds showed anticancer activity and the inhibition of the tumor muscle cell line ratio (GI%) was 34.8% at 50mg/ml concentration and 88.4%

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and some of the electrical properties of the polymer Mosul poly Berrol
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Thin films were prepared from poly Berrol way Ketrrukemaaih pole of platinum concentrations both Albaarol and salt in the electrolytic Alastontrel using positive effort of 7 volts on the pole and the electrical wiring of the membrane record

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Surveillance for Contamination of Salad with Listeria Monocytogenes in Some of Baghdad Restaurants
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Background: Listeria monocytogenes, a member of the genus Listeria, is widely distributed in agricultural environments, such as soil, manure and water. The genus of Listeria bacteria is about 15-17 species. It is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause a rare but dangerous infection called listeriosis.

Objectives: Studying the rate of salads contaminated with Listeria bacteria. and Listeria monocytogenes according to International, Arabic and Iraqi specifications and finding the correlation between commitments of restaurants to standard health conditions with contamination with these bacteria

Methods: The study included

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aspirin drug in Liver tissue of swiss white mice Mus musculus
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This study was designed to identify the extent of the effect of drug Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) on histological structure of liver in Swiss albino mice Mus musculus.(16) mice were used and divided into two groups. The first groupwas orally treated with )0.5ml(of aspirinat concentration of (50 mcg / kg) and the second group was considered as control group Treated with distiled water lasted for 30 days. Treatment with Aspirin led to the occurrence of histopathological cases included liver necrosis ,cellular infilitration, congestion in central vein and a case of Hemorrhage. The results also showed the absence of radial arrangement of the constituents of hepatic cells from tissue due to these changes with the control group.

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