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Wormholes Models for the Optimum Matrix Acidizing in Mi4 Unit-Ahdeb Oil Field

Innovative laboratory research and fluid breakthroughs have improved carbonate matrix stimulation technology in the recent decade. Since oil and gas wells are stimulated often to increase output and maximum recovery, this has resulted in matrix acidizing is a less costly alternative to hydraulic fracturing; therefore, it is widely employed because of its low cost and the fact that it may restore damaged wells to their previous productivity and give extra production capacity. Limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir has never been investigated; hence research revealed fresh insights into this process. Many reports have stated that the Ahdeb oil field's Mishrif reservoir has been unable to be stimulated due to high injection pressures, which make it difficult to inject acid into the reservoir formation; and (ii) only a few acid jobs have been successful in Ahdeb oil wells, while the bulk of the others has been unsuccessful. Based on an acid efficiency curve, an ideal gel acid (HCl 15%) injection rate for this reservoir was 2.16 cc/min. This injection rate produces an optimal wormhole and the least amount of acid utilized. The optimum pore volume to breakthrough in wormhole propagation was 2.73, and the optimal interstitial velocity in wormhole propagation was 0.6 cm/min. Researchers have developed new formulae to compute the skin factor in anisotropic carbonates generated from matrix acidizing for the first time. This experiment revealed the need to acidify the matrix at the optimal injection rate.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Optimum Cultural Conditions for the Production of Cytosine Deaminase From Escherichia coli

    The study involved isolation and characterization of E.coli from patient’s infected with diarrhea , in order to study the ability of the bacteria to produce cytosine deaminase (CD). Result showed eight isolates of E.coli which showed adifference in the production of (CD) and the isolate of E. coli E33 was the beast of its production of CD than the other’s and the value of the specific activity was 4.920  u/mg protein , when grown in the medium which contains 1% glycerol ,3% peptone as a source of Carbon and Nitrogen respectively with pH 8.   The optimum cultural condition‘s for the production of CD from E. coli E33 was studied the result‘s  showed that the isolate gave the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Optimum Conditions for Production of Soya Peptone by Acidic Hydrolysis of Soya Proteins

     This study was carried out to obtain the optimum conditions necessary for the process of soya protein hydrolysis by using hydrochloric acid (as a chemical catalyst) instead of the papain enzyme (as a biological catalyst), for the production of soya peptone. These conditions are implemented to test the effect of the variables of the process of hydrolysis on the nature and quality of the product.

        The production of soya peptone was studied for their importance in the process of preparing and producing the culture media used in medical and microbiological laboratories.

      The process of production of soya peptone includes four main

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Differential evolution detection models for SMS spam

With the growth of mobile phones, short message service (SMS) became an essential text communication service. However, the low cost and ease use of SMS led to an increase in SMS Spam. In this paper, the characteristics of SMS spam has studied and a set of features has introduced to get rid of SMS spam. In addition, the problem of SMS spam detection was addressed as a clustering analysis that requires a metaheuristic algorithm to find the clustering structures. Three differential evolution variants viz DE/rand/1, jDE/rand/1, jDE/best/1, are adopted for solving the SMS spam problem. Experimental results illustrate that the jDE/best/1 produces best results over other variants in terms of accuracy, false-positive rate and false-negative

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An An Accurate Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Using Well Logging Data for Khasib Carbonate Reservoir - Amara Oil Field


Shear and compressional wave velocities, coupled with other petrophysical data, are vital in determining the dynamic modules magnitude in geomechanical studies and hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. But, due to field practices and high running cost, shear wave velocity may not available in all wells. In this paper, a statistical multivariate regression method is presented to predict the shear wave velocity for Khasib formation - Amara oil fields located in South- East of Iraq using well log compressional wave velocity, neutron porosity and density. The accuracy of the proposed correlation have been compared to other correlations. The results show that, the presented model provides accurate

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Pre and Post-Stack Imaging of 2D Seismic Data Using Time Migration for Ajeel Oil field, Central of Iraq

Kirchhoff Time migration was applied in Pre and Post-Stack for 2D seismic survey for line AJ-99N, that is located in Ajeel oilfield in Salah Al-Din Governorate, Central Iraq. The process follows several accurate steps to reach the final time migration stage. The results of applied time migration give an accurate image for the Ajeel anticline reservoir and to improve the signal to noise ratio. Pre-Stack shows a clearer image for the structure in the study area, and the time-frequency analysis insure the result.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 13 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Migraine In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Rheumatological outpatients unit

Background: Migraine is common in systemic lupus erythematosus.It is a significant source of patient disability.

Objective: To determine the rate of migraine in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, to assess migraine type, severity, and the association between migraine and patient’s characteristics.

Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: 100 subjected were recruited and divided into two groups; fifty patients with the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus were recruited from the Rheumatologic department of medicine,and another 50 normal subjects, then complete medical and drugs history were taken from them.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change to achieve strategic success A field research in the Petroleum Research & Development Center-Ministry of Oil

  This current research deals with the "The role of organizational change in the achievement of strategic success" Who are getting increased attention to being one of the important topics and relatively new, And which have a significant impact on the future of the organization So there is a need for this research, which aims to identify the role of organizational change across dimensions (technology, organizational structure, human resources, organizational culture) in the strategic success through its components (a specific strategy, effective implementation, innovation, customer satisfaction)، And that by two main hypotheses, branched about eight hypothes

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Different Surfactants to Increase Oil Recovery of Rumaila Field (Experimental Work)

Enhanced oil recovery is used in many mature oil reservoirs to increase the oil recovery factor. Surfactant flooding has recently gained interest again. To create micro emulsions at the interface between crude oil and water, surfactant flooding is the injection of surfactants (and co-surfactants) into the reservoir, thus achieving very low interfacial tension, which consequently assists mobilize the trapped oil.

In this study a flooding system, which has been  manufactured and described at high pressure. The flooding processes included oil, water and surfactants. 15 core holders has been prepared at first stage of the experiment and  filled with washed sand grains 80-500 mm and then packing the sand to obtain sand packs

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Tracking the existence of PAH in water resources around and away from Al-Ahdab Oil Field in Wasit Governorate of Iraq

Some major pollutants of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) those discharged as water produced (WP) from the AlAhdab oil field (AOF) in the ponds close to it may leak to the water resources around and eventually reaches the marshes which will affect its ecosystem. Thus, this work aims to track the availability of PAH in the water resources and the Main Outfall Drain (MOD) nearby. The determination of PAH was evaluated using “High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)”. The mean concentration of sixteen PAH in the produced water within the field was relatively high (0.01 to 10.89 g/ml) with standard deviations of (0.10.9). While, PAH outside the field were gradually diminishes down to (0.01-0.039) x10-2 g/ml which exceeds th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Geophysical Well Logs in Studying Reservoir Properties of Zubair Formation in Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq

The characterizations of reservoir require reliable knowledge of certain fundamental reservoir properties. Log measurements can define or at least infer these properties: resistivity, porosity, shale volume, lithology, and water, oil, or gas saturation and permeability. The current study represents evaluation of petrophysical properties in well LU-12 for Zubair Formation in Luhais Oil Field, southern Iraq. The petrophysical evaluation was based on geophysical well logs data to delineate the reservoir characteristics of Zubair Formation. The available geophysical well logs such as (sonic, density, neutron, gamma ray, SP, and resistivity logs) are digitized using the Didger software. The environmental corrections and petrophysical paramete

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