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Evaluating the performance of project management using network diagrams methods: A case study in the Ramadi Municipality
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This study came for the reason that some project administrations still do not follow the appropriate scientific methods that enable them to perform their work in a manner that achieves the goals for which those projects arise, in addition to exceeding the planned times and costs, so this study aims to apply the methods of network diagrams in Planning, scheduling and monitoring the project of constructing an Alzeuot intersection bridge in the city of Ramadi, as the research sample, being one of the strategic projects that are being implemented in the city of Ramadi, as well as being one of the projects that faced during its implementation Several of problems, the project problem was studied according to scientific methods through the application of the most prominent methods of plans Network (Gantt Chart, CPM, PERT), in planning and scheduling project activities and using computer programs related to network planning methods, especially (MS Project) and (Win QSB) program in determining the nature of relationships and interdependence between activities and processing data for the project to obtain results and draw Project networks The study reached a set of results, the most important of which is when applying network planning methods. This led to a reduction in the project completion time. Reliance on the CPM method and at the same cost allocated under normal conditions to (803) days, but in the case of accelerating the total project, the completion period is (643) days, and when adopting the PERT method, the total period of completion according to the project data is (796) day with a probability ratio of (0.43).

Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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          The project of balad's major sewerage system is one of the biggest projects who is still in progress in salahulddin province provincial - development plan that was approved in 2013 . This project works in two parts ; the 1st is installing the sewerage networks (both of heavy sewerage & rain sewerage) and the 2nd is installing the     life – off units (for heavy sewerage & rain sewerage , as well) . the directorate of salahuiddin is aiming that at end of construction it will be able to provide services for four residential quarters , one of the main challenges that project's  management  experience is how to achieve thes

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Suggested Model for Using a Students Attendance Management Information Systems/ A Case Study In Lebanese French University/ Erbil
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This study aims to design unified  electronic information system to manage students attendance in Lebanese French university/Erbil, as a system that simplifies the process of entering and counting the students absence, and generate absence reports to expel students who passed  the acceptable limit of being absent, and by that we can replace the traditional way of  using papers to count absence,  with  a complete electronically system for managing students attendance, in a way that makes the results accurate and unchangeable by the students.

            In order to achieve the study's objectives, we designed an information syst

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Nankai Business Review International
Evaluating the dimensions of strategic intent according to the Hamel and Prahalad model/a case study in Oil Projects SCOP Company
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The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions of strategic intent (SI; see Appendix 1) according to the Hamel and Prahalad model as a building for the future, relying on today’s knowledge-based and proactive strategic directions of management as long-term and deep-perspective creative directions, objective vision and rational analysis, integrative in work, survival structure and comprehensiveness in perception.


The quantitative approach was used based on research, detection and proof, as data were collected from leader

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The efficiency of Using Attribute and Performance- Based Activity Methods to Raise the Level of Control Deviation A field study in Jaber Bin Hayyan Factory
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Cost is the essence of any production process for it is one of the requirements for the continuity of activities so as to increase the profitability of the economic unit and to support the competitive situation in the market. Therefore, there should be an overall control to reduce the cost without compromising the product quality; to achieve this, the management should have detailed credible and reliable information about the cost to be measured, collected, understood and to analyze the causes for the spread of deviations and obstacles the management faces, and to search for the factors that trigger the emergence of these deviations and obstacles

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Techno strategy of Information management in achieving administrative innovation : A case study in the college of Management and Economics / University of Kirkuk
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The present research aims to identify and define the basic dimensions of the information management strategy and the administrative creativity in the Faculty of Management and Economics / the University of Kirkuk, as well as the role played by the dimensions of the information technology management strategy in achieving the administrative innovation in the college and the research problem was formulated in several questions. The research problem was formulated in several questions centered on the correlation between the research variables, and the research was based on a major hypothesis and five sub-hypotheses emerged from which it was subjected to several tests to ensure its validity. The researcher used the descriptive-analyti

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of using the periodic chart in the case of the missing values of the stable AR model (2)
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In this study, we investigate the behavior of the estimated spectral density function of stationary time series in the case of missing values, which are generated by the second order Autoregressive (AR (2)) model, when the error term for the AR(2) model has many of continuous distributions. The Classical and Lomb periodograms used to study the behavior of the estimated spectral density function by using  the simulation.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the Organizational Service Orientation practices and its Impact in inhancing the employees performance (A Fiald Research in Baghdad Municipality)
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Recently, there is a widespread attention about the service at the level of each of the research and academic studies, and at the organizational level as well. The subject of orientation towards the service aspect is starting to be of this attention being of the modern subjects, relatively, which appeared at the end of the last century, as well as the link of this subject with the relationship between the organization and its customers, and how to provide high quality services to get their satisfaction. Thus, the specialists from researchers were interested in this field to develop an appropriate scale to measure the organizational orientation toward service, and it was the most prominen

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Culture Impact in Enhancing Job Performance A Case Study in the Modern Paint Industries Company
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          The organizational culture is considered as an important topic. In this research, this topic was studied in modern paints Industries Company to assess its role in job performance and to show if there is this relationship between them or no. it is, also, attempted to measure this strength of this relationship if any. The 40 cases research sample was chosen. This sample included the chief executive, his assistants, key managers, and their assistants. The questioner consists of two sets of questions : the first set ( concerning the organizational culture) covers six variables (Physical structures , Symbols

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic leadership in knowledge management processes "Diagnostic Study in the Office of the Ministry of Oil - Project Department"
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The research deals with the important and modern two subjects, strategic leadership which have six demotions and knowledge management
(four demotions') . the gools & the research is to know the relation & the effect them in the oil ministry (project department) , the sample was (50) persons who works in the department the questionnaire was the tool of data gathering .

The research divided to four parties, the first  to the theotical review of the research variables, the second to the research methrology, the third to analysis and discoed the empirical results the last to the conclusions and recommendations .

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of the Investment Projects during the Implementation Phase (Najaf province as a case study)
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The construction project is a very complicated work by its nature and requires specialized knowledge to lead it to success. The construction project is complicated socially, technically and economically in its planning, management and implementation aspects due to the fact that it has many variables and multiple stakeholders in addition to being affected by the surrounding environment. Successful projects depend on three fundamental points which are cost-time, performance and specifications. The project stakeholder's objective to achieve best specifications and the cost-time frame stipulated in the contract.

The question is, was the optimum implementation accomplished? The provision for the success of the project

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