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Effect of Functionalized Graphene Oxide (FGO) on the Electrical and Dielectrical Properties of PVA Films
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In the present work, nanocomposite of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) incorporated with functionalized graphene oxide (FGO) were fabricated using casting method. PVA was dispersed by varying content of FGO (0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1 wt %). The PVA- FGO nanocomposite was characterized by FT‐IR, FE-SEM and XRD. Frequency dependence of real permittivity (ε’), imaginary (ε’’) and a.c conductivity of PVA/FGO and PVA/GO nanocomposite were studied in the frequency range 100 Hz- 1 MHz. The experimental results showed that the values of real (ε’) and imaginary permittivity (ε’’) increased dramatically by increasing the FGO content in PVA matrix. PVA/ FGO (1 wt %) nanocomposite revealed higher electrical conductivity of 6.4×10-4 Sm-1 compared to 1.4×10-8 Sm-1 for PVA/GO

Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Impact of Aluminum Oxide Content on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO: AlO Thin Films
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AlO-doped ZnO nanocrystalline thin films from with nano crystallite size in the range (19-15 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition technique. The reduction of crystallite size by increasing of doping ratio shift the bandgap to IR region the optical band gap decreases in a consistent manner, from 3.21to 2.1 eV by increasing AlO doping ratio from 0 to 7wt% but then returns to grow up to 3.21 eV by a further increase the doping ratio. The bandgap increment obtained for 9% AlO dopant concentration can be clarified in terms of the Burstein–Moss effect whereas the aluminum donor atom increased the carrier's concentration which in turn shifts the Fermi level and widened the bandgap (blue-shift). The engineering of the bandgap by low

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oxidative Desulfurization of Simulated Diesel Fuel by Synthesized Tin Oxide Nano-Catalysts Support on Reduced Graphene Oxide
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   The modified Hummers method was applied to prepare graphene oxide (GO) from the graphite powder. Tin oxide nanoparticles with different loading (10-20 wt.%) supported on reduced graphene oxide were synthesized to evaluate the oxidative desulfurization efficiency. The catalyst was synthesized by the incipient wetness impregnation (IWI) technique. Different analysis methods like FT-IR, XRD, FESEM, AFM, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) were utilized to characterize graphene oxide and catalysts. The XRD analysis showed that the average crystal size of graphene oxide was 6.05 nm. In addition, the FESEM results showed high metal oxide dispersions on the rGO. The EDX analysis shows the weight ratio of Sn is close to its theoretical weight.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect the Thickness on the Electrical Properties and (I-V) Character of the (CdTe) Thin Films and Find the Efficiency of Solar Cell CdTe/CdS
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Thin films of CdTe were prepared with thickness (500, 1000) nm on the glass substrate by vacuum evaporation technique at room temperature then treated different annealing temperatures (373,473,and 573)K for one hour. Results of the Hall Effect and the electrical conductivity of (I-V) characteristics were measured in darkness and different annealing temperature results show that the thin films have ability to manufacture solar cells, and found that the efficient equal to (2.18%) for structure solar cell (Algrid / CdS / CdTe /glass/ Al) and the efficient equal to (1.12%) for structure solar cell (Algrid / CdS / CdTe /Si/ Al) with thick ness of (1000) nm with CdTe thin films at RT.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Electrical Conductivity of Amorphous InAs Thin Films
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   In this research the electrical conductivity measurements were made on the amorphous InAs films prepared by thermal evaporation method in thickness 450 nm and annealed in different temperatures in the range (303- 573) K.        The electrical conductivity (σ) showed a decreasing trend with the increasing annealing temperature, while the activation energies (Ea1, Ea2) showed an opposite trend, where the activation energies are increased with the annealing temperature.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Electrical Properties of Poly (Ethylene Oxide) polymer Doped by MnCl2
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  The electrical properties of Poly (ethylene oxide)-MnCl2 Composites were studied by using the impedance technique. The study was carried out as a function of frequency in the range from 10 Hz to 13 MHz and MnCl2 salt concentration ranged from 0% to 20% by weight. It was found that the dielectric constants and the dielectric loss of the prepared films increase with the increase of the MnCl2 concentration; The A.C. conductivity increases with the increase of the applied frequency, and the MnCl2 content in the composite membrane. Relaxation processes were observed to take place for composites which have a high salt concentration. The observed relaxation and polarization effects of the composite are mainly attributed to the dielectric

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (ijaret)
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ABSTRACT: Thin film of CdS has been deposited onto clean glass substrate by using Spray pyrolysis technique. Results of Morphological (AFM) studied; electrical properties and optical conductivity studied are analysis. AFM results show a crystalline nature of the films. From the conductivity measurement at different temperatures, the activation energy of the films was calculated and found to be between 0.188 - 0.124 eV for low temperature regions, and between 1.67-1.19eV for high temperature regions. Hall measurements of electrical properties at room temperature show that the resistivity and mobility of CdS polycrystalline films deposited at 400 C0, were 3.878x103 . cm and 1.302x104cm2/ (V.s), respectively. The electrical conductivity of th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Zinc (Zn) -Doped on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of (Cdo)1-Xznx Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique
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Pure cadmium oxide films (CdO) and doped with zinc were prepared at different atomic ratios using a pulsed laser deposition technique using an ND-YAG laser from the targets of the pressed powder capsules. X-ray diffraction measurements showed a cubic-shaped of CdO structure. Another phase appeared, especially in high percentages of zinc, corresponding to the hexagonal structure of zinc. The degree of crystallinity, as well as the crystal size, increased with the increase of the zinc ratio for the used targets. The atomic force microscopy measurements showed that increasing the dopant percentage leads to an increase in the size of the nanoparticles, the particle size distribution was irregular and wide, in addition, to increase the surfac

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Int. J. Nanoelectronics And Materials
Comparsion of the physical properties for CdS and CdS doped PVA thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of pH on the Structural and Optical Properties of Cadmium oxide Thin Films Prepared Using the Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Method
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Cadmium oxide (CdO) thin films were deposited using the sequencing ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. In this study, the effect of the pH value of an aqueous solution of cadmium acetate at a concentration of 0.2 mol of the cadmium oxide film was determined. The solution source for the cadmium oxide film was cadmium ions and an aqueous ammonia solution. The CdO films were deposited on glass substrates at a temperature of 90 ℃. The cadmium oxide film thickness was determined by the weight difference method at pH values ​​(7.2, 8.2). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the size of the crystals increased with the increase in the solution (pH). While the UV-visible spectra of the fil

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the electrical properties of Ion Beam Sputtered thin AlNiCo films
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The electrical properties of the AlNiCo thin films with thickness (1000oA) deposited on glass substrates using Ion – Beam sputtering (IBS) technique under vacuum <10-6 torr have been studied . Also it studied the effect of annealing temperature from this films , It is found that the effective energy decrease with increase of temperature and the conductivity decrease with increase temperature 323oK but after this degree the conductivity increasing .

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