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Leadership theories in management and psychologist educational filed

All domains in this world built based on set of theories. Those theories have been responsible for interpretation of some phenomena and interlocking relationships around us. Commonly, theories are categorized by which aspect is believed. Also,can find a group of theories produced regardingto the leadership domain. This paper will be presented some of these theories like (Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioral Theories, Contingency Theories, Situational Theory, Transactional Theories, and Transformational Theories). where these theories considered the most popular and common in the field of leader and will be discussed by this work

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of leaves Extracts of Duranta repens on growth and activity of some types of Pathogenic Bacteria and Some types of Fungi

A study were conducted to examinate the effect of organic and aqueous (Hot, Cold) Extracts from leaves of Duranta repens on the growth and activities of the following types of Bacteria:- Staphylococcus aureus,Streptococcus pyogens ,Escherichia coli,Klebsilla pneumonia, in addition to the yeast Candida albicans and the fungi Aspergullis niger ,Aspergulls flavus.The result showed that gram Positive Bacteria is more sensitive to the extracts than gram negative bacteria with Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value (50,25,50,100)% and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) value (100,50,200,100)% for all types Bacteria respectively . The most active extract against A.niger ,A,flavus was cold and hot aqueous extract from the leaves with d

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Romantic Nightingale between Coleridge’s Divergence and Keats’ Adherence: A comparative Study between Coleridge’s ‘The Nightingale’ and Keats’ ‘Ode to a Nightingale’

‘Ode to a Nightingale’(1819) is a typical poem of a Romantic poet like John Keats, but
‘The Nightingale’(1798) is an uncharacteristic poem of a Romantic poet like Coleridge.
The paper proposes a comparison between Coleridge’s ‘The Nightingale’ and Keats’
‘Ode to a Nightingale’.Coleridge’s poem diverges from the Romantic norm; it carries some
characteristics new to Romantic poetry like the realistic and objective portrayals of nature and
the nightingale, while Keats’ poem adhere to the characteristics of Romantic poetry; it
portrays nature and the nightingale subjectively and unrealistically. Coleridge’s poem is very
much influenced by the scientific approaches to environment, and natural his

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fabrication of Photodetector and Study of Its Structural and Optical Properties of Cadmium Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method

     The fabricated Photodetector n-CdO /-Si factory thin films Altboukaraharara spatial silicon multi- crystallization of the type (n-Type) the deposition of a thin film of cadmium and at room temperature (300K) and thickness (300 ± 20nm) and the time of deposition (1.25sec) was antioxidant thin films cadmium (Cd) record temperature (673k) for one hour to the presence of air and calculated energy gap optical transitions electronic direct ( allowed ) a function of the absorption coefficient and permeability and reflectivity by recording the spectrum absorbance and permeability of the membrane record within the wavelengths (300 1100nm). was used several the bias ranged between 1-5 Volts. The results showed that this

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effects of Maximum Attapulgite Aggregate Size and Steel Fibers Content on Fresh and Some Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Self Compacting Concrete

The main objectives of this study were investigating the effects of the maximum size of coarse Attapulgite aggregate and micro steel fiber content on fresh and some mechanical properties of steel fibers reinforced lightweight self-compacting concrete (SFLWSCC). Two series of mixes were used depending on maximum aggregate size (12.5 and 19) mm, for each series three different steel fibers content were used (0.5 %, 1%, and 1.5%). To evaluate the fresh properties, tests of slump flow, T500 mm, V funnel time, and J ring were carried out. Tests of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural tensile strength, and calculated equilibrium density were done to evaluate mechanical properties. For reference mixes, the

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Impregnated on Silica from Duck Egg Shells and Rice Husks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis

Biodiesel can be prepared from various types of vegetable oils or animal fats with the aid of a catalyst.
Calcium oxide (CaO) is one of the prospective heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel synthesis. Modification
of CaO by impregnation on silica (SiO2) can improve the performance of CaO as catalyst. Egg shells and rice
husks as biomass waste can be used as raw materials for the preparation of the silica modified CaO catalyst.
The present study was directed to synthesize and characterize CaO impregnated SiO2 catalyst from biomass
waste and apply it as catalyst in biodiesel synthesis. The catalyst was synthesized by wet impregnation
method and characterized by x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, nitr

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The principals and techniques of geography text book for fourth secondary: The principals and techniques of geography text book for fourth secondary

The curriculum is the major effective tool in achieving the goals of
education and society.

Many countries that want to reach the forefront of developed countries
through their curriculum have realized this fact. School text book, the
application assessment for knowing the rang of success or fail of this text
book in achieving the general aims. therefore this study aims at assessing the
principals and techniques of geography text book for fourth secondary class of
literary studying from the teachers point of view according to the fields of the
book, style of material, technical arrangement of the material, ethnical
arrangement the language of the book, style of the material, technical

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update
Evaluation of technical quality and procedural errors of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate and postgraduate dental students: A retrospective radiographic analysis

Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Due to the deterioration of water quality within the last few years because of the increase of water consumption and the waste water production and disposal into the river The water quality in both surface and ground water resources was negatively affected .The concept of water quality index is used as a tool for water quality classification in Tigris River within Baghdad City .Twenty two parameters of pollution were selected to measure the water quality indices of Tigris river within Baghdad city .Those parameters were measured during (2000-2004)as average monthly values ,three water treatment plants were selected out of the eight water treatment plants that exist along the river.Al Kharkh water treatment plant to reflect the water quality

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Study of Two Types Finite Graphs in KU-Semigroups

In this ˑwork, we present theˑ notion of the ˑgraph for a KU-semigroup as theˑundirected simple graphˑ with the vertices are the elementsˑ of and weˑˑstudy the ˑgraph ofˑ equivalence classesˑofˑ which is determinedˑ by theˑ definition equivalenceˑ relation ofˑ these verticesˑ, andˑ then some related ˑproperties areˑ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. Byˑ usingˑ the definitionˑ ofˑ isomorphicˑ graph, ˑwe showˑ thatˑ the graphˑ of equivalence ˑclasses ˑand the ˑgraphˑof ˑa KU-semigroup ˑ areˑ theˑ sameˑ, in special cases.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Review Article: Impact of Molecular Biology in Life Science

To study and understand the mechanism of living systems, and how it works, it is quite important to investigate it at molecular level (like genomic, proteomic) as well as the methodologies, and how to apply and imply it on different branch of sciences and how can use it in developing medical diagnosis, treatments, drugs, and increased it in the future. Additionally it can also be applied in forensic techniques, food production and agriculture, as well as genetic profiling. This can be well understand by interfering and combinations of all branches of life sciences such as chemistry, physics, biotechnology, genetic evolution, and minimize the gap between them, this

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