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Circulating miR-126-3p and miR-423-5p Expression in de novo Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Correlations with Response to Induction Therapy and the 2-Year Overall Survival
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Abstract Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) results from sequential genetic alterations in a normal hematopoietic stem cell or its progenitors giving rise to an autonomous clone that dominates the bone marrow leading to marrow failure. MicroRNAs are short non-coding nucleic acid sequences that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression by base-pairing with their target mRNAs. MiRNAs can be secreted into extracellular fluids and carried to target cells by vesicles or bound to proteins. Intracellular and circulating miRNAs are believed to be useful markers in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of various cancers. Practically, circulating miRNAs are more stable at room temperatures and extreme conditions. Purpose: This study aimed to compare the expression of miR-126-3p and miR-423-5p in patients and normal subjects and correlate their expression with response to induction therapy and with their 2-year overall survival rate. Patients and methods: Circulating miR-126-3p and miR-423-5p was measured in the plasma of 43 adult AML patients and 35 age- and sex-matched controls by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. The fold change in differential expression for each gene was calculated using the comparative cycle threshold method. Results: There was an increase in the expression of the studied miRNAs in patients compared to the control group. The average expression fold change of miR-126-3p was 3.02 (p= 0.010). The average expression fold change of miR-423-5p was 4.09 (p= 0.003). No significant correlation was found between the expression of miR-126-3p and miR-423-5p in the studied AML patients (r = 0.094, p = 0.22). Furthermore, no relationship was found between the expression of the studied miRNAs and response to induction therapy or the 2-year survival rate. Conclusion: Although further studies are needed, our findings highlight the studied circulating miRNAs as possible diagnostic markers for AML.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Trends And Technology
Two Phase Approach for Copyright Protection and Deduplication of Video Content in Cloud using H.264 and SHA-512
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Cloud computing offers a new way of service provision by rearranging various resources over the Internet. The most important and popular cloud service is data storage. In order to preserve the privacy of data holders, data are often stored in cloud in an encrypted form. However, encrypted data introduce new challenges for cloud data deduplication, which becomes crucial for big data storage and processing in the cloud. Traditional deduplication schemes cannot work on encrypted data. Among these data, digital videos are fairly huge in terms of storage cost and size; and techniques that can help the legal aspects of video owner such as copyright protection and reducing the cloud storage cost and size are always desired. This paper focuses on v

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Nternational Journal Of Special Education
Comparative Study between a Combination of Plants Extracts and Drugs on Thyroid Hormones and Lipid Profile in Experimental Animals
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The thyroid gland is a vital part of the overall endocrine system, which is regulated some of body function as oxygen use, basal metabolic rate, growth, cellular metabolism and development This study shed light on a number of extracts that have been shown to have beneficial effects on the thyroid and its function, as well as the various factors linked to thyroid dysfunction. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a mixture of two extracts of "Fucus vesiculosus (150 mg/ kg) with Coleus forskohlii (1000 mg/ kg) and Rosmarinus officinalis (220 mg/ kg) with Camellia sinensis (1.25 mg/ kg)" on thyroid hormones as well as lipids profile and tested the effectiveness of two drugs one of them stimulates the hormones of the thyroid (

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Organic Pollution on some Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Groups in Rivers Tigris and Diyala at Baghdad Area.
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Various activities taking place within the city of Baghdad have significantly contributed to organic pollution in Rivers Tigris and Diyala. The present study aimed to assess some physical, chemical and biological aspects of six sites on Rivers Tigris and Diyala as they flow through the city of Baghdad. Monthly samples were collected for the period January to December, 2005. Marked differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of water were noted between the two rivers’ sites. Average values during the study period of dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, particulate organic matter, nitrate, phosphate and total dissolved solids for Tigris and Diyala were 7.8,4.7; 2.4,10.4; 350.1,921.4;7.8,13.9;1.2,4.8;814,2176 mg / l re

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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Filed experiment was conducted to test the effect of saline water and potassium fertilizers rate on proline and water potential of Pisum sativum L. (Var.Senador Cambados ) leaves . Treatments of the experiment included two levels of water salinity( 2, 7 dSm-1) as a main plot and fertilizer rates as a sub plot. Results indicated that irrigation of plant with saline water 7 dSm-1 and fertilization 150 kg/donum increased proline accumulation and water potential 0.31 mmol/g,-17.00 bar at 9 AM morning and 0.62 mmol/g , -21.00 bar at 3 PM afternoon ,Irrigating plant with a 2 dSm-1 and fertilization 300 kg/donum decreased proline accumulation and water potential of leaves 0.22 mmol/g, -16.00 bar at 9 A

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal Health Status and Assessment of Osteocalcin levels in Saliva of Diabetic Patients and Systemically Healthy Persons (Comparative study)
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ABSTRACT Background: Diabetes and periodontitis are complicated prolonged disorders through a recognized two-way association. There is elongated-conventional mark that hyperglycaemia in diabetes is affected on immune-inflammatory response and disturb the action of osteoclast and in balance bone turnover, which might rise the person vulnerability to the progress of prolonged periodontitis. Osteocalcin is one of the greatest plentiful matrix proteins originate in bones and produced absolutely there. Small osteocalcin crumbles are noticed in regions of bone remodeling and are in fact degradation products of the bone matrix, that is released outside cells into the Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) and saliva after destruction of periodontal tissu

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Limitation of liability and reinsurance and its role in increasing production insurance: بحث أستطلاعي في شركة التامين العراقية العامة
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The liability limit liability limit and reinsurance re factors insurance are important in influencing the achievement of company's competitive goals and achieve success and excellence in the market and because the limit of liability and reinsurance aimed to increase output with the stability of inputs leading to increased insurance business and increase profits. The study was based on two variables presidents interact with each other to form the intellectual and philosophical framework has two ( the limit of liability and reinsurance ) . The study was launched from a problem expressed by a number of targeted questions answered from the elucidation of theoretical philosophy and intellectual goals of these variables and highlight the impor

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Study of Serum lactic Acid, Lactate Dehydrogenase and Lipid Profile in Ischemic Heart Disease Patients and Healthy Control
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 The term ischemic heart disease (IHD) defines a disease spectrum of diverse etiology, with the common factor being on imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand . Fifty patients (30 male and 20 female) attending Ibn- Al- betar cardic center, the mean age of male was 65 years and 58 years for female were included in the present study , Thirty healthy subjects ( 15 male and 15 female ) of matched age were used as control groups.  Some biochemical parameters including lipid and lipoprotein, total cholesterol (TC) , triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), in addition to lactic acid and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities , were evaluated in the sera of IHD patient groups

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
Antioxidants and Hepatoprotective Studyof a Purified Bauhinia Variegate Leaves and Flowers against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Toxicity in Experimental Rats
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This study was designed to investigate the hepatoprotective activity and antioxidant enzymes of purified Bauhinia variegate leaves extract and purified flowers extract were administered (200 mg/kg, orally once daily) to reduce the effect of carbon tetrachloride-damage in rat’sliver for three weeks. Thereafter, the levels of some serum biochemical factorssuch as alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase,and the activity of three different antioxidant enzymes (glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase) were investigated.Liver homogenate can used to estimated antioxidant parameters: glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase. The purified Bauhinia variegate leaves and purified flowers significantly

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
A review of heuristics and metaheuristics for community detection in complex networks: Current usage, emerging development and future directions
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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Effect of Biofertilizer in Organic and Conventional Systems on Growth, Yield and Baking Quality of Hard Red Winter Wheat
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A two-year study (harvest years 2019 and 2020) was conducted to investigate the effect of a commercially available biofertilizer, in combination with variable nitrogen (N) rate, on bread baking quality and agronomic traits in hard winter wheat grown in conventional (CONV) and organic (ORG) farming systems in Kentucky, USA. The hard red winter wheat cultivar ‘Vision 45’ was used with three N rates (44, 89.6 and 134.5 kg/ha as Low, Med and High, respectively) and three biofertilizer spray regimes (no spray, one spray and two sprays). All traits measured were significantly affected by the agricultural production system (CONV or ORG) and N rate, although trends in their interactions were inconsistent between years. In Y2, yield was

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