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Preparation and electrical properties of polyimide/carbon nanotubes composites
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Abstract<p>Polyimide/MWCNTs nanocomposites have been fabricated by solution mixing process. In the present study, we have investigated electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of PI/MWCNT nanocomposites in frequency range of 1 kHz to 100 kHz at different MWCNTs concentrations from 0 wt.% to 15 wt.%. It has been observed that the electrical conductivity and dielectric constants are enhanced significantly by several orders of magnitude up to 15 wt.% of MWCNTs content. The electrical conductivity increases as the frequency is increased, which can be attributed to high dislocation density near the interface. The rapid increase in the dielectric constant at a high MWCNTs content can be explained by the formation of a percolative path of the conducting network through the sample for a concentration corresponding to the percolation threshold. The high dielectric constant at a low frequency (1 kHz) is thought to originate from the space charge polarization mechanism. I-V characteristics of these devices indicate a significant increase in current with an increase in multi-walled carbon nanotube concentration in the composites. The SEM images show improved dispersion of MWCNTs in the PI matrix; this is due to the strong interfacial interactions.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Identify Similarities and Differences between the IIA Standards and the Guide Work ofthe Internal Audit in Iraq
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This study aimed at an analytical comparison of the Internal Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Guidance Manual for Audit Units issued by the Federal Audit Bureau to show the compatibility and differences between them and the possibility of applying the IIA standards to economic units in Iraq. The guideline was generally not covered by all the internal audit units. There is a lack of keeping pace with changes in internal auditing at the international level and there is a need to strengthen the Guideline on Internal Auditing Standards II A), which is characterized by the preparation of an internal document containing the objectives, powers and responsibilities of the internal audit work as well a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Babesia canis spp. in dogs in Baghdad Province, Iraq: First molecular identification and clinical and epidemiological study
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate babesiosis in dogs of different breeds and ages and of both sexes in Baghdad Province by molecular detection of Babesia canis using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing followed by phylogenetic analyses. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from 310 dogs of different ages and breeds, and of both sexes in different areas of Baghdad Province from December 2018 to September 2019; during clinical examinations, body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, and signs of diseases were recorded. PCR was used to amplify a specific 450-bp fragment of the 18S rRNA gene of B. canis. PCR products were sequenced, and MEGA 6.0 software was used for analysis. Chi-squar

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Construction And Building Materials
Uni- and tri-axial tests and property characterization for thermomechanical effect on hydrated lime modified asphalt concrete
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Permanent deformation, fatigue and thermal cracking are the three typical distresses of flexible pavement. Using hydrated lime (HL) into the conventional limestone mineral additive has been widely practiced, including in Europe, to improve the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete and as the result the durability of the constructed pavement. Large number of experimental studies have been reported to find the optimum addition of HL for the improvement on HMA concrete mechanical properties, moisture susceptibility and fatigue resistance. Pavement in service is under complex thermomechanical stress-strain conditions due to coupled atmospheric and surrounding environment temperature variation and the traffic loading. To predic

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 International Conference On Advanced Science And Engineering (icoase)
Real-Time Face Tracking and Recognition System Using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi and Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
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Dna Repair
The interactions between DNA methylation machinery and long non-coding RNAs in tumor progression and drug resistance
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DNA methylation is one of the main epigenetic mechanisms in cancer development and progression. Aberrant DNA methylation of CpG islands within promoter regions contributes to the dysregulation of various tumor suppressors and oncogenes; this leads to the appearance of malignant features, including rapid proliferation, metastasis, stemness, and drug resistance. The discovery of two important protein families, DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) and Ten-eleven translocation (TET) dioxygenases, respectively, which are responsible for deregulated transcription of genes that play pivotal roles in tumorigenesis, led to further understanding of DNA methylation-related pathways. But how these enzymes can target specific genes in different malignancies;

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archive
Irrigation intervals affect dhn1 expression and some physiological parameters in stay green and non-stay-green sorghum
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Methods and Old Issues: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Network Sites in the Arab Region
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This paper critically looks at the studies that investigated the Social Network Sites in the Arab region asking whether they made a practical addition to the field of information and communication sciences or not. The study tried to lift the ambiguity of the variety of names, as well as the most important theoretical and methodological approaches used by these studies highlighting its scientific limitations. The research discussed the most important concepts used by these studies such as Interactivity, Citizen Journalism, Public Sphere, and Social Capital and showed the problems of using them because each concept comes out of a specific view to these websites. The importation of these concepts from a cultural and social context to an Ara

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
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Experimental and numerical study on wrapping concrete cylinders post heating and cooling under preload using CFRP fabrics
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This paper reports test results and describes a numerical investigation of the effectiveness of using carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabrics for strengthening concrete cylinders that have been undamaged and damaged due to heating under preload. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether there is any difference in the performance of CFRP-wrapped cylinders if the wrapping is done under preload, and those for which neither heating, cooling nor wrapping was done under preload. The cylinders were exposed to 30% of maximum load at ambient temperature during heating and cooling before being wrapped under preload. Of 18 Ø 100 × 200 mm identical cylinders, 6 were left as control samples without heating, 12 were exposed t

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Caffeine Extraction from Spent Coffee Grounds by Solid-liquid and Ultrasound-assisted Extraction: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study
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Coffee is the most essential drink today, aside from water, the high consumption of coffee and the byproducts of its soluble industries such as spent coffee grounds can have a negative effect on the environment as a source of toxic organic compounds. Therefore, caffeine removal from the spent coffee ground can be applied as a method to limit the effect of its production on the environment. The aim of this study is to determine the kinetics and thermodynamics parameters and develop models for both processes based on the process parameters by using traditional solid-liquid extraction and Ultrasound-assisted extraction methods. The processes were performed at a temperature range of 25 to 55 °C for traditional and ultrasound baths, and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Examining the seasonal correlation between SSN, T-Isndex, and F10.7 parameters during solar cycles 23 and 24
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