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TWGH: A Tripartite Whale–Gray Wolf–Harmony Algorithm to Minimize Combinatorial Test Suite Problem
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Today’s academics have a major hurdle in solving combinatorial problems in the actual world. It is nevertheless possible to use optimization techniques to find, design, and solve a genuine optimal solution to a particular problem, despite the limitations of the applied approach. A surge in interest in population-based optimization methodologies has spawned a plethora of new and improved approaches to a wide range of engineering problems. Optimizing test suites is a combinatorial testing challenge that has been demonstrated to be an extremely difficult combinatorial optimization limitation of the research. The authors have proposed an almost infallible method for selecting combinatorial test cases. It uses a hybrid whale–gray wolf optimization algorithm in conjunction with harmony search techniques. Test suite size was significantly reduced using the proposed approach, as shown by the analysis of the results. In order to assess the quality, speed, and scalability of TWGH, experiments were carried out on a set of well-known benchmarks. It was shown in tests that the proposed strategy has a good overall strong reputation test reduction size and could be used to improve performance. Compared with well-known optimization-based strategies, TWGH gives competitive results and supports high combinations (2 ≤ t ≤ 12).

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DEO: A Dynamic Event Order Strategy for t-way Sequence Covering Array Test Data Generation
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Sequence covering array (SCA) generation is an active research area in recent years. Unlike the sequence-less covering arrays (CA), the order of sequence varies in the test case generation process. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the SCA strategies, earlier works reported that finding a minimal size of a test suite is considered as an NP-Hard problem. In addition, most of the existing strategies for SCA generation have a high order of complexity due to the generation of all combinatorial interactions by adopting one-test-at-a-time fashion. Reducing the complexity by adopting one-parameter- at-a-time for SCA generation is a challenging process. In addition, this reduction facilitates the supporting for a higher strength of cove

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Comparison of Asthma Control Test (ACT) with (GINA) guidelines in the Assessment of Asthma Control and determine if can use Asthmda Control Test ACT as alternative to Gina guidelines in control asthma.
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Background: The gold standard in assessing asthma control is the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) criteria. And because of the difficulties of access to pulmonary functions tests, The ACT has the added  advantage that it does not require lung function assessment.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess asthma control through ACT score and GINA guideline, and to determine if the ACT can be as useful as the GINA-guidelines criteria in assessing asthma control in Iraq. Patient and method: Cross sectional study with comparing ACT vs. GINA guideline in control of asthma level. This study was conducted at Respiratory consultation unit of the Iraqi National center of early detection   of Cancer, Baghdad-Ira

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Adaptive methods for matching problem
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In this paper, we deal with the problem of general matching of two images one of them has experienced geometrical transformations, to find the correspondence between two images. We develop the invariant moments for traditional techniques (moments of inertia) with new approach to enhance the performance for these methods. We test various projections directional moments, to extract the difference between Block Distance Moment (BDM) and evaluate their reliability. Three adaptive strategies are shown for projections directional moments, that are raster (vertical and horizontal) projection, Fan-Bean projection and new projection procedure that is the square projection method. Our paper started with the description of a new algorithm that is low

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Using Three-Dimensional Logistic Equations and Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Generate S-Box
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Prediction of DNA Binding Sites Bound to Specific Transcription Factors by the SVM Algorithm
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In gene regulation, transcription factors (TFs) play a key function. It transmits genetic information from DNA to messenger RNA during the process of DNA transcription. During this step, the transcription factor binds to a segment of the DNA sequence known as Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS). The goal of this study is to build a model that predicts whether or not a DNA binding site attaches to a certain transcription factor (TF). TFs are regulatory molecules that bind to particular sequence motifs in the gene to induce or restrict targeted gene transcription. Two classification methods will be used, which are support vector machine (SVM) and kernel logistic regression (KLR). Moreover, the KLR algorithm depends on another regress

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And System Science
Simulating Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Estimate Likelihood Function of ARMA(1, 1) Model
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Genetic Algorithm to Estimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distribution Function by Simulation
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In this research, the focus was on estimating the parameters on (min- Gumbel distribution), using the maximum likelihood method and the Bayes method. The genetic algorithmmethod was employed in estimating the parameters of the maximum likelihood method as well as  the Bayes method. The comparison was made using the mean error squares (MSE), where the best  estimator  is the one who has the least mean squared error. It was noted that the best estimator was (BLG_GE).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Method to Segment Objects from Images Based on Enhanced Connected Component Labeling algorithm
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This paper include the problem of segmenting an image into regions represent (objects), segment this object by define boundary between two regions using a connected component labeling. Then develop an efficient segmentation algorithm based on this method, to apply the algorithm to image segmentation using different kinds of images, this algorithm consist four steps at the first step convert the image gray level the are applied on the image, these images then in the second step convert to binary image, edge detection using Canny edge detection in third Are applie the final step is images. Best segmentation rates are (90%) obtained when using the developed algorithm compared with (77%) which are obtained using (ccl) before enhancement.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Modifications to Accelerate the Iterative Algorithm for the Single Diode Model of PV Model
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This paper discussed the solution of an equivalent circuit of solar cell, where a single diode model is presented. The nonlinear equation of this model has suggested and analyzed an iterative algorithm, which work well for this equation with a suitable initial value for the iterative. The convergence of the proposed method is discussed. It is established that the algorithm has convergence of order six. The proposed algorithm is achieved with a various values of load resistance. Equation by means of equivalent circuit of a solar cell so all the determinations is achieved using Matlab in ambient temperature. The obtained results of this new method are given and the absolute errors is demonstrated.

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Optimal Control Problem for Triple Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Value Problem with State Vector Constraints
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       In this paper, the classical continuous triple optimal control problem (CCTOCP) for the triple nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem (TNLPBVP) with state vector constraints (SVCs) is studied.  The solvability theorem for the classical continuous triple optimal control vector CCTOCV with the SVCs is stated and proved. This is done under suitable conditions. The mathematical formulation of the adjoint triple boundary value problem (ATHBVP) associated with TNLPBVP is discovered. The Fréchet derivative of the Hamiltonian" is derived.  Under suitable conditions, theorems of necessary  and sufficient conditions for the optimality of the TNLPBVP with the SVCs are stated and proved.    

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