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Study the Antifungal Activity of ZnS:Mn Nanoparticles Against Some Isolated Pathogenic Fungi

An aqueous chemical reaction has been used to prepare antifungal ZnS: Mn nanostructures, from manganese chloride, zinc acetate and thioacetamide in aqueous solution. The nanoparticle size has been controlled using thioglycolic acid as a capping factor. The major feature of the ZnS:Mn nanoparticles of average diameter ~ 2.73 nm is that possible preparing the sample from sources non-toxic precursors. The manufactured ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were identified and characterized to investigate the structure, morphology, composition of components of the nanoparticles and optical properties using (XRD, SEM, EDS and UV-Vis spectroscopy) techniques respectively. The agar dilution mechanism used to evaluate of the antifungal activity using ZnS:Mn nanoparticles which showed an efficient antifungal activity against four fungal models Aspergillus fumigatus ,Aspergillus falvus, Trichophyton mentagrophyte, and Microsporum audonii the inhibition increase with the increase of nanoparticle concentration. The antifungal property of manganese doped zinc sulphide nanoparticles creates from the interaction between nanoparticles and water led to generation the interactive oxygen species. Perturbation of the cell membranes due to the existence of Zn ions and S affecting on inhibition rate . the study aimed to evaluation the Antifungal Activity of ZnS:Mn Nanoparticles Against Some Isolated Pathogenic Fungi.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the Structure of Scientific News Headlines in Online Newspapers

Newspaper headlines are described as compressed and ambiguous pieces of discourse that represent the bodies of the articles. Their main function is to provide the readers with an informative message they would have no prior idea about. Ifantidou (2009) claims that the function of a headline is to get the readers’ attention rather than providing information because it does not have to represent the whole of the article it refers to. This paper aims at examining this hypothesis in relation to scientific news headlines reported by a number of news agencies. The paper follows Halliday (1967) information structure theory by applying it on ten selected headlines; each two headlines represent one scientific discovery reported by different new

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Synthesis Time on Structural Properties of Copper Oxide

The structural properties of the CuO nanopowder oxide prepared reflux technique
without any templates or surfactant, using copper nitrate hydrate (Cu(NO)3 3H2O) in deionized
water with aqueous ammonia solution are reported. The Xrd analysis data and processing in origin
pro program used to get FWHM and integral width to study the effect of different synthesis times
was studied on the structural properties. It was found that values of crystal sizes are 17.274nm,
17.746nm, and 18.560nm, the size of nanoparticles is determined by Halder-Wagner, and 15.796
nm, 15.851nm, and 16.52nm, were calculated by Size-Strain Plot (SSP) method. The Sample was
considered to determine physical and microstructural paramete

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The preferences of planning bridges of Al-Mosul city post war

The study started from the problems of wars and the damage that result from deterioration and destruction of infrastructure and the absence of planning and urban reconstruction. The study aims to address the condition of the bad destroyed bridges that have paralyzed traffic from the right and left sides of the city of Mosul. The study is based on the assumption that the reconstruction of bridges will improve the transportation network in the city of Mosul. The study relied on several approaches, including: the historical approach by reviewing global and local experiences and the descriptive approach to review the reality of the state of Mosul after the liberation process, through maps and the analytical approach through statistics and da

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Construction Joints on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams

In this study, the effect of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete beams was experimentally investigated. Seven beam specimens, with dimensions of 200×100×1000 mm, were fabricated. The variables were considered including; the location and configuration of the joints. One beam was cast without a joint (Reference specimen), two specimens were fabricated with a one horizontal joint located either at tension, or compression zone. The fourth
beam had two horizontal joints placed at tension, and compression area. The remaining specimens were with one or two inclined joints positioned at the shear span or beam’s mid-span. The specimens were subjected to a monotonic central concentrated loading until the failure. T

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Representations of women in the subject of freedom: سهاد حسن مانع

Artist kicks off in his production through creative artistic assimilation to the production of concepts and experiences, which can decode the artist blades through the re-built and converted to the subject of my mind according to the processes of analysis and synthesis. Artist need the expertise and experience to complete the technical work, and to develop taste aesthetic, and achieve certain goals belonging to Resume artist, diversity of artistic experiences between mechanism represents a female form and expression of contents and visions that carry letters of freedom in accordance with the creative visual surfaces embody the image of women, the main speeches adopted by propositions technical artists, and artists who relied female form

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of the Potential Role of Serum Selenium in Diabetic Patients

Background: The altered status of some essential trace elements observed in diabetes could have deleterious influences on the health of the diabetics. Objectives: To estimate and study the potential role of serum Selenium in type 1, type 2 diabetics and healthy subjects; and its relation with lipid profile and glycemic index. Methods: A case control designed study was carried out at the National Diabetes Center (NDC) / Al-Mustansiria University; on a total of 94 participants formed of 32 type 1 diabetics, 32 type 2 diabetics and 30 healthy control participants. Data collected about age, sex and BMI; also, blood samples examined for FPG, HbA1C, serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, serum triglyceride and sera were

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effects of Core-polarization on inelastic form factors of 10B

Inelastic transverse and longitudinal form factors of same parity have
been studied for B 10 nucleus in the frame work of the shell model for
many particles, by using He 4 as an inert core and the remaining
particles were distributed in 3 / 2 1 / 2 1p ,1p which form the model
space. The calculations of the present work based on the harmonic
oscillator potential with fixed size parameter (b). Here we use the
first order correction for the perturbation theory and the interaction
from Cohen-Kurath (CK). Adding the core-polarization effects to
form factors calculations gave a good agreement with the
experimental data. Calculations have been performed for the
transverse excited states of: (1 ,0 )at ( E  0.178M

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation Using an Advanced Method of Interpretation

The Mishrif Formation is one of the most important geological formations in Iraq consisting of limestone, marl, and shale layers since it is one of the main oil producing reservoirs in the country, which contain a significant portion of Iraq's oil reserves. The formation has been extensively explored and developed by the Iraqi government and international oil companies, with many oil fields being developed within it. The accurate evaluation of the Mishrif formation is key to the successful exploitation of this field. However, its geological complexity poses significant challenges for oil production, requiring advanced techniques to accurately evaluate its petrophysical properties.

   This study used advanced well-logging analysi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Local Stability of Cournot Equilibrium as the Number of Firms Increases

In this paper, a Cournot oligopoly with isoelastic demand function and constant marginal cost is considered. The local stability conditions of the Cournot equilibrium are determined for four models with different decision mechanisms. In the first model, firms adjust their outputs using the best reply response with naive expectations. The second model is a generalization of the first one, where firms have adaptive expectations. Meanwhile, the third and fourth models adopt the bounded rationality and local monopolistic approximation, respectively. The results show that, in the case of identical firms, the Cournot equilibrium is always stable when the firms adopt the local monopolistic approximation mechanism.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of the esthetic smile in a sample of Iraqi population

Background: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the esthetic smile in sample of Iraqi adults and to assess the gender differences. Materials and Methods: 100 persons (50malesand 50 females had class I normal dental and skeletal selected for this study.Clinical examination and digital photograph with posed smile were performed for each individual. Six linear soft tissue parameters in each photograph using AutoCAD program 2011. Five visual and four quantitative evaluations of the smile were studied for eachsubject. The smile arch and index, buccal corridor spaces (BCSs) were studied.Descriptive statistics of the measurements were calculated. Independent student’s ttestswere used to evaluate the gender differences. Statistics: Desc

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