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Molecular Analysis of CYP21A2 Gene Mutations among Iraqi Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of autosomal recessive disorders. The most frequent one is 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Analyzing CYP21A2 gene mutations was so far not reported in Iraq. This work aims to analyze the spectrum and frequency of CYP21A2 mutations among Iraqi CAH patients. Sixty-two children were recruited from the Pediatric Endocrine Consultation Clinic, Children Welfare Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, from September 2014 till June 2015. Their ages ranged between one day and 15 years. They presented with salt wasting, simple virilization, or pseudoprecocious puberty. Cytogenetic study was performed for cases with ambiguous genitalia. Molecular analysis of CYP21A2 gene was done using the CAH StripAssay (ViennaLab Diagnostics) for detection of 11 point mutations and >50% of large gene deletions/conversions. Mutations were found in 42 (67.7%) patients; 31 (50%) patients were homozygotes, 9 (14.5%) were heterozygotes, and 2 (3.2%) were compound heterozygotes with 3 mutations, while 20 (32.3%) patients had none of the tested mutations. The most frequently detected mutations were large gene deletions/conversions found in 12 (19.4%) patients, followed by I2Splice and Q318X in 8 (12.9%) patients each, I172N in 5 (8.1%) patients, and V281L in 4 (6.5%) patients. Del 8 bp, P453S, and R483P were each found in one (1.6%) and complex alleles were found in 2 (3.2%). Four point mutations (P30L, Cluster E6, L307 frameshift, and R356W) were not identified in any patient. In conclusion, gene deletions/conversions and 7 point mutations were recorded in varying proportions, the former being the commonest, generally similar to what was reported in regional countries.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Biotechnology And Experimental Therapeutics
No evidence of relationship between colorectal cancer susceptibility and ERCC2 gene polymorphisms
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Background: Excision repair cross-complementing group 2 gene (ERCC2) polymorphisms have been linked as being a risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC) emergence. However, data from several studies are contradictory. To validate genetic biomarkers of the CRC; the impact of the following ERCC2 polymorphism (rs1799793 and rs238406) was examined on CRC susceptibility among sample of Iraqi population. Methods: A total of 126 subjects were enrolled in this case control study; 78 CRC patients and 48 apparently healthy individuals who are age, gender, smoking status and BMI matched. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping, followed by sequencing then the association between genetic polymorphisms and CRC risk was investigate

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Cloning and expression of a lipase gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa into E.coli
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Fifteen local isolates of Pseudomonas were obtained from several sources such as soil, water and some high-fat foods (Meat, olives, coconuts, etc.). The ability of isolates to produce lipase was measured by the size of clear zone on Tween 20 solid medium and by measuring the enzymatic activity and specific activity. Isolate M3 (as named in this study) was found to be the most efficient for the production of the lipase with enzymatic activity reached 56.6 U/ml and specific activity of 305.94 U/mg. This isolate was identified through genetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene. and it was shown that the isolate M3 belongs to Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 99% similarity. The DNA of isolate M3 was extracted and lipase gene was amplified through PCR tec

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gene frequencies of ABO and rhesus blood groups in Sabians (Mandaeans), Iraq
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The present study aimed to determine the frequency of ABO and Rh blood group antigens among Sabians (Mandaeans) population. This paper document the frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Sabians (Mandaeans) population of Iraq.There is no data available on the ABO/Rh (D) frequencies in the Sabians (Mandaeans) population. Total 341 samples analyzed; phenotype O blood type has the highest frequency 49.9%, followed by A 28.7%, and B 13.8% whereas the lowest prevalent blood group was AB 7.6%. The overall phenotypic frequencies of ABO blood groups were O>A>B>AB. The allelic frequencies of O, A, and B alleles were 0.687, 0.2 and 0.1122 respectively. Rhesus study showed that with a percentage of 96.2% Rh (D) positive is by far the mo

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Elemental Cost Estimation with Relationship Analysis Using AHP
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Cost estimation is considered one of the important tasks in the construction projects management. The precise estimation of the construction cost affect on the success and quality of a construction project. Elemental estimation is considered a very important stage to the project team because it represents one of the key project elements. It helps in formulating the basis to strategies and execution plans for construction and engineering.  Elemental estimation, which in the early stage, estimates the construction costs depending on  . minimum details of the project so that it gives an indication for the initial design stage of a project. This paper studies the factors that affect the elemental cost estimation as well as the rela

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
Molecular Detection of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Genotypes from Cervical Lesions in Baghdad
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Objective Using two complementary techniques of virus detection human papillomavirus (HPV)[capture of hybrids (CH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)], relate the cytological study and/or cervical biopsy with high-risk HPV (HPV-HR) genotypes presence, as well as relating their viral load (VL). Methods About 272 women, who presented most cell alterations compatible with lesions cervical HPV, which has been detected in all high risk by the CH method and HPV genotype detection by PCR. Results In 22% of the patients it was not detected HPV DNA. Genotype 16 and/or 18 was prevalent and was found in 33% of the 212 women studied, meanwhile, mixed infections were found by several genotypes in 25%. In as for the histological lesions found, in 61 pat

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Potentiometric Determination of Mebeverine Hydrochloride Using Imprinted Molecular Polymer in PVC Matrix Membrane‏
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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Imidazole Aqueous Solution at 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K
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  M D simulation of Imidazole aqueous solution at 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K was carried out by using OPLS force field from this simulation we calculate RDF of N-H… OH2 and N…HOH type of interactions, the results show that the hydration shell around N-H site at 5A0 decade with the increase of temperature and reformed at 10A0, so N site has two conserved hydration shells at approximate 4 and 6A0 respectively these are stable in this temperature range but the order and number of water molecules are varying with temperature specially the hydration shell at 4A0

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Conventional and Molecular Typing of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi Locally Isolated In Baghdad
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Phenotypic And genotypic characteristics of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi have been determined for 29 isolates, from Baghdad in 2007. Conventional typing methods were performed by biochemical tests, and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Molecular typing performed by analysis plasmid DNA beside using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). For the latter, two universal primers that have selected for the high discriminatory power were used for RAPD analysis. All isolates were belong one biotype according to the differention by their ability to decarboxylat lysine, 29(100%) were lysine (+). All the isolates were susceptible to the Antibiotics used. However, all the strains free of plasmids. RAPD was capable of grouping the strai

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 27 2012
Journal Name
Bmc Blood Disorders
Molecular characterization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient variants in Baghdad city - Iraq
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Although G6PD deficiency is the most common genetically determined blood disorder among Iraqis, its molecular basis has only recently been studied among the Kurds in North Iraq, while studies focusing on Arabs in other parts of Iraq are still absent.


A total of 1810 apparently healthy adult male blood donors were randomly recruited from the national blood transfusion center in Baghdad. They were classified into G6PD deficient and non-deficient individuals based on the results of methemoglobin reduction test (MHRT), with confirmation of deficiency by subsequent enzyme assays. DNA from defi

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Scopus (21)
Crossref (16)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the infection with intestinal protozoa Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia among Patients who attending Bint Al- Huda for maternity and children hospital and Al hussin hospital in Nassriyia city in Thi-Qar province
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The aims of this study the infection with parasites Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia and prevalence rates and their relationship with gende , age group , the number of family members and source of drinking water among the patients at attending the Bint Al Huda and Al- Hussin Teaching hospital in Nassriyia city in Thi- Qar province , it was noticed that the percentage of parasitic infection at females was 38.55% and at males was 61.45% and the percentage of parasitic infection with Entamoeba histolytica 97% was higher than the percentage of parasitic infection with Giardia lamblia 3%,and the reduction of percentage of infection is associated with increasing of the number of family member ,the percentage of infection was 49% at the

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