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1D Geomechanical Modeling to Detect the Deformation in Mishrif Formation at Nasriyah Oil Field, Iraq
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Knowing the distribution of the mechanical rock properties and in-situ stresses for the field of interest is essential for many applications concerning reservoir geomechanics, including wellbore instability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, sand production, reservoir compaction, subsidence and water/gas injection throughout the filed life cycle. Determining the rock's mechanical properties is challenging because they cannot be directly measured at the borehole. The recovered carbonate core samples are limited and only provide discrete data for specific depths. This study focuses on creating a detailed 1D geomechanical model of the Mishrif reservoir in the Nasriyah oil field to identify the fault regime type for each unit in the formation. This is particularly important in CO2-EOR as it helps to understand reservoir connectivity and optimize CO2 injection. A geomechanical model is also necessary to evaluate the behavior of the reservoir and cap rock. This model can help predict the stress distribution, deformation, and potential failure zones. The Mishrif Formation has five units (from CI to MB-2). Based on the current results, the cap rock units (CI, CII) possess weak mechanical properties. The 1D mechanical earth model highlights different faulting regimes within the Mishrif Formation across various wells;as wells as, different trends of elasticand mechanical properties across the formation units. Some wells exhibit reverse (thrust) type faulting in the reservoir units and normal faulting in the barrier units. Conversely, other wells display strike-slip faulting in the reservoir units and reverse/thrust faulting in the barrier units. Also, the reservoir units exhibited it’s stiffness, brittle strength, it’s endurance to shear force and proved it’s geomechanical stability due to the high values of static young modulus, unconfined compressive strength, bulk modulus and relatively high mechanical properties it's important to note that the in-situ stress has significantly decreased in the barrier units.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 04 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nordhaus-Gaddum Type Relations on Open Support Independence Number of Some Path Related Graphs Under Addition and Multiplication
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In this paper, Nordhaus-Gaddum type relations on open support independence number of some derived graphs of path related graphs under addition and multiplication are studied.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Scientific And Technical Research
Topological Generalizations of Rough Concepts
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The importance of topology as a tool in preference theory is what motivates this study in which we characterize topologies generating by digraphs. In this paper, we generalized the notions of rough set concepts using two topological structures generated by out (resp. in)-degree sets of vertices on general digraph. New types of topological rough sets are initiated and studied using new types of topological sets. Some properties of topological rough approximations are studied by many propositions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some of Estimation methods of Stress-Strength Model: R = P(Y < X < Z)
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In this study, the stress-strength model R = P(Y < X < Z)  is discussed as an important parts of reliability system by assuming that the random variables follow Invers Rayleigh Distribution. Some traditional estimation methods are used    to estimate the parameters  namely; Maximum Likelihood, Moment method, and Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator and Shrinkage estimator using three types of shrinkage weight factors. As well as, Monte Carlo simulation are used to compare the estimation methods based on mean squared error criteria.  

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Gompertz Fréchet stress-strength Reliability Estimation
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In this paper, the reliability of the stress-strength model is derived for probability P(Y<X) of a component having its strength X exposed to one independent stress Y, when X and Y are following Gompertz Fréchet distribution with unknown shape parameters and known parameters . Different methods were used to estimate reliability R and Gompertz Fréchet distribution parameters, which are maximum likelihood, least square, weighted least square, regression, and ranked set sampling. Also, a comparison of these estimators was made by a simulation study based on mean square error (MSE) criteria. The comparison confirms that the performance of the maximum likelihood estimator is better than that of the other estimators.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Offshore Technology Conference Asia
Prediction of Hydrate Phase Equilibrium Conditions for Different Gas Mixtures
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Abstract<p>Gas hydrate formation poses a significant threat to the production, processing, and transportation of natural gas. Accurate predictions of gas hydrate equilibrium conditions are essential for designing the gas production systems at safe operating conditions and mitigating the problems caused by hydrates formation. A new hydrate correlation for predicting gas hydrate equilibrium conditions was obtained for different gas mixtures containing methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The new correlation is proposed for a pressure range of 1.7-330 MPa, a temperature range of 273-320 K, and for gas mixtures with specific gravity range of 0.553 to 1. The nonlinear regression technique was applie</p> ... Show More
Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 21 2021
Journal Name
Recent Innovations In Chemical Engineering (formerly Recent Patents On Chemical Engineering)
Soap Production Using Vacuum Reactive Distillation: Batch Model
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Introduction: Although soap industry is known from hundreds of years, the development accompanied with this industry was little. The development implied the mechanical equipment and the additive materials necessary to produce soap with the best specifications of shape, physical and chemical properties. Objectives: This research studies the use of vacuum reactive distillation VRD technique for soap production. Methods: Olein and Palmitin in the ratio of 3 to 1 were mixed in a flask with NaOH solution in stoichiometric amount under different vacuum pressures from -0.35 to -0.5 bar. Total conversion was reached by using the VRD technique. The soap produced by the VRD method was compared with soap prepared by the reaction - only method which

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis and Characteristics of Ag, Cu/Au Core/Shell Nanoparticles Produced by Pulse Laser Ablation
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Colloidal dispersions of mono Au, Ag , Cu and bimetallic Ag/Au and Cu/Au
core/shell nanoparticles are synthesized by pulsed laser ablation of metals targets
immersed in 5 ml distilled water (DW). Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) and
particle sizes are characterized by UV-VIS and HRTEM, the X-ray diffraction
shows the structure of core/shell. The Surface Plasmon resonance of the produced
nanoparticles solutions for silver nanoparticles about 402 nm and copper
nanoparticles about 636 nm. While for the core-shell observed two peaks of SPR,
Ag/Au core/shell at (406-516) nm, and Cu/Au core/shell observed one peak at
565nm, because the region of gold and copper close together. The shape and
particle size have been con

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Toxic Metal Ions (Arsenic) Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
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In this work, a Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology was proposed. A thin layer of gold (Au) was deposited on a D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF), which was coated with plasmonic chemically stable gold material with a thickness of 40nm. The performance parameters like sensitivity including wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity and resolution were evaluated by simulation using COMSOL software. The proposed sensor was created by using the finite element approach, it is numerically examined. The results show that the surface of D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber coated with Au behaves as a sensor to detect the refractive index (IR) of toxic metal ions. The impacts of the str

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Analysis of BIMD Double Clad MMF -MZI Using Optiwave Simulation
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This work focused on principle of higher order mode excitation using in- line Double Clad Multi-Mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (DC-MM-MZI). The DC-MM-MZI was designed with 50 cm etched MMF. The etching length is 5cm. The tenability of this interferometer was studied using opt grating ver.4.2.2 and optiwave
ver. 7 simulator. After removing (25, 35, 45, 55) μm from MMF and immersing this segment of MMF with water bath contained distilled water and ethanol, in addition to, air. Pulsed laser source  centered at 1546.7nm ,pulse width 10ns and peak power 1.33mW was propagated via this interferometer Maximum modes were obtained in case of air surrounded media which are 9800 and 25 um removed cladding layer, with peak power 49.800 m

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Publication Date
Mon May 04 2020
Journal Name
Offshore Technology Conference
Hydrate Equilibrium Model for Gas Mixtures Containing Methane, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
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Abstract<p>Gas hydrate formation is considered one of the major problems facing the oil and gas industry as it poses a significant threat to the production, transportation and processing of natural gas. These solid structures can nucleate and agglomerate gradually so that a large cluster of hydrate is formed, which can clog flow lines, chokes, valves, and other production facilities. Thus, an accurate predictive model is necessary for designing natural gas production systems at safe operating conditions and mitigating the issues induced by the formation of hydrates. In this context, a thermodynamic model for gas hydrate equilibrium conditions and cage occupancies of N2 + CH4 and N2 + CO4 gas mix</p> ... Show More
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