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Response of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with NSM CFRP Strips
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This paper presents a study (experimentally) for strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) beams with Near-Surface-Mounted (NSM) technique. The use of this technique with CFRP strips or rebars is an efficient technology for increasing the strength for flexure and shear or for repairing damaged reinforced concrete (RC) members. The objective of this research is to study, experimentally, RC beams either repaired or strengthened with NSM CFRP strips and follow their flexural behavior and failure modes. NSM-CFRP strips were used to strengthen three RC beam specimens, one of them was initially strengthened and tested up to failure. Four beam specimens have been initially subjected to preloading to 50% and 80% of ultimate load. Two of the specimens were either repaired or strengthened with NSM-CFRP strips. All the repaired/strengthened pre-damaged beams have been tested up to failure by using compression-testing machine. An appropriate-scale model was adopted. All the specimens have a cross-sectional dimension of 150 mm with an effective span of 110 mm. Depends on the experimental results, a better performance of the strengthened concrete specimens was obtained in both strength and serviceability. As a comparison with the control beam specimen, all the repaired specimens show a very good increase of about 40% in the load-carrying capacity and a high improvement in resistance to cracking of about 120% in NSM. On the other hand, the test results of NSM CFRP-strengthened concrete specimens with a preloading of 50% and 80% of the ultimate load show an increase of about 9% to 20% in the load-carrying capacity, for 50% and 80% pre-loading, respectively an improvement in deflection of about 2% to 27% in NSM, for 80% and 50% pre-loading, respectively.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessing the Effects of Al- Rasheed Electrical Power Plant on the Quality of Tigris River, Southern of Baghdad by Canadian Water Quality Index (CCME WQI)
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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Al-Rasheed power plant (RPP) effluents at Al-Zafaraniya city on the physical – chemical of the Tigris River by using Canadian Water Quality Index(CCME WQI).Water samples were taken  monthly at four positions  and 11parameters were analyzed . The results of this study conducted that there was a significant impact of the RPP effluents on increase of water temperature, turbidity and electrical conductivity, and there was an increase in the phosphate concentration and water hardness at station 2 and the model classified water of Tigris river as poor in winter and fair to marginal in rest season for drinking and aquatic life

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of work-life and relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University of the faculty members' point of view / Business School Case study
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This study aimed to identify the quality of the career path and its relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University in the Faculty of Business from the point of view of the faculty members by identifying the dimensions quality of work-life including (participation of decision making, training and development opportunities, and the balance between personal and work life, and to identify the level of organizational excellence through dimensions ( Excellence of leadership, excellence of the  strategy, and excellence of organizational culture). The descriptive approach was used. The questionnaire was a research tool. It consisted of (29) paragraphs, distributed to the entire study community and then received 127

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of electronic applications in the preparation of operational budgets: An applied research in one of the private sector companies for dairy industry / Baghdad
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A revolution called information revolution has recently invaded the world. It is Currently considered one of the most important properties of development to the countries of the world The criteria provided by computers such as accuracy, speed, time saving Storage and restore have led them to be widely used in economy, industry, agriculture, communications, etc., as well as being the major finder of reengineering the operations of innovation. The use of computers in the preparation of budgets will lead to achieve accuracy. Since, the operation draws upon the statistic and quantity estimations about budget items, the computerized balance sheet may save time and effort of preparing mathematical equations annually. According to the problem o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of IT infrastructure and its impact on the performance of human resources in public universities: A field study at the University of Diyala
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This study aims to identify the impact of using the infrastructure of the Information Technology (IT) on the performance of human resources in the public universities. This process is done by doing research in the size, quality, and efficiency of the performance, also speed of achievement and simplification of procedures. Diyala University was chosen for the diagnosis through the opinions and attitudes of its employees.  Consequently, suggestions that contribute to improve the performance of the employees and thus its overall performance are obtained. Another objective of this study is identifying the human resources which are currently used in academic institutions and educational services systems because the significant role of th

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the volume of Capital heldin stock prices: An analytical study in a sample of Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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 The capital in the bank is the important element in establishing it, because it maintains the banking sector in the event of exposure to losses or risks In addition to contributing to the provision of liquidity And protection of depositors' money from potential and unexpected losses. There is also a relationship between the prices of shares and the indicators of the durability of the capital owned, considering that the shares are the components of the bank capital The study limited the indicators of capital to assets and capital to deposits, capital to loans and financial investments Where the most important conclusions are the damage to the detriment of shareholders in contrast to the depositors in the case of increasing the propo

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 19 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
A study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart and their relationship to the phosphagenic and lactic energy systems of young basketball players
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It was found that there was a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume, EF volume, and left ventricular volume during diastole LVDD) with the test of the oxygen-phosphating energy system (Markaria). - As safe (Margaria-Kalamen( It was found that there is a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (myocardial systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume EDV, and the percentage of heart pumpingEF blood, and left ventricular volume during diastole (LVDD) with the Lactational Oxygen Energy System Test (Wingate Test 30 Second(

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure and evaluate the return and risk formulas of Islamic Finance: Empirical study of the state of Jordan Islamic Bank and Islamic Arab International Bank
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    The study aims to measure and evaluate the return and the risk formulas of Islamic finance of Jordan during the period (2000 – 2009) according of increasing  importance of these banks in recent and coming years to face challenges to maximize returns and minimize risks through financing with  Islamic formula to investigate of existence statistical significant  relationship between returns and risking Islamic bank , has been use of financial other statistical  measurement. Measuring return and risk of Islamic banks have not been widely considered ,except in few descriptive studies . The controversy among academic and professionals about hot to measure and evaluate a comprehe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs in Scientific Disciplines at the Faculty of Education in Al-Aqsa University in Light of the Requirements of the Labor Market
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The current study seeks to evaluate teacher preparation programs in the scientific disciplines at the College of Education in Al-Aqsa University in the light of the requirements of the labor market. It further aims to reveal the significance of the differences in the sample members’ response averages of to the availability of labor market requirements in the program that prepares the teacher of scientific disciplines at the Faculty of Education in Al-Aqsa University taking into account the (gender, program) variables. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, and so a questionnaire was distributed to a sample of scientific discipline students in the teacher preparation program adopted in Al-Aqsa University, (200) male and

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Colorimetry and Indirect X-ray Fluorescence Determination of Active Ingredients in Tetracycline Hydrochloride Drug and Injection Solution of B12 Vitamin Using of Polyurethane Foam Sorbents
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The simple and available technique of colorimetry and indirect X-ray fluorescence determination of tetracycline hydrochloride (in the form of colored complex with iron(III) ions) and cyanocobalamine (in the form of the colored thiocyanate complex with cobalt(II) ions) is offered. The analytes were separated from the accompanying components by sorption to polyurethane foam based on ethers. The conditions of sorption separation and measurement of analytical signal of these substances are optimized. The obtained results of tetracycline drugs and injection solution B12 vitamin are in satisfactory agreement with data declared by the manufacturer.

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